Bayan College of Science & Technology
Bayan College of Science & Technology was established in 1991 as a center of higher education institution for teaching engineering and computer related fields. Since then, major socio-economic changes took place as a result of the information technology revolution. This was evident in business, employment market, education and research. Bayan College conducted several studies in various fields by specialized scientists in order to cope with accelerating changes that taking place in the country. <mark>The college is committed to produce distinguished graduates with high skills and outstanding ethical standards.</mark>

Canadian Sudanese College
At CSC, our technology degree programs are anchored with Tech Core: strategically designed curriculum, with a hands-on approach built for today’s skills you’ll need for today’s Internet of Things (IoT) Business and economy. <mark>Gain skills and knowledge in high-growth areas such as software development, information systems, web development, and information security.</mark>

Napata College
In the BSc four years program in IT at Napata is designed to furnish students with an advanced understanding of the core concepts as well as the relevant skills required by an ever expanding market. In addition to the core requirements; courses include, among others, programming languages, algorithms and data bases. Interactive learning and electives are designed to add flexibility for each individual student to customize the academic interests and job interests of his choice. Needless to say that the major objective of our learning units is to <mark>prepare our graduates for the best jobs in software engineering, finance, management and other related fields. In addition, the curriculum is designed to promote a wide range of technical and organizational competences as well as an understanding of pivotal business dynamics.</mark> <p></p> The Napata’s BSc in Information Technology provides the knowledge to successfully apply information technology theory and principles to address real world business opportunities and challenges. <mark>The program covers fundamental and advanced knowledge in core technologies such as systems integration, web systems, network architecture, database design, information security, programming and other supporting IT principles. </mark>

Nahda College
The information technology program provides students with basic sciences and applied skills in the field of information technology through academic study and practical training. Provides graduates to cover the needs of the local and global labor market in the field of information technology by providing distinguished academic programs in the field of information technology, both theoretical and practical Provides students with the ability to design and develop capabilities, innovation and creativity. <mark>The Information Technology Program offers a 4-year (8 semester) scientific program where the graduating student is awarded a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology after completing 169 credit hours.</mark>

Gezira College of Technology
Sudan is experiencing a tremendous development in the information technology infrastructure, there has been a need for the use of modern technologies, while supporting the application of risk control programs through the use of information technology in the private sector. The Computer Science program <mark>prepares graduates with sufficient experience in keeping abreast of the radical changes that occur especially in the field of modern communications, networks and computer engineering, and to deal with these systems in all stages of the engineering process, innovation, planning, design, development, installation, operation and maintenance.</mark>