IEC - Sudan
IEC(Innovation & Entrepreneurship Community) is a national youth-driven NGO initiated in 2013, with the mission off activate the entrepreneurial activity among Sudanese youth, through raising awareness, organizing events, holding workshops, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities and bringing new opportunities that would support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in our community. <p></p> IECs goal is to <mark>build a vibrant startup community through raising awareness, organizing events, holding workshops, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities</mark> and bringing new opportunities that would support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in our community <p></p> OUR VISION<br> We envision a world class community driven by innovation, where our role is to support the entrepreneurial activity in Sudan with all the resources that is or will be available to us through regular researches in the field, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities and bringing new opportunities to the Sudanese youth. <p></p> OUR MISSION<br> IEC works on inspiring, empowering and supporting the entrepreneurial system in Sudan by <mark>offering opportunities and mentorship, building local and international partnerships, creating supportive programs and projects and cooperating with relevant government authorities to develop policies to contribute on supporting the Sudanese economy.</mark>

Savannah Innovation Labs
At Savannah, we are dedicated to delivering business solutions that empower our clients and community to achieve their goals. We are committed to producing the highest quality work and ensuring our clients’ satisfaction. Whether you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur, or large corporation, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your objectives. Partner with us and let us help you reach new heights of success. <p></p> <mark>We are on a mission to drive economic growth and development in Sudan by fostering innovation, building talent, and connecting Sudanese entrepreneurs with global resources and opportunities.</mark> <p></p> We aim to become the leading incubator and business consultancy firm in Sudan, investing in the ideas and talents of entrepreneurs and change-makers. By supporting and growing the Sudanese entrepreneurship ecosystem, we believe we can help create a more prosperous and sustainable future for Sudan. Join us in our journey and let us help you bring your ideas to life and achieve your goals.

Share Zone
Share Zone is a platform aims to support startups, youth led organizations and creative projects in Darfur region – Sudan on how to start, grow, flourish and sustain in the long term <p></p> It’s a platform where young Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Volunteers and Artists could come to share their ideas, opinions and available instruments in collaborative way, while the platform provides them with co-work space and capacity building (including career development) opportunities, consultations, mentoring and analyzing of youth/business related data. <p></p> <mark>Incubation Zone <br> A businesses Incubator in which incubated youth startups and businesses in Darfur will be provided with knowledge and skills, co-working space, mentorship, networking and financial support opportunities in order to transform them into successful scalable businesses in the market. </mark> <p></p> Webinar Zone <br> Monthly influential masterclasses in Darfur by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship experts. With a mission to inspire the local entrepreneurs and to create mentor-ship networks for Darfuri entrepreneurs <p></p> Darfuria Mentoring Program <br> Darfuria Mentoring is a three-month program to develop the skills of young women through weekly mentoring sessions with female Sudanese entrepreneurs, accompanied by regular weekly training workshops on entrepreneurial and business skills, computing and information technology, Time management, CVs and application letters writing, communication skills, proposals writing and other skills required for starting their own businesses or finding better opportunities in the job market. <p></p> Darfuria targets all young women aged 20-25 in Darfur who want to start their business or develop their personal and career skills.

Yalla Hub
Is a youth hub for social entrepreneurs that provides different services and inspiring environment with the required <mark>physical and technical support for various social actors to work together in generating of innovative models and adaptive flexible solutions to current social problems and challenges with a lasting positive impact on the community.</mark> The focus developmental areas in Yalla hub are: Education technology and alternatives, Renewable energy solutions and food security.

249Startups is a social enterprise that fosters and supports bright and passionate entrepreneurs. Established in April 2018, with the initiative of developing a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem that supports the growth and development of new startups in Sudan by providing them with an enabling environment and a set of different support programs and activities. <mark>A community created for entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of the flexible, relaxing and comfortable space, conducive to innovation and collaboration. We attract different people with unique skills and talents to connect, collaborate and grow. </mark> <p></p> Our Mission <p></p> Growth hacking the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Sudan, Finding innovative solutions and providing exposure to scalable Sudanese startups through creating opportunities. <p></p> Our Approach <p></p> We create an environment that increase productivity, innovation, and collaboration. 249Startups Hub is where startups and entrepreneurs grow together. This action aims to develop a vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem that supports the growth and development of new startups in Sudan that will: Support and accelerate potential startups, Generate new startups, Develop new customized solutions.

WeHub Sudan
Our vision is to put high performance, resilience and wellbeing at the heart of every business, create an environment where people and companies come together and do their best work. <p></p> We Hub's mission <p></p> We want to be positively recognized as an innovative and growing company. We will continue to make our mark in new and original ways through our modern living concepts. <p></p> <mark>We are shaping and designing a new people-centered world of work. Our mission is to unleash the talent and creativity locked up in each and every individual – with inspiring, task-based work environments and beneficial, professional services that enhance both the quality of life and individual performance in the workspace.</mark> <p></p> We Hub’s Story <p></p> We believe that business success is underpinned by the effectiveness of its people. So We Hub made its mission to help thousands of people have a great day at work - every day. <p></p> We are four different minds who joined enforces to create the best possible solution and we were asking how we could create a business to have positive impact on our customers, team members and our community. <p></p> Wehub co-working is the answer to that question.

Sumakers Lab
It is a place or a workshop where people of common interest, especially in the fields of computers, electronics, digital technologies, personal manufacturing, technology, science in general, and even arts and handicrafts, gather to exchange experiences, knowledge and ideas and participate in the implementation of projects and innovations, and its idea is a very intuitive development for the goals of the "Do it Yourself" movement and <mark>The "Sana" movement stems from the urgent need to practice these activities in a place where amateurs meet with experts, researchers with manufacturers, interested in technology with innovators, where the place forms a unique technical community that encourages achievement and innovation.</mark>

Impact Hub Khartoum
Impact Hub Khartoum is an innovation lab, business Incubator and social enterprise community center that offers an entire ecosystem of resources, inspiration and collaboration opportunities for startups and SMEs. They are an incubator and accelerator with focus on social impact, youth engagement and innovation. <p></p> Vision <p></p> At Impact Hub Khartoum, we believe that the world’s greatest challenges will never be solved by one person or organization alone. We need to work together. That’s why we set out to create a thriving innovation ecosystem where people collaborate across organizations, cultures and generations to solve the grand challenges of our time <p></p> Solution <p></p> <mark>Impact Hub Khartoum is a catalyst to foster social innovation. We are a global community, consultancy and a creative space. We work at the intersection of innovation and society to collaboratively create impact with an entrepreneurial mindset.</mark> <p></p> Approach <p></p> Embedded in Design Thinking, we foster collaboration, unlock creativity and create innovative solutions: <br> - Inspire: challenging the status quo is possible – we do it every day. <br> - Connect: accessing a professional ecosystem of change makers and curating interaction across silos. <br> - Enable: we disrupt mindsets, share expertise and the necessary tools to create a better future for all. <br> - Experimental: Design thinking gives the participant permission to fail and to learn from their mistakes by encouraging an iterative development process

University of Khartoum
The department of computer science does its best effort to offer quality courses through its continuously improved undergraduate and postgraduate programs, in order to build a healthy community of programmers, researchers and scientists. The department always believes that <mark>combining quality course material with best quality teaching raises the quality of the graduate students and the teaching staff themselves.</mark> So, in order to get the best services for the students and the university and also according to its believes, the department is trying to attract and help the staff to do researches and studies in the fields of their interest.

University of Bahri
To provide quality education and excellence research in order to prepare competent and professionals graduates in the field of computer science and mathematics. <p></p> Objectives:- <br> Provide excellence education with qualification competence to its students to be able to <mark> <br> - Conducting researches in computer, mathematics and statistics. <br> - Provide digital, logical and analytical solutions to education and society. <br> - Binding theories with practical solution. <br> - provide qualified people with high competence for society development. <br> - To be certified to local, regional and global institutions. </mark>

Al Neelain University
Science and education in the field of computer sciences and information are quickly advancing and have become an integral part of modern-age technology, greatly affecting society. To have professionally and academically distinguished cadres capable of the optimal employment of technology, the NU faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology was established IN 2002. <p></P Since its establishment, the faculty has been striving to become one of the leading faculties in its field in Sudan, by introducing new specializations within its departments, keeping abreast with labor market needs, and qualifying its graduates to be able to serve their nation. The objectives of the faculty focus on the on-going implementation of development programs to enhance performance throughout the faculty, as follows: <mark> <br> - Prepare academically and professionally distinguished cadres able to fulfill labor market needs. <br> - Achieve local and international quality and academic accreditation requirements. <br> - Rehabilitate and develop the academic and administrative cadres to enhance college status. <br> - Enter into academic, professional, and societal partnerships. <br> - Motivate students and faculty members to pursue scientific research to participate in the sustainable development of society and build the knowledge economy. </mark>

International University of Africa
The college teaches computer science, information systems and computer technology, which includes theoretical and applied studies. The college aims to <mark>prepare graduates who are able to use computers in various scientific and applied fields, in addition to directing the available resources towards study programs that address the needs of national development and the labor market in line with his specialty.</mark> The college awards bachelor's degrees in computer science, information systems and information technology.

University of Gezira
Gezira's Computer Science department is as diverse and varied as the field of computer science itself, offering courses and specializations in areas such as human-robotic interaction, intelligent tutoring and educational data mining, bioinformatics, computer security and privacy, and graphics and animation, among many others. Gezira stays at the forefront of this ever-growing industry so that as society's use of computers expands, our students are confident in their knowledge of developing technologies in the real world through their work on large-scale team projects that make a real difference to the community. <p></p> Our hands-on education ensures that graduates of the Computer Science program leave Gezira as <mark>problem-solvers and accomplished researchers who are ready to hit the ground running and make immediate contributions to this exciting and dynamic field.</mark>

Mashreq University
The program aims to studying the best ways and means of designing, building and maintaining software systems using the computer science programming results; particularly the application of theories in the process of system design and build-up. The program combines between the theories and the means of implementation in practicing of software engineering. Hence, particular attention is given to <mark>focusing towards the capability of developing software using adequately selected programming languages such as C++, JAVA, UNIX, WINDOWS and Chart Graphics, compatible systems, concurrent systems and methodology.</mark>

The Future University
It is the aim of the Faculty of Computer Science to instill in its students a desire for academic excellence, ongoing technical development, social commitment and value based leadership in the field of computer science. Graduates should be on a par with the world's best computer scientists but have an understanding of the social issues involved in their work. <p></p> The Faculty of Computer Science envisioned to <mark>produce skilled students, who are intellectually competent, open to growth, loving and committed to social justice and national building without any prejudice based on race, religion, caste or language. Likewise, to produce students that are at far with the world's best.</mark>

National University of Sudan
The vision of the program is to be a distinct regional provider of academic programmes in Computer Science and Information Technology. <p></p> Mission <p></p> Provide ever coping standardized academic programmes to graduate talented innovative practitioners in Computer Science and Information Technology. <p></p> Objectives <mark> <br> - Integrate Sudanese values and heritage in its curricula <br> - Cope with computer technologies and innovations <br> - Domesticate computer science knowledge in in the country <br> - Develop computer society <br> - Back the national organizations with problem solving software’s <br> - Provide computer services impacting community development <br> - Conduct research in the field computer sciences and technologies </mark>

Imam Al-Mahdi University
The college seeks in its mission to provide a distinguished educational environment in the fields of research and teaching, to help professors, managers, supervisors, mentors and students to provide their best, and to enhance cooperation and partnership with local community institutions to raise the educational process, encourage scientific research, and <mark>provide students with basic skills such as Self-organization, adopting their creativity and innovations in the field of technology</mark>.

Sudan University of Science and Technology
This program aims to qualify students in the field of computer science to contribute to meeting the country's need for qualified cadres in computer science and applications, which the country needs to bridge the digital divide and build an economy and information society. <mark>The program also aims to graduate qualified students for self-learning, personal development, advancement in graduate studies, and contribution to scientific research.</mark>

Nyala University
Nyala Information Technology major is designed to prepare students to become accomplished professional leaders and good stewards in technology management, data and analysis. The major trains up students with a solid foundation in current methods, languages, tooling and processes that prepares the graduate with relevant skills for entering the workplace. <mark>Each class will build upon another using a common programming language, ways to explore data and leadership qualities such as clear communication skills often lacking in computer science programs.</mark> The goal is to prepare the graduate for that all-important interview where they can demonstrate through articulate presentation a confidence in today’s information technology careers and display a working knowledge of current tools that help to provide solutions to businesses and industry.

University of Zalingie
The vision of the college is to be the leading institution in the field of academic, technical and vocational training and raising the efficiency of the local and regional community. Establishing the concept of technology, linking society with modern technology and information systems, qualifying and training community members in advanced computer programs, financial management and information technology, and providing the community with trained health personnel. <p></p>College goals: <mark> <br> - Achieving the general objectives of the university stipulated in the law for the year 1995. <br> - Contributing in distributing education, qualification and continuous training opportunities for the Sudanese certificate holders or its equivalent and all segments of society and developing their creativity. <br> - Contributing to the development and building of human capabilities and raising their efficiency through targeted training that leads to obtaining intermediate technical diplomas in many disciplines. Contribute to meeting the country's needs of well-qualified.</mark>

Bayan College of Science & Technology
Bayan College of Science & Technology was established in 1991 as a center of higher education institution for teaching engineering and computer related fields. Since then, major socio-economic changes took place as a result of the information technology revolution. This was evident in business, employment market, education and research. Bayan College conducted several studies in various fields by specialized scientists in order to cope with accelerating changes that taking place in the country. <mark>The college is committed to produce distinguished graduates with high skills and outstanding ethical standards.</mark>

Canadian Sudanese College
At CSC, our technology degree programs are anchored with Tech Core: strategically designed curriculum, with a hands-on approach built for today’s skills you’ll need for today’s Internet of Things (IoT) Business and economy. <mark>Gain skills and knowledge in high-growth areas such as software development, information systems, web development, and information security.</mark>

Sudan International University
The program’s learning objectives and demanding, hands-on courses are designed around employer needs. Throughout their time in the program, students build portfolios of increasingly complex projects using popular programming languages such as Python that mirror the current experience and demands of the IT workplace. <mark>Students develop projects, practice giving presentations, and review each other’s work in a convenient setting, ensuring that they are equipped with the expertise most valued in today’s marketplace.</mark> The BS in Information Systems program culminates with a capstone project that represents highly sophisticated, but practical, solutions to address real world problems.

Arab Open University
The Faculty of Computer Studies (FCS) at the Arab Open University (AOU) offers leading-edge programmes of study in the most in-demand fields through UnderGraduate and PostGraduate programmes. Currently, FCS offers a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Computing (ITC) with five track options, Bachelor of Science in Graphic and Multimedia Design/Technology (GMD/T) and a Master of Science in Information Security and Forensics. The ITC Programme and the MSc programme are in partnership with the Open University (OU), UK. <p></p> Philosophy: <p></p> The FCS philosophy is to <mark>keep its programmes up-to-date with the latest technical advancements, satisfying the relevant market/employer needs.</mark> In addition, the AOU, in general, is keen to keep its programmes revalidated from the OU, UK to provide our students with extra international recognition to maximize their employability possibilities.

Ibn-Sina University
We aim to prepare and train the next generation of computing professionals by advancing their potential in creativity and problem-solving techniques. These skills will empower our graduates in utilizing the integrated computational paradigms in a socially responsible manner. The ongoing evolution in the computer industry combined with the advancement of internet technology generates increasing demand for professionals in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and cloud computing. We offer BSc. honors in computer science, Cloud Computing, BSc. honors in CS – Internet of Things, and BSc. honors in CS – Computer Graphics. Our faculty also offers BSc. Honors in information technology. <mark>For better learning outcomes and life skills for our students, we apply educational strategies accompanied with academic supervision and advice through social and psychological programs to raise their social skills by volunteering in community services via conducting intelligent solutions.</mark>

Meroe University of Technology
Develop your IT skill set to meet the constantly changing world of computer science and technology. With an online information technology bachelor’s degree, you can strengthen your knowledge of existing and emerging technologies and prepare to move toward your goals. <p></p> Build your skills <mark> <br> - Develop skill to build technology solutions that solve organizational problems. <br> - Learn to communicate technical information to a range of audiences using a variety of communication modes. <br> - Apply security best practices in using and managing information technology and systems.</mark>

Napata College
In the BSc four years program in IT at Napata is designed to furnish students with an advanced understanding of the core concepts as well as the relevant skills required by an ever expanding market. In addition to the core requirements; courses include, among others, programming languages, algorithms and data bases. Interactive learning and electives are designed to add flexibility for each individual student to customize the academic interests and job interests of his choice. Needless to say that the major objective of our learning units is to <mark>prepare our graduates for the best jobs in software engineering, finance, management and other related fields. In addition, the curriculum is designed to promote a wide range of technical and organizational competences as well as an understanding of pivotal business dynamics.</mark> <p></p> The Napata’s BSc in Information Technology provides the knowledge to successfully apply information technology theory and principles to address real world business opportunities and challenges. <mark>The program covers fundamental and advanced knowledge in core technologies such as systems integration, web systems, network architecture, database design, information security, programming and other supporting IT principles. </mark>

Nahda College
The information technology program provides students with basic sciences and applied skills in the field of information technology through academic study and practical training. Provides graduates to cover the needs of the local and global labor market in the field of information technology by providing distinguished academic programs in the field of information technology, both theoretical and practical Provides students with the ability to design and develop capabilities, innovation and creativity. <mark>The Information Technology Program offers a 4-year (8 semester) scientific program where the graduating student is awarded a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology after completing 169 credit hours.</mark>

Gezira College of Technology
Sudan is experiencing a tremendous development in the information technology infrastructure, there has been a need for the use of modern technologies, while supporting the application of risk control programs through the use of information technology in the private sector. The Computer Science program <mark>prepares graduates with sufficient experience in keeping abreast of the radical changes that occur especially in the field of modern communications, networks and computer engineering, and to deal with these systems in all stages of the engineering process, innovation, planning, design, development, installation, operation and maintenance.</mark>

White Nile University
The curriculum provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a pathway to careers including computer programmer, computer systems analyst, software developer, and web developer. <mark>Students can take coursework and concentrated options in information technology, database programming, network administration, web development, and game programming.</mark> Students are strongly encouraged to consult with White Nile University faculty and Career Services as they begin to explore career options.