Novation City
Novation City is designed in a creative way: Innovation as a driver of development to produce the most added value by relying on intelligent structures and the know-how of qualified human capital. <br><br> Support for innovation<br> Novation City and its ecosystem support you in: <mark> <br> - Bring your ideas to life and invent the future of homes, cities and factories; <br> - Create, design new products, services or uses using our open innovation platforms; <br> - Patent and protect your inventions or products; <br> - Access to sources of financing, human and technological resources; <br> - Bring your innovations to market; </mark> <br><br> Business creation Novation City enables the simplification and integration of administrative processes Novation City has focused on developing “One Stop Shop” services to meet the specific demands of potential investors. Novation City’s One Stop Shop is designed to help interested investors set up there under good conditions.<br><br> It intervenes at the level of: <br> - The reception and orientation of potential “investors”. <br><br> Implementation services<br> Novation City supports you in the implementation: Novation City assists you in collecting economic information relating to your project studied: market, competition, resources. <br><br> Facility and Property Management<br> In addition to modern infrastructure, an ecological environment and free access to highly qualified intelligence, and with the aim of satisfying its customers, Novation City offers companies that will be established there all types of services in addition to Facility and Property Management services. <br><br> Life in the City<br> Set of services related to business life, people's lives<br> Services related to business life: <br> - Reception areas; <br> - Banks; <br> - Meeting rooms, training rooms; <br> - Video conference rooms; <br> - Banquet halls,…

Nahdet El Mahrousa
NM’s incubator is the region’s first incubator for early-stage innovative social enterprises. Despite having started as an early-stage support platform, it has grown to support social entrepreneurs from the idea stage all the way to the growth and scale-up phases. <p></p> <mark> Clean & Green <br> Renewable energy, waste management, water management, food production, and agribusiness sectors <p></p>Creative Industries <br> Handicrafts and performing arts sectors. <p></p>Tech for Social <br> Startups leveraging technology to create social impact across sectors. <p></p>Wild Cards <br> Promising social enterprises from all sectors that are daring, innovative, and scalable. </mark>

IEC - Sudan
IEC(Innovation & Entrepreneurship Community) is a national youth-driven NGO initiated in 2013, with the mission off activate the entrepreneurial activity among Sudanese youth, through raising awareness, organizing events, holding workshops, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities and bringing new opportunities that would support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in our community. <p></p> IECs goal is to <mark>build a vibrant startup community through raising awareness, organizing events, holding workshops, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities</mark> and bringing new opportunities that would support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in our community <p></p> OUR VISION<br> We envision a world class community driven by innovation, where our role is to support the entrepreneurial activity in Sudan with all the resources that is or will be available to us through regular researches in the field, partnering with leading global entrepreneurship communities and bringing new opportunities to the Sudanese youth. <p></p> OUR MISSION<br> IEC works on inspiring, empowering and supporting the entrepreneurial system in Sudan by <mark>offering opportunities and mentorship, building local and international partnerships, creating supportive programs and projects and cooperating with relevant government authorities to develop policies to contribute on supporting the Sudanese economy.</mark>

Share Zone
Share Zone is a platform aims to support startups, youth led organizations and creative projects in Darfur region – Sudan on how to start, grow, flourish and sustain in the long term <p></p> It’s a platform where young Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Volunteers and Artists could come to share their ideas, opinions and available instruments in collaborative way, while the platform provides them with co-work space and capacity building (including career development) opportunities, consultations, mentoring and analyzing of youth/business related data. <p></p> <mark>Incubation Zone <br> A businesses Incubator in which incubated youth startups and businesses in Darfur will be provided with knowledge and skills, co-working space, mentorship, networking and financial support opportunities in order to transform them into successful scalable businesses in the market. </mark> <p></p> Webinar Zone <br> Monthly influential masterclasses in Darfur by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship experts. With a mission to inspire the local entrepreneurs and to create mentor-ship networks for Darfuri entrepreneurs <p></p> Darfuria Mentoring Program <br> Darfuria Mentoring is a three-month program to develop the skills of young women through weekly mentoring sessions with female Sudanese entrepreneurs, accompanied by regular weekly training workshops on entrepreneurial and business skills, computing and information technology, Time management, CVs and application letters writing, communication skills, proposals writing and other skills required for starting their own businesses or finding better opportunities in the job market. <p></p> Darfuria targets all young women aged 20-25 in Darfur who want to start their business or develop their personal and career skills.

Impact Lab
We support start-ups, companies and public institutions to enable them to respond in an innovative way to their growth and transformation challenges in Morocco and Africa. <p></p> Today, it is becoming increasingly critical to reconcile economic development on the one hand, and inclusion and sustainability on the other. <p></p> At IMPACT Lab, our mission is to accelerate the deployment of innovative African models to meet the socio-economic challenges of the continent. <p></p> AN AFRICAN VISION <p></p> Capitalize on synergies in Africa<br> Today Africa not only represents the last economic frontier of our planet, but also a unique opportunity to build innovative, sustainable and inclusive socio-economic models. This opportunity comes first and foremost through the ability to create synergies between African innovation ecosystems. <p></p> <mark>Based on this conviction, IMPACT Lab is positioned as a privileged innovation partner to support the growth of startups and private and public institutions in the main hubs of Africa and to deploy concrete projects and solutions, carrying these new models.</mark>

DERAZ Corner
Corner is a cowering space where creative minds meet, we bring together startups, freelancers, students, artists and architects to work or hang out in a creative pleasant work atmosphere, Corner aims to establish a contemporary, energetic & inspiring environment that meets the particular needs and characteristics of young people, <mark>Our space provide a wide variety of possibilities to stimulate creative thinking, inspiration, and promote a pleasant work atmosphere, to empower youth to advocate, work on their own ideas, talents and create a community of young change makers. focusing on art, architecture and creative minded people.</mark>

FabLab Libya
Our lab was founded by engineers who admired the idea and goals of a Fab Lab organization. It is registered as a civil society non-profit organization in Libya. Our lab basically provides public access to an adequately (but not fully) equipped Laboratory for digital fabrication and electronic innovation. It has been, so far, focusing in hosting training courses for kids and youth in programming, electronics and robotics, as well as running supervised DIY clubs for kids, various workshops and participating in events such as the first National Robotics championship in Libya. Furthermore, <mark>in pursuing its role as a STEAM education promoter in Libya, the lab has developed a curriculum for teaching programming to kids and contracted with a number of private elementary schools in Benghazi for teaching the curriculum to their students.</mark> <p></p> One of the very successful projects carried out by the lab, so far, was the 100 youth engineers and the 100 youth programmers; in which a large number of school students participated in a hands-on learning style training course on the basics of programming and electronics using Arduino development panel. At the end of the course ,the students were able to build their own Arduino projects or Android applications and participated in an end-of-course competition. <p></p> The lab has been providing the equipment required and the technical assistance for a number of more advanced college graduation projects. And this is the area which we want to work on further, by encouraging people ,specially electronic engineers and IT graduates, to engage in building their own (advanced) prototypes. Ultimately, our lab aims to become a real research and innovation center. <p></p> Recently, Fab Lab Libya has engaged on a project by Expertise France concerned with entrepreneurship. Through this project members of the Fab Lab are being trained in entrepreneur coaching,where the lab is required to train and coach female entrepreneurs to establish their businesses. In addition to carrying out workshops on entrepreneurship to youth and specifically to university students.

NU TechSpace
NUTechSpace is the first Technology Incubator specialized in Cognitive Technologies in Egypt,We help startups improve their product and business model and prepare them to scale worldwide. <p></p> Vision <br> <mark>To develop a thriving entrepreneurship ecosystem of innovative technology, education and responsible business that will contribute in trans formative impact on the Egyptian Economy.</mark> <p></p> Mission <br> We aim to help technology based startups and provide them the necessary tools to succeed through building, innovating, and commercializing their products to contribute to the economic growth.

Sylabs is a hub of entrepreneurship and technology in the heart of Algiers, they work to include entrepreneurial initiatives, particularly young ones, in the changing Algerian economic landscape. We are an innovation hub that is focused on social impact, skill acquisition and innovation and get most of their funds from Europe. <p></p> Created at the end of 2015, Sylabs is a company whose mission is part of a local development approach, through which we have developed over the years a strong awareness of the various constraints encountered by Doers. <p></p> We therefore know that creating value in Africa, the Maghreb and Algeria requires a lot of perseverance to overcome the many obstacles that can stand in the way. We decided not to see these obstacles as inevitable, but rather to try, on our scale, to file them down little by little in order to make them easier to overcome. <p></p> Among these obstacles, we have chosen those on which we could really have an impact, <mark>our actions are therefore oriented towards youth entrepreneurship, employability, new professions and equal opportunities on the national territory.</mark> <p></p> Today, with our network and expertise, we are in a unique position to rally people who create value, and together we use our resources, experience and skills to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Any special person who has an idea, gift or passion wakes up every morning with the obligation to make a choice: start working on it and cultivate it until it grows and becomes real or leave it to state of mind. <mark>CapCowork provides the infrastructure, knowledge and investment to exceptional entrepreneurs who have made the first choice to create breakthrough solutions together.</mark> <p></p> We are a project incubator specializing in consulting and talent acceleration. Dedicated daily to serving the members of our community with value and integrity, Capcowork brings together an entire ecosystem of businesses under one roof and has a diversity of programs and services for all types of businesses and projects.

Emir Synergy
Startups Incubator & Accelerator (BioTech,HealthTech & GreenTech)/Coworking Space. Our mission is to foster an ecosystem that empowers entrepreneurship and innovation, Medical Promotion, Business, Consulting & Training, Events Organizer <p></p> Whether exploring an idea, launching new technology or marketing your special product, the Incubator is here to help! <p></p> Our goal is to help startups grow from the dream phase to a reality, while creating lasting relationships and a presence in the community along the way. <p></p> <mark>We take initiative to address real-world barriers to growth, offer a critical and independent perspective, and partner with innovators to deliver social impact at scale.</mark> <p></p> We help accelerate emerging businesses by providing an array of invaluable services critical to successful business development: <br> - Facilities <br> - Equipment <br> - Resource networks, <br> - Entrepreneurial counseling <br> - Networking opportunities <p></p> Advantages <br> - Learn from experienced entrepreneurs & mentors <br> - Work with our network of corporate innovators and experts <br> - Access an excellent academic and corporate global network <br> - Find professional support by a multidisciplinary team <br> - Take advantage of office coworking space and its amenities <p></p> Focus Areas <br> - BioTech <br> - HealthTech<br> Major focus on digital health tech that challenge clinical practices, improve data analytics, and enhance the patient care experience. <br> - GreenTech

Algeria Startup Challenge
The biggest Algerian program that create opportunities for startup holders and ecosystem actors to build innovations of tomorrow. <p></p> We create opportunities for the ecosystem to meet and solve problems by creating innovation of tomorrow. <p></p> Organized in the form of a national competition bringing together enthusiasts and actors of the world of innovative entrepreneurship in Algeria, ASC takes the lead in the movement of innovative entrepreneurship with <mark>the ultimate goal of boosting the change makers with startup projects.</mark>

Algerian Center for Social Entrepreneurship
ACSE promotes social entrepreneurship in Algeria, values and federates the actors of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, and supports social entrepreneurs. <p></p> The Algerian Center for Social Entrepreneurship was created in 2016 with the aim of promoting social entrepreneurship, supporting Algerian social entrepreneurs in the creation, development and sustainability of their businesses. <p></p> Today ACSE is a pioneering player in Social Entrepreneurship which works to support innovative solutions to the social and environmental problems of our country. <p></p> To do this, ACSE launched in 2018 the first Algerian incubator of social enterprises, <mark>allowing young social entrepreneurs to act positively in favor of their country by giving life to projects with social impact.</mark>

Is a Panafrican incubator founded in 2018 by Algerian entrepreneurs, whose mission is to support project leaders by providing them with the ideal environment to realize their ideas and create their businesses. <p></p> IncubMe <mark>offers incubatees advice, guidance, recommendations, makes them benefit from new, formative and inspiring experiences.</mark> They will be monitored, guided and encouraged in their most strategic decision-making.

We consider the incubation as a privilege that allows you to take time to think about your project from an articulated approach with the proper resources. It is a support program that provides multiple means of testing hypotheses and bringing the action plan to real life. Our incubation program’s objective is to prepare the entrepreneurs for launching their projects on solid grounds. By the end of the program, the <mark>entrepreneurs would have developed their proof of concept while some would have developed their prototypes, and others would have even managed to acquire their first customer. The entrepreneurs’ projects will eventually be ready to take part in an acceleration program adapted to their needs.</mark> <p></p> Being part of Afkar Incubator’s journey requires taking time to think about one’s project from a structured approach while being accompanied by professionals. During these six months, you will be immersed in an atmosphere of collaborative intelligence, friendly environment, and a variety of experiences. you will mainly be working on: <br>– Formulating your value proposition <br>– Experimenting, testing, and validating your hypotheses <br>– Constructing your Business Plan <br>– Developing a Proof of Concept and a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) <br>– Developing your brand and increasing your notoriety <p></p><mark> Afkar Incubator is a free six-month program that is based in Tunis where the involvement of the incubated entrepreneurs varies upon the phases. It is essential to show up to Afkar Incubator’s workstation in the first and last weeks of the program. The entrepreneur must be able to devote around twenty hours per week to our program activities.</mark>

The FabLab ENIT is a student club of ENIT, which was officially founded in September 2014. However, the FabLab space has been present since 2012, thanks in particular to European collaborative projects. In the dynamic, competitive and creativity-hungry industrial context, innovation is a key tool to meet market needs. Moreover, ENIT, as the oldest of Tunisian engineering schools, must take up this challenge and address this subject by providing adequate training to its students by providing an appropriate space. The objective of creating a FabLab is to <mark>democratize digital and personal manufacturing, to encourage individual creativity and to help the start-up of innovative companies by newly graduated engineers and to support their development.</mark> <P></P> Thanks to the efforts made by the school to materialize the upstream parts of the innovation process, an ENIT innovation platform, based on the i-Créa@ and DICAMP projects, was created within the framework of Euro-Mediterranean Tempus projects. . The FabLab ENIT is the most suitable space to encourage any form of innovation within ENIT. It is the most adapted to the pedagogical and technological context of the school. In addition, the school has the majority of the basic equipment to launch a globally recognized FabLab, enjoy all the advantages of belonging to the FabLab network, and even respond to calls for tenders at scale. international. <P></P> Supported by the school, the FabLab ENIT will have as its main objective to promote DIY (Do It Yourself) culture, to promote education in technical sciences and to democratize digital and personal manufacturing. This place dedicated to manufacturing will mainly host student projects of an academic or other nature. Ideally, the reception capacity could be extended to a limited number of users outside the school. The FabLab ENIT project is an ambitious project, which offers students an opportunity to develop the qualities sought in a future engineer, namely team spirit, respect for deadlines, curiosity, creativity.

Factory 619
First Startup Studio & Tech Innovation Hub in Tunisia. We build and host startups. We created Factory 619 with an idea in mind: Plugging a technology innovation hub into the Tunisian startups ecosystem. <p></p> Everything a startup needs: <p></p> <>-COWORKING SPACE<br> Our Factory is 700 square meters large, dedicated to freelancers, nomad workers and startups. It grants a mixed atmosphere of friendly collaboration with the efficiency of a well equipped office <p></p><mark>-INCUBATOR<br> We run intensive incubation programs providing support, mentorship, and resources to help early stage startups build solid MVPs and scale up their business. Startups are accepted in cohorts and the program culminates with a Demo Day.</mark> <p></p>-STUDIO SERVICES<br> Factory 619 provides Startup-Friendly services. Our lean pricing system takes into account your limited budget as a startup, allowing you to develop your MVP or extend your product growth without burning your cash <p></p>-OPEN INNOVATION<br> We help establish an in-house Startup Studio mindset inside an enterprise ecosystem to assist companies in their open innovation process preventing disruption

BIATLABS is the BIAT incubator, a non-profit incubator that offers FREE mentorship to entrepreneurs, WITHOUT EQUITY and covers the incubation’s life cycle: Pre-incubation, incubation and post incubation. <p></p> Our vision,<br> <mark>Partner in excellence, our vision is to support the youth’s innovation and ambition as well as work towards an environment that is conducive to entrepreneurship, investment and business ultimately creating value to the Tunisian economy of tomorrow</mark> <p></p> Our values،<br> COMMITMENT, EXCELLENCE and IMPACT are our key words. <p></p> Our motto is to federate a community of entrepreneurs, partners, experts and to contribute to the development of the Tunisian entrepreneurial and economic ecosystem

Talent Hub Tunisia
Talent Hub is a space for gathering talent and sharing knowledge. Catalyst for synergies, Talent Hub opens the door to partnerships and networking via a coworking space, business training and incubation courses. <p></p> Concerned about the quality of the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem, we thought about how we could contribute to its development. <p></p> Having noticed that people with project ideas are frequently confused because of a lack of support, network and possibly training, we thought of creating a structure that meets these needs. <p></p> This is how we created TALENT HUB, where we offer a framework conducive to grouping, gathering and sharing, to the development of ideas, partnerships and networking. <p></p> At TALENT HUB, we aim for an open and dynamic regional entrepreneurial fabric by contributing to the development of a community of innovative entrepreneurs. <p></p> Talent Hub proposes to play a key role in the regional and national ecosystem, by being the place of convergence of talents and ideas, thus allowing the development of skills, the blossoming of potential and the completion of projects. <p></p> <mark>Our vision aligns with changes in the global economy, society and environment, which drive our mission and values:<br> 01. Incubation Accompany project idea holders in the creative process. <p></p> 02. Coworking<br> Develop a community of entrepreneurs regardless of their field. <p></p> 03. Training<br> Train in the jobs of tomorrow such as IT, development and digital.</mark>

Founded in 2012, just after the revolution, the Laboratory of Social and Solidarity Economy (Lab'ess) is an organization whose mission is to support the associative movement and to support social entrepreneurship as a lever for solidarity development, inclusive and sustainable. <p></p> The Lab’ess has been able to evolve and adapt to its context to act ever more effectively with the actors of change and increase its impact. <p></p> <mark>Today present in Tunis, within its collaborative workspace, outside the walls in the region and also in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, the Lab'ess, raises awareness, accompanies and finances all those who undertake in favor of the general interest through various innovative projects and programs.</mark> <p></p> The Lab'ess is a structure of PULSE, one of the SOS GROUP associations which carries out actions internationally.

Westerwelle StartupHaus Tunis
A beautiful green space in the heart of the city. WSH Tunis is Tunis’ first downtown coworking space and houses fast growing startups. Enjoy our services and embrace the challenges of building your business. <mark>Startup Haus Tunis is offering unique resources, local and international expertise and global opportunities for talented entrepreneurs in downtown Tunis.</mark> <p></p> Solutions <p></p> Desk <br> Your own desk for a day, week, or month. With all the benefits of a shared workspace, access to all our perks, a vibrant community and work experience. <p></p> Private Office <br> A dedicated space for you & your team. Give your co-workers their own beautiful space and enjoy all the perks that our co-working environment has to offer. <p></p> Room <br> Book a room for a meeting, class, or meetup. Create an exceptional meeting with our equipment and give your participants the experience they deserve. <p></p> Events <br> Host your event in style. Trainings, workshops or whatever you like: our spaces are designed to host small & big events, perfectly tailored to your needs.

El Space Community
We are a social innovation hub working on the partnerships between individuals, communities, governments, companies and NGOs who share a common interest and commitment for social impact. <p></p> Features <p></p> <mark>EL Fabspace for makers. <br> EL FABSPACE is a unique fablab concept in Tunisia. It is about open digital fabrication laboratories to inspire empower youth to turn their ideas into tangible innovations by giving them access to tools and resources including digital manufacturing technologies and machines. <p></p> The COWORKING space. <br> we provide a large and sunny space at the heart of Tunis. The space is the professional nest of innovators, entrepreneurs, startups, students, and organizations. <p></p> </mark> EL Wall project. <br> EL WALL is among EL SPACE’s first projects and it’s about getting the community living in and around the space to know each other and connect to each other in a very open and collaborative way. Feel free to download this resource and try it and let us know if you need help implementing it or any feedback that we need to do. <p></p> EL Events <br> Our venues are also available for everyone who would like to organize a community event. DO you have an event idea? Let's talk!

Impact Hub Khartoum
Impact Hub Khartoum is an innovation lab, business Incubator and social enterprise community center that offers an entire ecosystem of resources, inspiration and collaboration opportunities for startups and SMEs. They are an incubator and accelerator with focus on social impact, youth engagement and innovation. <p></p> Vision <p></p> At Impact Hub Khartoum, we believe that the world’s greatest challenges will never be solved by one person or organization alone. We need to work together. That’s why we set out to create a thriving innovation ecosystem where people collaborate across organizations, cultures and generations to solve the grand challenges of our time <p></p> Solution <p></p> <mark>Impact Hub Khartoum is a catalyst to foster social innovation. We are a global community, consultancy and a creative space. We work at the intersection of innovation and society to collaboratively create impact with an entrepreneurial mindset.</mark> <p></p> Approach <p></p> Embedded in Design Thinking, we foster collaboration, unlock creativity and create innovative solutions: <br> - Inspire: challenging the status quo is possible – we do it every day. <br> - Connect: accessing a professional ecosystem of change makers and curating interaction across silos. <br> - Enable: we disrupt mindsets, share expertise and the necessary tools to create a better future for all. <br> - Experimental: Design thinking gives the participant permission to fail and to learn from their mistakes by encouraging an iterative development process

Emerging Business Factory
The Emerging Business Factory is the first private IT and Media incubator in the Marrakech-Safi region and the only one of its kind in Morocco. <p></p> <mark>Also a coworking space, the Emerging Business Factory was a former textile factory nestled in the industrial district of Sidi Ghanem, the industrial and creative culture hub of the ocher city.</mark>

Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
Founded in 2012 by a group of people enthusiastic about social change in Morocco, the Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (MCISE) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding entrepreneurial and innovative solutions to every social challenge in Morocco. <p></p> <mark>We believe that supporting social entrepreneurs with system-changing ideas can provide benefits for Morocco and the wider global community.</mark> <p></p> In 2017, MCISE joined the Ashoka network of international change makers. <p></p> Our Vision <br> A world where innovative ideas and opportunities are at the service of the common good. <p></p>Our Mission <br> Find innovative and entrepreneurial solutions for every social challenge in Morocco.

Bridges to the Future
We exist to complete the existing entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing quality expertise to entrepreneurs but also to those involved in entrepreneurship (training, support, incubation, networking, etc.) <p></p> We aim to "Develop Fez, Morocco and Africa through responsible, necessary, autonomous, useful and sustainable companies" <p></p> <mark>Coworking space<br> After the launch of one of the first coworking in Fez, the first in Fez El Bali, Bridges To The Future launched the new concept of the business center in Fez with private offices and dedicated spaces <p></p> Entrepreneurship-innovation<br> Pack of services and programs at the service of project leaders or entrepreneurs (incubation, training, support, etc.) in partnership with local and international programs</mark>

Enactus is a community of students and academic and business leaders committed to using entrepreneurship to improve lives and shape a better, sustainable world.<p></p> Our Vision and Goals: <mark><br> - In entrepreneurship - our ability to identify opportunities and our talent to transform them into value-creating projects; <br> - Action - our desire to take action, to set up concrete projects on the ground; <br> - Us - a community of professionals and educators supporting a new generation of young leaders to become agents of change.</mark>

EBNI or EiTESAL Business Nurturing Initiative runs an incubation program that provides end-to-end support to business ventures to start their startups from scratch and take the same to the scale-up level. <mark>This incubator program specializes in helping hardware and IoT businesses in the niche of telecom, learning, healthcare, transportation, smart homes, and food, water & energy.</mark> They provide them with services such as; financial & legal services, technical & business services, business training, consultation, mentoring, incubation services, coworking space, makerspace, and membership & networking opportunities to the participants.

INJAZ Egypt's non-profit business program empowers youth and student entrepreneurs by providing them knowledge about entrepreneurship, financial literacy & work readiness.<mark> They empower entrepreneurs to work towards their business ideas, brush up on their business skills, and enable them to earn and secure a better life for themselves.</mark> This program partners with different universities and colleges across the country to inspire young entrepreneurs and build potential to make successful business companies by connecting them to experienced business mentors and customized training sessions.

Startups of Alex
Startups of Alex runs a business incubator program that provides startups with customized training, networking opportunity, guidance, business & financial skills, knowledge about business topics such as marketing & market analysis, financial literacy, business modeling, strategy formation, human resources, and management, technical assistance, and coworking space. <mark>This program also offers prototyping & digital manufacturing labs, investment opportunities, pitching skills, connection-building opportunities with investors & mentors, and recruitment support to the entrepreneurs and help them succeed in the industry.</mark>

Innoventures runs a 6-month Startup Reactor business program that accelerates and supports high-potential startups in Egypt. <mark>The participating startups receive mentorship, training, investment, office space, various perks, business support services, networking & pitching opportunities in front of potential investors.</mark> This program follows a five-step process Spark, Ignition, Plasma, Fusion, and Nova. These steps of the process support startups and help them build successful business ventures in the industrial ecosystem of Egypt.

Mint Incubator
Mint Incubator operates a business program to support startups by providing them investment to take their startup businesses to the next level. <mark>Their 3-month business program offers mentorship, customized business support, training, workshops, business knowledge on topics like growth, marketing, sales, finance, legal, accounting, governance, branding, and many more, networking opportunities, coworking space, and various growth-enabled business perks & tools to the participating startups.</mark> Some of its portfolio companies are Promental, Hire Bits, Reshrimp, Startup Manager, Mayday, Cyber Talent, and many more.

FinTech Egypt
FinTech Egypt is a unified platform to foster and connect all FinTech ecosystem stakeholders, including <mark>FinTech startups, financial institutions, regulators, service providers, mentors and investors.</mark> We want to become a globally recognized FinTech hub in the Arab world & Africa, home to next generation financial services, talent and innovative development.

EFG EV Fintech
EFG EV Fintech runs a business program that empowers and supports entrepreneurs and innovators of the fintech industry. <mark>This 4-month program focuses on driving the fintech ecosystem forward in the industry through strategic investments, pitching opportunities in front of top industry investors & stakeholders, seed funding up to EGV 1M-5M, and business advice on issues such as legal, finance & taxation.</mark> This program focuses on business verticals such as; regtech, insurtech, payments, proptech, money transfer, investments & savings, wealth management & Robo advisory, infrastructure technology, blockchain platforms, and borrowing & capital raising.

Governorate Economic and Social Revival (GESR) operates a 6-9 months incubator program that helps startups and businesses to reach from the prototype stage to the final product stage. <mark>This program focuses on technology business firms in the niche of health, education, food & agriculture, energy, and environment and provides them with funding, mentorship, technical assistance, accounting support, and training to develop prototypes into successful businesses.</mark> Some of its portfolio companies are Sun City, Mogassam, Crina, Bermuda, Green Light, and many more.

Falak Startups
Falak startups supports Egyptian entrepreneurs by investing in and mentoring startups throughout their journey to address their business needs and foster their growth. <p></p> <mark>We arm entrepreneurs with the necessary tools, resources, and networks to develop their strategies and scale-up their businesses. Our offering entails equity investment, growth hacking, networking, mentorship, training, and a wide variety of perks and benefits. After meeting the needed KPIs, our founders are able to showcase their startups on our Virtual Stage platform, a tool for connecting with potential investors, policymakers, stakeholders, and partners. </mark> <p></p> Although Falak Startups is industry agnostic and focuses on tech-enabled and scalable startups, we have an additional focused track that specializes in Financial Technology powered by EFGEV. We also foster sub-tracks that are sector-specific with the support of key industry partners. <p></p> Our startups operate from our fully-equipped state-of-the-art, 700m2 office, in the heart of Downtown Cairo, that meets all their office space needs.

icealex is a community driven technology innovation space with a strong social and environmental commitment. The main approach for ice activities in Alexandria is to provide an <mark>enabling ecosystem for action-oriented minds co-creating sustainable solutions for local challenges.</mark>