Comoe Capital
Comoé Capital is a private company under Ivorian law created in 2018 by entrepreneurs and private actors including Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), a pioneering group in impact investment, entirely dedicated to the financing and support of start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sub-Saharan Africa. <p></p> Our approach <br> <mark>Comoé Capital works with Ivorian entrepreneurs and local suppliers to develop a dynamic community of SMEs in Côte d’Ivoire. Working with the entrepreneur, we build a strategy to boost the company’s development.</mark> <br> Our approach is organized around the entrepreneur with whom we aim to build a long-term relationship based on trust. <p></p> Our Impact Objectives <br> We are persuaded that companies have an essential social role in the real economy. <br> In addition to the extra-financial activities, Comoé Capital is a committed player in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria. <br> One of our objectives is also to promote the social and environmental responsibility of the company and build with the entrepreneur an action plan to boost the impacts on each of its stakeholders (employees, customers, local communities, suppliers…), referring to the framework established by the United Nations with the Sustainable Development Goals. <p></p>Entrepreneur Corner <br> In parallel with its investment activities, Comoé Capital publishes Entrepreneur Corner, a trimestrial magazine providing a sector analysis (education, health, digital, etc.), and success-stories of entrepreneurs. More than just an information support, Entrepreneur Corner is a real advocacy tool in favor of Ivorian entrepreneurship.

Janngo builds, grows and invests in pan-African digital champions with proven business models and inclusive social impact. We build digital ecosystems in high growth sectors by providing business support and digital platforms allowing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to scale and contribute to the economic empowerment of youth and women through job creation and capacity building. <p></p> Janngo uses a three-pronged approach solution to address economic empowerment challenges <p></p> Build<br> <mark>Janngo builds start-ups to address digital platforms needs in high growth sectors and capacity for youth and women on professional development and entrepreneurial skills</mark> <p></p> Grow<br> Janngo grows partnering SMEs by providing access to market through digital platforms <p></p> Invest<br> Janngo invests in startups in its portfolio and SMEs in its ecosystem to accelerate their business

Swan Factory
Our mission is to help African entrepreneurs transform an idea or a project into a viable and profitable business while maintaining an ethical and innovative approach. <p></p> Support offers<br> We support you throughout the value chain of building your business. <p></p> Tech for equity<br> <mark>Do you want to design an application and you don't have the teams or the skills? Swan Factory supports you thanks to a team of nearly 80 expert developers in different technological fields (web, mobile, cloud, IA, ...).</mark> <p></p> Business for equity<br> Do you need to strengthen your team or support to launch your product? Swan Factory accompanies you in the development of the strategy and in the application of commercial operations. <p></p> Capital for equity<br> Do you have a viable business idea, an infallible strategy and a dynamic team? Swan Factory brings you the financing you need for your rise. <p></p> Mentoring and support<br> Do you want to improve your skills or bring additional knowledge to your team? Swan Factory supports you in improving your operational and commercial performance. <p></p> Hackathon by SF<br> <mark>Want to create an event where marketing, commerce, and technology experts come together to accelerate a project or upskill your teams? Swan Factory can support you in this ambitious and innovative approach.</mark>

Orange Fab CI
We are a platform connecting startups to corporations for strategic investment and partnership opportunities. Orange Fab Ivory Coast selects promising start-ups several times a year and offers them a program to develop their business and to strengthen their management. <mark>Our aim is to build commercial partnerships with Orange market lines and the market lines of major group partners, both in Ivory Coast and further afield. </mark>.