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Holberton School Johannesburg

Our full-time, intensive program will first introduce you to the foundations of computer science, then specialize in what drives you. Our collaborative, project-based environment makes every student real-world ready after graduating. <p></p> <mark>Foundations of Computer Science and Front-End Web Development <br> The work of front-end developers is what helps technology be usable to the average person, and companies with the best, most stable, and most usable sites are the most popular on the web. <p></p> Foundations of Computer Science and Back-End Web Development <br> Finding the perfect rental, sharing a photo from the cloud, and keeping data secure while using the web are all driven by back-end web developers.</mark>

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Clean Tech Hub

Clean Tech Hub is a pioneering hybrid hub for the research, development, demonstration and incubation of clean energy ideas, technologies, and resources for clean energy organizations and environment and climate friendly initiatives across Africa. <p></p> The hub provides strategic and invaluable support to idea and early stage energy entrepreneurs to help prove the viability of their businesses and access funding. With this, we aim to build a pipeline of Nigeria off-grid energy businesses which provide solutions to Africa’s biggest challenges. We provide funding and access to funding. <p></p> <mark>Clean Tech Hub’s Incubation Program <br> Clean Tech Hub’s Incubation program focuses on idea and early stage energy entrepreneurs and provides them with the support needed to prove the viability of their businesses. The Hub recently launched the 3rd cohort of her early-stage incubation program for clean energy enterprises. Interested applicants can apply.</mark> <p></p> Climate Fintech Program <br> Clean Tech Hub in partnership with New Energy Nexus launched a climate fintech program with the aim to catalyze climate finance for green development and promote the application of financial technology for decarbonization in Africa. In the first series of events, the focus will be on creating awareness, securing relevant partnerships, and fostering collaborations that will support and enable Nigeria’s nascent climate fintech sector to thrive. <p></p> Clean Tech Hub Startup Accelerator Program <br> Clean Tech Hub Startups Accelerator Program aims to build a pipeline of innovative clean energy and climate-smart enterprises in Nigeria and across Sub-Saharan Africa. This program is designed to nurture and support viable, scalable and investment-ready businesses by providing access to resources, business training, mentoring, funding and access to funding opportunities. <p></p> Energy Access Bootcamps <br> Clean Tech Hub organises regular “Energy Access Bootcamps” and has so far impacted over 500 students across Nigerian universities. The purpose of the bootcamps for Nigerian students in their penultimate year across tertiary Institutions in Nigeria, is to teach them about renewable energy and climate change; how to build a career and start a business in the sector.

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RAD5 Tech Hub

A venture studio where entrepreneurs and innovators are empowered to accelerate innovation and collaborate within the firm. Our ventures leverage shared resources to build, test and deploy new ventures. Our entrepreneurs are given a sense of community, exposure, mentorship and necessary support needed to grow. We guide them to building tech startups and products on e-Governance, e-Commerce, AgroTech, EduTech, FinTech, e-Health, Entertainment and AdTech. Our professional support for startups is across all stages of development from ideation to exit. <p></p> Our Services<br> Venture Building <br> As a venture studio, we invest in entrepreneurs and innovators to accelerate innovation and collaborate within the firm. We embed our team of top-tier operators into the ventures to work side-by-side with the entrepreneurs for a higher probability of success <p></p> <mark>Software Projects <br> We help individuals and organizations to build and deliver technology projects ranging from Web App Development to Mobile App Development. We use the 4Ps approach to effectively transform and innovate across the institution’s products, processes, position and paradigm.</mark> <p></p>Our Social Projects <br> We have a corporate responsibility to drive the adoption of technology in under-served locations. We achieve this through collaboration and partnerships with different organizations. We promote the TeenHack, Abia4Tech and Ladies who code Initiatives.

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TVC Labs

TVC Labs is an entrepreneur support organization providing strategic and operational support to innovative early-stage African tech-enabled ventures. We believe that African startup founders are building a better future and supporting innovative African startups not only creates economic value but also social impact. We also believe that local Angel investors are a critical resource to founder and startup development and that international support when led locally accelerates the development of our African startup ecosystem. <mark>Our vision is to enable technology-led innovation and independence for new ideas on the African continent, especially West Africa.</mark> <p></p> TVC Labs values intellect, innovation, independence, collaboration and integrity in all our relationships as defined here: <p></p>01.Intellect<br> We make the abstract concrete by researching, reviewing and assessing to provide insights that inspire action. We bring talent together that uses critical thinking to drive change. We partner with our clients to build the capacity required for sustainable competitive advantage. <p></p><mark>02.Innovation<br> We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, devices and methods that can be applied for better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. Being good is not always good enough as it can always be better.</mark> <p></p>03.Independence<br> Whether the required thinking is logical or creative, being independent thinkers enables us to increase performance, productivity, and efficiency. Independent thinking is the tool we use to open doors to opportunity for commercial expression. <p></p>04.Collaboration<br> We are a member of a vibrant, emerging, evolving ecosystem that requires knowledge, expertise and financial exchanges so our successful participation as those of others requires an ability to collaborate effectively and efficiently to the benefit of all. <p></p>05.Integrity<br> We believe Integrity is not just a core value, but that it is the fabric of every core value. It is the foundation on which we build relationships and trust, and it is a non-negotiable value we seek to always demonstrate and find in all people we engage with.

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Roar Nigeria Hub

Roar Nigeria Hub is a community that provides professional support to technology enabled startups, researchers, entrepreneurs and SME’s. Her programs are designed to develop a new generation of innovators and creators that will provide local technology based solutions with a global perspective <p></p> Roar Nigeria is hosted within University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) and is the 1st full-fledged university embedded technology Hub in West Africa, with a student population of nearly 40,000 and 12 institutions of higher learning within an hour drive from Enugu City. <p></p> <mark>The Hub is a hotbed of ideas, invention and market induced solutions created with the concept of a triple helix (An interaction between Academia, Industry and Government) and hosted in a serene environment with researchers, students, industry and government within a stone throw distance.</mark>

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iZone Hub

We are a Zimbabwean entrepreneurship and innovation hub that offers pre-incubation and linkages programs. We serve small businesses, makers and creatives helping them develop their enterprises in the digital age. <mark>We focus on developing actual skills and building people who run self-sustainable businesses. The focal point is on pre-incubation, incubation and acceleration of business ideas. </mark> <p></p> Zone was started in 2015 emerging from the need to help people move from ideas to businesses. Our training programs are centred on developing actual skills and building people who run self-sustainable businesses. Enterprise development in the digital age is of great importance to us. <p></p> Vision <br> To support the development of sustainable enterprises that solve difficult and important community problems in the digital age. <p></p>Mission <br> Equipping people with the business development skills and tools they need to build sound, solution oriented businesses.

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Cairo Hackerspace

Cairo Hackerspace function as centers for peer learning and knowledge sharing, in the form of workshops, presentations, and lectures. Also offer social activities for their members, such as game nights and parties. Typically provide space for members to work on their individual projects, or to collaborate on group projects with other members. Cairo Hackerspace is Hosted by The Townhouse Gallery. <p></p> <mark>We provides physical infrastructure that members need to complete their projects. In addition to space, Cairo hackerspace provide networking with Internet connectivity. Cairo hackerspace provide machine tools ( Makerbot 3D ABS printer), electronic instrumentation, electronic components and raw materials for hacking, and various other tools for electronics fabrication and building things.</mark>

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LearnFactory Nigeria

LearnFactory Nigeria is the first full-stack software development training and technology hub in South-East Nigeria. At LearnFactory Nigeria, our primary goal is to change our world through human capacity development; grooming technologists who can leverage technology to create impact. <p></p> Our Focus <br> <mark>We are passionate about grooming Craftsmen and Software Engineers; as well as education and how we can enhance its outcomes using technology. We fervently believe that for anyone to maximize their learning experience, they must transition from being just consumers of information to become creators of information.</mark> <p></p>Our Principles <br> We believe true effectiveness results from a fusion of Character and Capacity. Hence, our goal to continuously build a formidable team of expert software developers who can compete globally and deliver projects on-time and within budget. This consistently would increase the pool of developers we have available for outsourcing.

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Plus Innovation Hub

Plus Innovation Hub is a community of vibrant startups and tech enthusiasts in Lagos. We offer services like Annual Incubation Programme, Code Camp, Digital Skills Training, Hack SDG, Business Clinics and Masterclasses for startups, as well as organize tech meetups for incubatees. We are a founding member of ISN Nigeria. <p></p> <mark>We offer startup incubation and acceleration services, access to market, mentors and money (investors) and also provides state of the art facilities such 247 electricity, fast internet, meeting rooms, training halls, coffee corner, game lounge, shared or private office in a great ambiance with plans to open in other locations within the country.</mark>

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Emerald Zone

Emerald Zone is situated in the heart of Lagos, Ikeja. A perfect shared workspace suitably designed for small businesses, freelancers, entrepreneurs etc to carry out their activities productively. We offer a suite of office-like amenities such as private meeting rooms, kitchenette, hot-desk, projector, high-speed internet connection, parking space etc. <p></p> <mark>We provide you what you need in a workspace whole private office space. Our subscription plans vary and allow for flexibility. This subscription could be daily or monthly depending on the client’s intending usability.</mark> <p></p> VISION <br> To be the preferred Partner in Nigeria and Africa, offering organizational diagnosis and providing solutions to People Management, Marketing Services and Sales Capability, using Process & Technology. <p></p>MISSION <br> Provide our partners bespoke business solutions, through management interventions that enables realization of optimum potentials to compete favourably in the market place. <br>Our Core Values <br> - Integrity <br> - Excellence <br> - Innovation <br> - Reliability

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Agos Offices

Agos is an Executive co-working space located in the heart of Lagos, Nigeria. There’s no doubt there’s been a change in the way we work now. <p></p> <mark>Your business can enjoy all the benefits of a newly built contemporary luxury finished to the highest standards with customized kitchen and breakout area, private offices to ceiling partitions, card only security system and our fully serviced offices have the advantage of a central location in the heart of the City.</mark> <p></p> Impress your clients with a state of the art boardroom that exudes luxury and class, whilst your office space emanates the air of success to all who enter. Not to mention a unique ambiance and space to feel you have room to maximize your inspiration and creativity. <p></p> Our fully serviced environment allows your company to be up and running instantly and the opportunity to expand and the flexibility to enable growth is effortless.

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TecHub Spaces

We are a tech-centric coworking community-based in the heart of Lagos Nigeria providing services that enable SMEs and startups to thrive. <mark>We not only provide a co-working space but also an environment that enables creativity, networking, and productivity through our various service offerings and activities.</mark> <p></p> At TecHub Spaces, we believe work is important, but the right community and environment are more important. That is why at TecHub spaces, we are fostering a community of diverse yet like-minded individuals, bound together with the best work culture that is super fun, and exciting. <p></p> We provide more than a co-working space what we provide is a community where businesses and other initiatives can find support and opportunities that will enable them to navigate the VUCA ( Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world we live in today by leveraging the power of technology

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Yenetta Code

Equipping The Future - We’re an educational company inspiring a new generation of thinkers. Our goal is to provide learners with skills and ability to thrive in the digital world. <p></p>learning with expert<br> We have the best instructors who are industry leaders, experts in their fields, and able to teach best practices. <p></p>learning anywhere <br> Our blended approach allows you to learn at your own pace and in real-time with an instructor. <p></p> flexible classes<br> Join a class that fits your schedule. You can choose whether to attend online or in-person sessions. <p></p> industrial standard<br> Our programs are a perfect blend of theory and practice, providing you with a well-rounded industry standard education. <p></p> Why Choose us?<br> We are trusted by many students & non student <br> Our students love Yenetta Code because of our great instructors, convenience and affordable fees. <mark> <br> - Student Achievement is the most important thing. We must do it well. <br> -Our school is only as great as the people in it. There are no excuses! <br> - We nurture and inspire each student to be their best by instilling values that are important in all aspects of life, besides just technology.</mark>

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8thGear Hub

We firmly believe in creating enterprises with a sustainable business strategy at our venture studio. At the beginning of the business and throughout its existence, we place a high priority on speaking with potential clients. Years of failing fast and failing forward to create thriving businesses have helped us identify the conditions required to increase the chances of an idea thriving. Our in-house team of experts is on standby ready to turn ideas into viable businesses. <mark> <br> - Concept Validation <br> - Market Research <br> - Product Management <br> - Go-To-Market <br> - Visual & UX Design <br> - Engineering <br> - Business Analytics <br> - Company Formation <br> - Finance <br> - Operations <br> - Legal & HR <br> - Recruiting </mark><p></p> How We Do It <br> A business's development is not a simple stroll in the park; it requires a great deal of grit, guts, and resources. It is a voyage that should not be attempted alone. That is why our team of professionals, who have traveled this path before, has devised a mechanism that works effectively to help ideas scale. <p></p>01 - Ideation<br> The idea could be ours or it could be yours.<br> When we come across a problem that we think is intriguing and significant, we dive right in, looking for long-term solutions. The idea could have come from us or from somebody else. However, when we sense a huge potential, we immediately get to work. <p></p>02 - Validation<br> Speaking with potential customers from the beginning to confirm assumptions.<br> To confirm that the problem is actually a problem for the identified customer segment and to learn how they want it solved, assumptions are tested and validated by regularly engaging with potential customers. <p></p><mark>03 - Creation<br> Fail fast Fail forward<br> We don't spend decades perfecting an MVP; we deploy as soon as possible. Taking real-time market lessons and making adjustments on the go. We will keep working on the idea, refining and adjusting it constantly while keeping the customers at the heart of our decisions.</mark> <p></p>04 - Spinout<br> We spin out once proof of concept is achieved.<br> Once we have a small group of raving fans who are willing to pay and spread the word through referrals. It is past time to turn these concepts into stand-alone enterprises. Our in-house legal, branding, and human resources experts get to work right away, spinning them off as distinct firms with a strong commercial framework. <p></p>05 - Scaleup<br> Scale the Fundamentals<br> We allow founders focus on the core of their value offerings. Ensuring that as these businesses grow and scale the team does not lose sight of the fundamentals while we make sure everyother part of the business is working as it should

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87 Spaces NG

Flexible and Smart Office Solutions that lets you focus on your business while we manage your office needs. We are your best provider for smart and flexible business solutions - Virtual office, co-working, workspaces and serviced office in Ikeja-Lagos, Nigeria. <mark>Our centers are fully equipped to create a work-life balance for our customers within your budget so you can achieve all your goals. We will always remain a vital part of your day while you think of the possibilities that you will attain working with us.</mark> <p></p> Our dedicated workstations and hot desks may be your best office space fit. It allows you the flexibility needed to feel included, innovate and stand out within our community. Explore your freedom with our options and plans, Our co-working plans go above and beyond, focusing on community, creativity, comfort and flexibility. You only pay for what you need and when you need it. Our first come – first serve policy charges you to network with our diverse community of professionals. When you thrive, we thrive.

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Makers and Leaders Hub (MALhub) is an open, serene and beautiful shared workspace for startups and entrepreneurs at a lower cost than they would spend on space of their own. The hub gives small businesses and ambitious entrepreneurs the platform to work and pursue their goals in a revolutionary smart way. <p></p> MALhub Relearn Program is a 3-month comprehensive, expert-led, Virtual training targeted at solving problems while leveraging technology. <p></p> <mark> Our Vision <br> To improve the ecosystem through the power of technology. <p></p> Our Mission <br> To foster Nigeria's economic growth by providing job for the youths. <p></p> Our Value <br> Inexpensive Workspace provision. Community Of Like-Minded Professionals. Programs & Activities for Developer. Job Creation. Cool Atmosphere. Collaboration. Dignity & Respect. </mark> A place to develop your dreams, we will love to have you here! <p></p> Co-Working Space <br> We provide inexpensive workspace where people meet, work, network, share ideas and collaborate on projects that can improve the ecosystem. <p></p>Incubation <br> We help new and startup companies to develop by providing services such as management training, co-creation work space and business support. <p></p>Ecosystem Development <br> We improve the economic status by empowering youth, develop new technologies, and expand job opportunities in the community. <p></p>ICT Training <br> We offer intensive ICT training on web development, graphics design, UI/UX, 3D animation, robotics, office management and more.

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nHub Foundation

nHub Foundation is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization that works to enhance policy advocacy, gender inclusiveness, Technology for all, infrastructure/capacity building as regards Employability and Entrepreneurship, innovation and every aspect of social impact. <p></p> We have in place a comprehensive plan to equip you with practical skills and help you gain proficiency in various areas of ICT. Whether you are completely new to the world of ICT, or need to add an extra skill to your profile, we have tailor-made training services for all categories of learners. <p></p> Our training programs cover, but are not limited to Website design and development (in various languages and stacks), Mobile App development, Robotics, Augmented & Virtual Reality, Data Science and AI, Graphics Design and 3D Animation. <p></p> <mark> Innovation <br> We nurture young enterprising talents to discover and grow their creative prowess into proffering viable solutions to evolving challenges. <p></p> Community <br> Be part of Africa's fastest growing tech community leveraging on emerging technologies and data governance. <p></p> Growth <br> Equipping Africa's growing economy for sustainability through several impact-driven initiatives. </mark> <p></p> Our Vision <br> We have a vision of being the leading aggregator of sustainable ecosystems in Africa. We intend to empower a minimum of 5,000 youth within the next 3 years. <p></p> Our Key Principles <br> - Building on existing plans/programmes/strategies <br> - Enhancing communal/individual commitment and leadership <br> - Adherence to sustainable development principles <br> - Participation and meaningful involvement of all stakeholders <br> - Gender equality and inclusiveness <br> - Transparency and accountability

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Limkokwing University - Botswana

A broad-based programme of IT studies, which aims to acquaint students with a wide range of problems that arise in computing & information technology, together with various methods & technologies available as solutions. <mark> <br> - Programming skills: high-level languages — C++ & JAVA; <br> - Multimedia: awareness of multimedia use in computer programming; <br> - Theoretical & technical knowledge: importance of data and telecommunications to information systems, the emergence of the Internet, and the principles of underlying operating systems and their continued development; <br> - Individual development: acquiring analytical and numerical skills for computer programming, presentation and PR skills for various working environments.</mark>

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Botswana Open University

The Bachelor of Technology in Information Systems (B Tech - IS) program is a generic Information Systems Degree. The program allows learners to earn a bachelor degree that prepares them for employment in the IT industry or for graduate school. The B. Tech in IS <mark>degree offers courses in Computer Hardware, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Systems Security, Database Design & Administration, Web Programming, Visual Programming, Java Programming, Intelligent Systems, Management & Strategic Information Systems, IT Project Management and Entrepreneurship.</mark>  <p></p> The programme is targeting learners with BGCSE or equivalent certificates, and also provide an opportunity for Computing Diploma holders to upgrade their qualifications to degree level through distance learning. <p></p> Graduates of the program will, among others, work as System Administrators, Networking Professionals, Database Management Specialists, Systems Developers, Web Developers, Software Engineers & Analyst, IT Sales & Marketing Professionals, and IT Project Managers.

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Botswana International University of Science & Technology

Why Is This Programme for Me? - Choose a computer science degree, and you will be at the forefront of the next greatest technological innovations. To study Computer Science means being in the lead in positively changing the world and the way we live. It opens doors to many opportunities since its transformations manifest to every other discipline. Its manifestations indirectly affect areas such as medicine, business, law, physical and life sciences therefore this means Computer Sciences related careers are available in different discipline altogether. The computation power of computers has been increasing exponentially over the years thereby allowing us to address problems that seemed intractable only a few years ago. This power is anticipated to keep increasing allowing computer scientists to solve even bigger problems. Therefore, the relevance of computer science is ever increasing in our lives and this will remain so in the coming years. Further the program readies you to further your studies to Masters’ or PhD. <p></p> Computer Science <mark>equips the graduate with knowledge of the following areas where they can specialize: Applied Mathematics, Digital Image/ Sound, Artificial Intelligence, Microprogramming, Bioinformatics, Networks and Administration, Cryptography, Ontology, Robotics and Drones Protocol Development, Computer Graphics, Simulation and Modelling, Parallel Programming and High-Performance Computing, and Mobile Development.</mark> <p></p> What Will I Study? <br> Computer Science is a discipline that has grown to be the backbone of a functional society proving pivotal to medicine, biology, entertainment, business, banking, sociology to archaeology. <p></p> <mark>The Modules You Will Study Include                    <br> - Computer Architecture <br> - Data Communications and Networks <br> - Databases <br> - Foundations of Computation <br> - Human Computer Interaction <br> - Operating Systems <br> - Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming <br> - Professional Issues and Ethics <br> - Software Engineering </mark> <p></p> Career and Graduates Studies Opportunities <br> Our graduates’ knowledge and skills represent principles which will outlast today’s technology, making them highly wanted after by industry and commerce alike. Career opportunities exist in a range of technology industries or visually every industry that relies on technology to develop products or provide technological services. Popular computer science careers include: Software Engineers, Programmers, System Administrators, Network Engineers and many more. The CS graduates can also continue at the PG level, as the department has MSc and PhD programmes in Computer Science.

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The Clicking Generation

The Clicking Generation – ICT Academy for kids and teens is a social enterprise that offers computing and technology curriculum to kids and teens in both urban and rural areas of Botswana. Our curriculum offers <mark>STEM and technology related exploration to underserved learners who are future technology creators of socially relevant ICT solutions. Early child technology education is key if young innovators are going to become global player in the digital economy. </mark> <p></p> Digital literacy is the new currency! <p></p> Mission statement <br> The Clicking Generation intends to deliver the most appropriate computing skills and knowledge of ICT aspects to Batswana using appropriate interactive learning techniques. <p></p> Our Why! <br> <mark>We love what we do and our WHY is simple, we hope to contribute to the economy of Botswana and related national efforts towards the delivery of quality education to all learners. </mark> <p></p> In the spirit of ‘leaving no one behind’ we are contributing to equitable access for ALL, TCG continues to advocate for increased participation for women and girls in ICT and STEM related fields.

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Francistown College of Programming

Francistown College of Programming (FCP) is a tertiary and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) based in Francistown, Botswana established in 2014. FCP is recognized by Botswana Qualification Authority (BQA) the regulator of qualification, examinations and assessments in Botswana. We offer <mark>specialized hands on training in Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Cyber Security, we also develop software’s for the local market.</mark> <p></p> Programming courses Cisco Certified <mark> <br> - Java <br> - C++ <br> - Php <br> - Visual Basic <br> - Python </mark>

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BrainSTREAM's aim is to help learners in Botswana achieve their innovative potential and equip them with the skills they need to be more employable and ready to meet the current labour demand. <p></p> <mark>Our core focus is on Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics! S.T.R.E.A.M education puts an emphasis on preparing future generations to be successful in their careers and The skills gained from our curriculum extend beyond those needed to be successful in S.T.R.E.A.M fields.</mark> <p></p> We have designed our courses to prepare our learners for the future and equip them with skills such as Problem solving skills, critical thinking and collaboration whilst instilling the ability to think critically and challenge standards is the basis of innovation. <p></p> Our Mission <br> The BrainSTREAM mission is to <mark>educate and upskill our learners, enabling them to become the problem solvers and future thinkers of tomorrow.</mark> <p></p>Our Vision The brainSTREAM Vision is to be the leading innovative educational centre in Botswana, enriching the educational sector and to impart STREAM skills to local learners and educators. <p></p>Purpose <br> The purpose of BrainSTREAM is to introduce and develop STREAM Education in Botswana. We believe that by partnering with local educators and schools that we can develop innovative education and become the Gold Standard in Botswana. <br> 100% local owned - BrainSTREAM aims to change the face of education in Botswana!

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Harmony Innovation Hub

Harmony Innovation Hub is your one stop shop to incubate and accelerate startup growth. Our purpose is to empower the Nigerian entrepreneur with the tools and resources to thrive while providing an enabling environment for fostering innovation. <p></p> At HIH, our goal is to get you from idea to market. We provide an accessible and an enabling environment through capacity building, community engagement events and an encompassing startup growth program to make this possible. <p></p> <mark>Individuals <br> - Capacity Building <br> - Co-working space <br> - Internships & Job Placements <p></p> Startups <br> - Incubation & Acceleration <br> - Startup School <br> - Growth Opportunities </mark> <p></p> Corporates <br> - Technology Delivery Factory <br> - Consultancy <br> - Events

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The CANs Park

We're West Africa's first eco-friendly tech hub. We provide amazing work spaces, support government agencies, individuals and organisations working towards social development. We are using new technology to accelerate the impact of local & international initiatives in Africa. <mark>We are committed to building an Africa where young people are empowered to become leaders who through innovation will create a lasting impact on the African continent. </mark> <p></p> Our deep understanding of the African space and modern technology as well as our network of impact investors, consultants and government agencies help us deliver the best technical support. <p></p> Our ethos of environmental sustainability and innovation drives our services. The Cans is an eco-friendly approach to designing spaces where people do creative work. We are leading by example to show that we can build great companies while sustaining the environment. Beyond infrastructure, our processes are done to minimize carbon prints on the world.

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Smart Office Coworking space in Abuja provides affordable desk and office spaces to businesses. Our clients are entrepreneurs, start-ups companies and freelancers that enjoy our wide range of facilities. They connect, collaborate, communicate and commercialize their ideas. Why Choose us?<br> We want to help your business grow <p></p> <mark>Constant Power <br> Smart Office provides constant power supply so our clients can work without interruption <p></p>WiFi/Internet Access <br> We provide WiFi Internet access that you can use on any device. Our WiFi internet is very fast and reliable. <p></p>Document Printing Services <br> Our printing services are available for your business, we also offer document finishing and more. Smart Office Desks and Spaces Abuja Services <p></p>Projector/Screen <br> We know how important presentations are. You can always use our projector <p></p>Lockers/Document Storage <br> We have adequate Locker and Document storage spaces to cater for your needs. <p></p>Adequate Parking Space <br> Space crunch for parking is a big concern in Abuja. We have adequate parking Space. </mark>

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Regus - Abuja

Make a home for your business with Regus private office space in Abuja. Our serviced offices have everything taken care of - from the furniture to the high-speed WiFi - and with flexible terms allowing you to rent office space from an hour to years, you can focus on driving your business forward. <p></p> <mark>Create the right image for your business with a home in Tower C Churchgate Plaza’s stylish building at the heart of the CBD. With rapidly growing companies from oil, banking and the media close by, it’s a prime setting to build your business network.</mark> <p></p> Welcome your clients from far and wide, thanks to the convenience of Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, only a 30-minute drive away. When your meetings are finished for the day, entertain your guests in style at the modern restaurants and retailers just across the street.

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MRT Net Cafe

MRT Net cafe is a highly flexible space for business professionals to conduct meetings and work in a conducive environment that is fully equipped with all the facilities you need to connect with your clients, colleagues or staff all over the world. We believe our duty to our valued clients is to provide an enabling space with high tech facilities and state of art equipment that makes it easier to accomplish your set goals without any stress. <mark>From stable and reliable internet connection, to light refreshments to keep you going as you work, MRT Net Cafe is always one step ahead at anticipating your needs and providing solutions. </mark>

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Space Station - Nigeria

Whether you need an event space, a desk, private office, training or boardrooms, or an entire floor, we can offer turn-key spaces or can work with you to create a space that will meet your business’ every need. <p></p> At the Space Station we work independently, together to enhance productivity and community building through: <mark> <br> - Bespoke training. <br> - Simply sophisticated, well detailed and serene instant Private offices, Co working spaces, Conference, training rooms, virtual, home offices and Event spaces <br> - Well planned and curated formal and semi-formal events. </mark> <p></p> OUR VALUES Warmth and Professionalism <br>At The Space Station, We promote working together to enhance community building and productivity <p></p> Uncompromised Quality <br> We are committed to delivering quality training tailored to suit client needs, both locally and internationally. <p></p>Exceptional Support <br> Our vibrant team is ever ready to reply to your needs and questions. <p></p>Turn Key Spaces <br> At Space Station Abuja, we offer the latest office design trends like never before. <p></p> OUR MISSION <br>To ensure that everyday is a good day to not just get to work, but to look forward to the day’s job. <br>That is why we provide turn key spaces or work with you to create a space that will meet your business’ every need

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Impact Cove

We are more than a space. We are a community of entrepreneurs and professionals passionate about changing the world through ideas and innovation. Our community offers the best experiences and inspiration for members to increase productivity and explore new ways of solving small and big societal problems. <p></p> We recently rebranded to reflect our renewed commitment to building a thriving community of social entrepreneurs and change leaders. Through our programs, events and community initiatives, we seek to foster collaboration, leverage innovation and collective action as we empower emerging social change leaders and everyday citizens with resources to maximize social impact. <p></p> Social Impact Academy <br>Designed for emerging non-profit organization and leaders, SIA is a platform to equip social change makers with the tools and resources they need to make change happen. SIA is a capacity development and skills-building program for the social sector practitioners. Our training caters for a wide range of audience within the social sector, from emerging social entrepreneurs at the initial stage of their ideas, and those who have already tested and looking to scale. <p></p> OpenGov Social Impact Challenge <br>Open Gov Social Impact Challenge (OSIC) is a competition that seeks to identify practical, original and social impact ideas (especially those that promote open government, accountability and improved citizen engagement - broadly defined) promoted by emerging social entrepreneurs across Nigeria. Designed as a pilot, the program is presented as a platform that gives emerging social entrepreneurs an opportunity to showcase their solutions and access some resources (mentorship, training, and workspace) and potentially funding. <p></p> Social Enterprenuer in Residence <br><mark>Our Social Entrepreneur in Residence program provide dedicated mentorship, guidance and support for our fellows and community members. With our extensive network of resources, we provide consistent support to help our community members navigate the challenges associate with starting and scaling a social enterprise. </mark>

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It is critical for organizations to not only access flexible workspaces, to allow innovation, manage overheads, access a global world but also the relevant services to become entrepreneurial, in the drive for VALUE, INFLUENCE and PROFITABILITY. Read more about this in our “Going Global in the path to achieve VALUE, INFLUENCE & PROFITABILITY through Tongston Entrepreneurial Hub” blog, with more information on Tongston Entrepreneurial Hub. <p></p> The Hub is more than a platform to meet, work, learn, network & access Tongston’s world-class entrepreneurial Education, Media, Finance, Legal, Technology, HR, Data, Research & Admin services”. It offers: Entrepreneurial Workspaces: <mark><br> - Training Room <br> - Meeting Room <br> - Co-Working Space <br> - Virtual Office: Entrepreneurial Education, Entrepreneurial Media, Entrepreneurial Enterprise: <br> - “Enterprise-in-a-box” Tools & Templates with how To Guides <br> - Opportunities Centre <br> - Entrepreneurial Insights and <br> - Consulting with Admin, HR, Data, Strategy, Technology, Legal, Governance, Finance Experts </mark>

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Regus - Port Harcourt

Build an impressive base for your team in an innovative region, home to multinational oil and gas companies. Our Old Michelin Compound workspace is <mark>easily accessible to visiting clients, with dual-lane Trans Amadi Industrial Layout Road close by and great links to the city’s international airport.</mark> <p></p> Create a warm welcome for clients as they arrive through the covered entranceway, into a modern workspace designed for focus and productivity. Step across the street and you’ll find a collection of local restaurants, or take a break at nearby Port Harcourt Zoo.