Seeka University
Seeka University is an entrepreneurial university set to open its doors in fall 2020 in the city of Yamoussoukro, the administrative and political capital of Ivory Coast. the new university will start with a School of Entrepreneurship and a School of Engineering and Technology. <p></p>We believe that education should and must be holistic. Hence, our educational philosophy is to develop individual students as well as helping them acquire the necessary skills needed to become productive and self-reliant citizens. As a consequence, we focus on both the process (skill acquisition) and the individual (personal development). Very often, in the context of Africa, once they graduate from college, students expect governments to offer them a job. Our philosophy is that <mark>students should be self-reliant and become the captain of their own destiny. They must set the path of their own lives.</mark> As such, Seeka University is rethinking and redesigning education in Ivory Coast. We expect our students to ‘dream big and be the captain of their own destiny.’

Ivorian Institute of Technology (IIT)
The IIT wants to contribute to the emergence of a more prosperous African society through the mastery of technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship. <p></p> The software engineering training offered by the Institute therefore aims to <mark>provide students with the skills required to intervene in all phases of software production, namely: identification and analysis of needs, drafting of specifications. technical and functional, software development, realization of unit and integration tests, user training as well as deployment and maintenance.</mark> <p></p> Founded by the company director and Engineer-Consultant in the fields of ICT and business management, Caliste Claude M'BAHIA, the IIT is located in the city of Grand-Bassam, 15 minutes from the international airport of 'Abidjan, and 30 minutes from downtown Abidjan.

ENSIT is an engineering school dedicated to teaching and research in digital sciences and technologies. Established in Abidjan, two Plateaux not far from the ENA, it <mark>trains experts in technological innovation, managers and entrepreneurs.</mark> <p></p> Our majors in the engineering cycle <p></p> Artificial intelligence<br> AI Engineers: Overview of the Artificial Intelligence Major program Examples of Artificial Intelligence projects carried out by 4th year engineering students. <p></p> Automation<br> Ensit trains engineers who design and implement modern industrial systems natively integrating the tools and technologies of… <p></p> Linux administration<br> The administration of a Linux system is an important, sensitive and strategic task which determines the integrity, durability, accessibility and confidentiality of the resources (hardware, software, data) of an information system. <p></p> IT, connected objects and security<br> The major trains computer engineers capable of understanding the design and development of connected objects or services, secure systems and learning the latest generation languages to better accomplish projects. <p></p> Analog signal processing<br> Analog signal processing is a type of signal processing performed on continuous analog signals by an analog process, as opposed to discrete digital signal processing where the signal processing is performed by a digital process. <p></p> Database<br> A database is a collection of information that is organized in such a way that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated. It is used by organizations as a method of storing, managing and retrieving information. And the SQL structuring language is more in-depth.

Virtual University of Ivory Coast
The degree in application development prepares you for work in the software development industry with a focus on application design and development of web platforms. App development is a field that brings concepts in programming, web development, and interface design together. Using current and emerging technologies, <mark>you develop skills in app design, learn relevant programming languages for application development on a variety of smart-devices, and learn the policies and procedures for submitting apps for distribution.</mark>

National School of Statistics and Applied Economics
The DATA SCIENCE Master's program is a joint program launched by three academic institutions: ENSEA, INP-HB and X Polytechnique with the support of the ORANGE group, the CI general society and the SANLAM group. <p></p> This master aims to train experts in the field of Statistics, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. It will enable them to appropriate engineering based on new developments in the storage and processing of massive data. This course is focused on the one hand, on advanced computer engineering based on a mastery of distributed environments, parallel computing and NoSQL databases; and on the other hand on the methods of statistics, artificial learning and visualization of data adapted to the analysis and modeling of large masses of data. <p></p> <mark>The training program revolves around courses in Big Data storage models, tools and methodologies. The training is focused on practice with a preponderance for the real mastery of Data Scientist tools. Students in this program carry out practical work and studies related to theoretical learning.</mark> <p></p> Since English plays an important role, courses are dedicated to a TOEFL exam. The lessons will be given by professors from the INP-HB, professors from X-Polytechnique Paris Saclay as well as professionals who are experts in their field. A joint degree (INP-HB, X Ecole polytechnique) will be issued. <p></p> At the end of the training, the students of the Master Data Science program have skills allowing them to exercise the following professions: <br> - Data Administrator <br> - Big Data Engineer <br> - Data Mining Researcher <br> - Data Analyst <br> - Data Scientist

National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouët-Boigny
The department is split into 2 sections: A computer science section and a mathematics section. Each of the sections is seen as a whole composed of educational and research workshops, teaching of the same specialty. The department is made up of Pedagogical and Research Teams (EPR) made up of teachers working collectively on questions of pedagogy and research. The EPRs are grouped into a logical unit called the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Research Laboratory ( LARIMA ). <p></p> The structure is based on the specialties found in the Department, namely computer science and mathematics. Hence the creation of the computer section and the mathematical section. Each of the sections is seen as a whole composed of educational and research workshops, teaching of the same specialty. Pedagogical and Research Teams (EPR) are set up which are freely formed by teachers who agree to work collectively on questions of pedagogy and research. The EPRs are grouped into a logical unit called the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Research Laboratory ( LARIMA ). <p></p> Areas of research in Computer Science <mark><br> - Distributed Architecture, Parallel Architecture, Scientific Computing <br> - Networks, Software Engineering and Programming <br> - Artificial Intelligence, Database, Human-Machine Interface</mark>

Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny
When it comes to computer science, we leave no line of code unfinished. Our curriculum is dynamic, covering topics from programming language to data structures and algorithms to operating systems. You'll also analyze computer foundations from the beginning to the latest tools and applications. <p></p> With our focus on technology and your focus on academics, we'll make a great team. You'll have primal access to the data server room, the Information Lab, laptops, and printers. Not to mention the latest software programs, like Linux or Windows. <p></p> Upon completion of the degree in Computer Science, students will be able to demonstrate mastery of computer science in the following knowledge areas: <mark> <br> - Algorithms, data structures, and complexity; programming languages and compilers; software engineering and development; computer hardware and architecture <br> - Be able to apply problem-solving skills and the knowledge of computer science to solve real problem</mark>

African Higher School of ICT (ESATIC)
The purpose of the professional degree in Application Development and Information Systems (DASI) is to train technicians specialized in application development and database administration. <p></p> ACQUIRED SKILLS <p></p> <mark>At the end of the training, the student is able to: <br> - developing and maintaining applications (web, mobile, etc.); <br> - implement a functional architecture of an information system; <br> - deploy and administer a database; <br> - understand the organization and operation of a company; <br> - work in a team by developing oral, written and relational communication skills interpersonal.</mark> <p></p> The Professional Bachelor's degree in Application Development and Information Systems (DASI) allows you to practice among others the following functions: <br> - application developer (web, mobile, etc.); <br> - Support Technician ; <br> - tester and integrator of web solutions; <br> - software package integrator; <br> - database administrator

Eudist Technological University Institution of Africa
Computer science education falls within the areas of software engineering, particularly those of component engineering, software architectures, and models. The objective is to train highly qualified computer scientists who can be effectively integrated into the processes of creating and maintaining systems with a strong computer component. <p></p> Faced with the rapid evolution of technology, professions and the job market, the training aims to acquire fundamental and up-to-date knowledge which provides a solid basis on new technologies and emerging design methods. <p></p> <mark>The skills required: <br> - Being creative, methodical and curious <br> - Being attracted to ICT professions <br> - Being open-minded</mark>