University of Dar es Salaam - school image
University of Dar es Salaam

The overall objective of this programme is to produce quality Computer Science graduates of high intellectual standard and calibre capable of designing and developing computer application systems, and to meet current and future needs in the field of computing, both in Tanzania and beyond. <p></p> Mainly, the programme is constituted of courses from mainstream Computer Science and the related Mathematics courses. These include courses in computer programming and software engineering, data and information management, computer networks, computer systems and architecture, and discrete mathematical structures and formal program semantics. Additionally, in the interest of imparting soft skills to students, the programme also includes courses on business and innovations, professionalism and ethics, development studies and problem-solving. <p></p> Students in this programme will attend an 8-week practical training session after the 2nd semester for each academic year, except for the 3rd year of study. Also, will have a final year project to enable students to showcase the knowledge and skills acquired during the course of the programme. The final year project aims to develop independent skills and experience in the practical pursuit of a non-trivial project. <p></p> Expected Learning Outcomes <p></p> Upon completion of the programme, BSc in CS graduates will be able to: <mark> <br> - Design, develop, test, configure and maintain software systems by the application of an appropriate software development process. <br> - Design, implement, configure and maintain computer communication networks. <br> - Specify computer hardware, software and interface requirements for business information systems. <br> - Evaluate, refine and solve computing problems requiring the exercise of sound technical judgment and knowledge of computer science principles. <br> - Make an audio/visual/written presentation to convey a body of technical information in a coordinated, comprehensive manner. <br> - Demonstrate qualities of a professional team member specifically in the areas of interpersonal skills, scheduling, working within deadlines and budget restrictions </mark> <p></p> Career Prospects<br> The programme opens up opportunities in several areas of computer science such as the development and implementation of software, designing of new ways to use computers and effective ways to solve computing problems. A graduate of this programme can assume different roles in the Computing and ICT fields such as: <br> - Systems Analyst <br> - Systems Administrator <br> - Network Engineer/Administrator/Consultant <br> - User Interface Designer <br> - Web developer and Webmaster <br> - Information Systems Specialist <br> - Internet Application Programmer <br> - Information Officer <br> - Software developer <br> - Business process Engineer <br> - ICT projects manager <br> - ICT Trainer

The Open University of Tanzania - school image
The Open University of Tanzania

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department is one of the five departments hosted under the faculty of science, technology and environmental studies (FSTES). The department was established with the main aim of enrolling students from Tanzania and other parts of the world who wish to become ICT professionals after they graduate.<p></p> The department offers two undergraduate programmes; BSc Information and Communication Technology and BSc Data Management. There are also postgraduate programmes; MSc ICT by thesis and PhD ICT. There are also plans to launch diploma and certificate programmes in the near future. We invite all ambitious and hard working students to join our department and take part in our programmes. We have experienced lecturers and professors who are always very excited to teach and train new and existing students. <p></p> Upon successful completion of the programme it is expected that a candidate shall have acquired the following competences; <br> - Develop a deeper knowledge in computer science/IT that is both conceptual and empirical based <br> - Enhance their awareness of the growing importance of computer science/IT solutions and innovations to the problems/opportunities in our society, nation and the world at large <br> - Develop capacity to apply critical and analytical skills in understanding and applying in our context from small to complex problems of computer science/IT industry <br> - Gain a comprehensive understanding and be able to communicate, prepare sound reports and carry out computer science/IT related research at minimum guidance <br> - <mark>Develop skills, values and knowledge to create end to end secure information systems to support the core business and/or an ecosystem of solutions that are interoperable or inter-dependent</mark> <br> - Develop the capacity on the appropriate knowledge, values and skills that support the life-long learning and sustainable development in relation to computer science/IT industry in the country and beyond.

Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science & Technology - school image
Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science & Technology

With the spread of computing procedures and mathematical ideas into many areas, there is high demand for professionals who are expert in both. <p></p> Our Mathematics and Computer Science degrees are mathematical courses orientated towards computing science. <p></p> Taught jointly by the Departments of Computing and Mathematics, they provide a firm foundation in mathematics, particularly in pure mathematics, numerical analysis and statistics. <mark>They also cover all the essentials of computer science, with an emphasis on developing software, as well as more theoretical topics.</mark> <p></p> This makes the courses particularly suited to mathematically-able students with interests in both subjects.

Mkwawa University College of Education - school image
Mkwawa University College of Education

The Informatics Unit belongs to Faculty of Science and offers courses to undergraduate students pursuing Bachelor of Science with Education where one of the major subjects must be Informatics. <p></p><mark>The courses that we offer include Data Structures and Programming, Operating Systems, Basic Computer Applications, Network Design and Administration, Software Development, Introduction to High-level Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, System Analysis and Designing, and Implementation of Databases.</mark> <p></p> The courses offered by the department cover both theoretical and practical aspects that prepare students to be ICT-teachers as well as experts once graduated. Furthermore, the unit administers a research project for final year students that stands as a measure of student’s competence upon knowledge acquired in the entire period of study. We have enough Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers specialized in various fields that can groom students to be teachers, researchers and leaders.

Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology - school image
Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology

Computer engineering involves the design and development of computer hardware and software and an understanding of how the computer and its devices interact - which is why computer engineering is closely allied with electrical engineering and computer science. <p></p> A computer engineer’s job also includes integrating software options with the hardware that will drive applications in many different fields such as: <br> - Biomedical engineering/food industry <br> - Design of digital systems in general <br> - Robotics/microcontroller/ microprocessor applications <br> - Design and operation of data communications systems <p></p>Our program will give you a <mark>rock-solid foundation in both hardware design and software engineering. The emphasis throughout the curriculum is on the design experience, leading to a two-semester project in the senior year.</mark> <p></p> Outstanding computer labs and facilities and a dedicated, accessible, full-time faculty will enhance your learning. You’ll reap the rewards of the individual attention you get from your instructors throughout your career.

St.Joseph University In Tanzania - school image
St.Joseph University In Tanzania

Our Bachelor of Science in Computer Sciences is designed for students interested in new technologies and computing systems. Throughout the program, you’ll gain the skills necessary to succeed in a career in computing and information, accruing technical skills, business acumen, and soft skills. <mark>Coursework includes concentration options in web development, networking and information security, and analytics.</mark> Students will also learn how these fields integrate into business operations.

Institute of Accountancy Arusha - school image
Institute of Accountancy Arusha

Society is growing more connected and computer-dependent by the day. In 2018, world Internet usage passed the 4 billion mark. As a matter of fact, almost every modern technology, whether directly or indirectly, depends on the applications of computer science. <p></p> As an aspiring computer science student, you may have caught some of the buzz around machine learning and AI, blockchain, the IoT, cloud computing, probability- based algorithms and fuzzy learning, and more. Are you only now hearing about these subjects? <mark>Are you already a geek that just has to get the lowdown on the latest trends? Have you heard of Swift, Rust, Elixir? Or are you still asking yourself the fundamental question of Java vs Python? </mark>

Moshi Co-operative University - school image
Moshi Co-operative University

Bachelor of Science in Business Information and Communication Technology (BSc BICT) is a full time three-year program under semester system. This program is designed to <mark>equip students with strong ICT skills and knowledge for designing and managing contemporary business applications, analyzing and solving ICT-related business problems as well as offering advisory services in issues related to ICT applications in business</mark>. Possible job titles for BSc. BICT include Software Developer, Database Administrator, Computer Hardware Engineer, Computer Systems Analyst, Computer Network Administrator, Web Developer, Information Systems Analyst, and Computer Programmer.

Mbeya University of Science and Technology - school image
Mbeya University of Science and Technology

This programme has been designed to produce graduates who will satisfy the needs of employers and self-employment in the 21st century, are ready to enter computer science employment, and are equipped to continue learning throughout their life. <p></p> The graduates from this programme will be flexible and able to meet computer science challenges of the job market or industry. The programme also addresses national needs articulated through various Higher and Technical Education Policies. <p></p> It is, therefore, expected that the graduates from this programme will have aspirations to become professional engineers. As such, they will likely take roles involving high-level managerial and organisational responsibility and be expected to provide leadership over a broad range of computer science activities. Skills required for such roles will be acquired from Management and Entrepreneurship subjects. The programme also contains a coherent core of mathematics, sciences, economics and communication skills, providing a viable foundation for further studies and lifelong learning. <p></p> A graduate of this program should be able to; <p></p> <mark> <br> - Have general knowledge and understanding of the key subjects in computer science and their interaction with other fields of study. <br> - Acquire detailed knowledge of key areas of computer science and an awareness of the emerging technologies within the field. <br> - Acquire the basic theories, principles and concepts of computer science as the basis for the computer science field. <br> - Do critical analysis and present information, ideas, concepts and qualitative and quantitative data related to computer science. <br> - Use ICT to analyse, design and present ideas and concepts in computer science. <br> - Demonstrate and use the acquired knowledge, understanding and skills to critically evaluate and formulate evidence-based arguments and identify solutions to routine problems in computer science equipment and communicate the results using a range of specialist techniques. <br> - Identify and address major learning needs within the computer science field and conduct projects and guided further learning relating to new field areas.</mark> <p></p> Apply the skills acquired for taking personal responsibility and initiative in deploying essential materials, techniques and practices for installing, troubleshooting, repairing and maintaining computer

University of Iringa - school image
University of Iringa

The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (IT) curriculum provides students with a broad foundation of technical skills and understanding. <p></p> The program curriculum is highly flexible which allows students to personalize their curriculum to obtain the necessary skills and knowledge needed for their desired career path. <mark>The core curriculum covered in the Information Technology degree program includes theoretical and applied concepts, including computer programming, networking, cybersecurity, web design, data management and analysis and more.</mark> <p></p> In addition to the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program, students may also elect to pursue a Concentration in Business with this program as well. This concentration is ideal for students seeking to create technology-enabled solutions to critical business challenges.

Zanzibar University - school image
Zanzibar University

The future of Computer Engineering and Information Technology has tremendous growth and multiple career opportunities for those with the right skills and experience. Zanzibar University's Computer Engineering and Information Technology <mark>program will provide you with the strong technical, communication, teamwork, leadership and problem-solving skills you need to succeed.</mark> You’ll receive hands-on training in network configuration, ethical hacking and network security, network automation, and cloud computing. <p></p> Our IT industry-experienced faculty will challenge you with hands-on experience in our cutting-edge computer network laboratories. CNIT classes with embedded industry certification examinations will prepare you for rewarding, high paying careers as a: <br> - Network engineer <br> - Security analyst <br> - Network consultant <br> - Network and systems administrator <br> - IT project manager

Kampala International University In Tanzania - school image
Kampala International University In Tanzania

Our goal is to offer a high-quality certificate, diploma and degree program that ensures that students will be able to integrate theory and practice, recognize the importance of abstraction and appreciate the value of efficient design created to meet clearly developed requirements. The programs are intended to prepare students for lifelong learning as they undertake professional careers in computing and information technology.</p><p><mark>They will have sufficient understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of Computer Science such that learning a new programming language, operating system, or information system will be viewed as a regular activity. Additionally, students will graduate with the ability to communicate well, both orally and in writing. Ultimately, students will graduate with an understanding of the context of their skills within a broader academic and applied environment.</mark></p><p>In particular, the core objectives are to make sure that students graduate with: <br> - Ability to clearly communicate technical concepts both written and orally. <br> - Strong problem-solving skills. <br> - Considerable knowledge of a broad class of problem-solving techniques (e.g.; this includes Algorithms, heuristics, and design techniques). <br> - Extensive understanding of the fundamentals of Computer Science. </p><p> Expected Outcomes of the Computer Science Programmes<br> It is expected that the students graduating from the Computer Science Programs to have the ability to: <br> - Apply knowledge of computing and information technology appropriate to the discipline. <br> - Analyze a problem and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution. <br> - Design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs. <br> - Have an understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities. <br> - Communicate effectively with a range of audiences. <br> - Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society. <br> - Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, continuing professional development. <br> - Use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practices. <br> - Design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity. </p><p> Possible Jobs and Career Options <br> -Applications developer <br> -Software engineer <br> -Data analyst <br> -Database administrator <br> -Cyber and information security analyst <br> -IT consultant <br> -Computer hardware engineer <br> -Computer network architect <br> -Games developer <br> -Information systems manager <br> -Systems analyst <br> -Web developer <br> -Web designer <br> -IT project manager

Jordan University College - school image
Jordan University College

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program, accessible to students regardless of programming experience, produces graduates who can process information using digital computers, design computer hardware and software and work successfully with various applications. <mark>Using both theory and practice, core courses provide a solid foundation in discrete structures, algorithm design and analysis, principles of programming languages, computer architecture, operating systems, software engineering and database management.</mark> Electives tackle new and important topics such as graphics and visualization, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, mobile applications, web programming, security, high-performance computing and wireless sensor networks. Students can also choose one of five areas of emphasis: business, computer engineering, data science, research honors, and robotics and intelligence systems.

Ruaha Catholic University - school image
Ruaha Catholic University

The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) is among the Faculties of Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU), formerly Ruaha University College (RUCO). It was one of the first faculties, established in the academic year 2005/2006, to address the demand for ICT experts in the country through the effective utilization of available human and physical resources to increase the University’s teaching, research and public service in ICT-related disciplines. <p></p> The Vision of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology is in line with the vision of Ruaha Catholic University. <mark>The vision of the Faculty is to be a centre of excellence in ICT programmes by providing modern, relevant and research-based solutions to the countless problems encountered in Computing and Information & Communication Technology areas in Tanzania by 2026.</mark>

Abdulrahman Al-sumait University - school image
Abdulrahman Al-sumait University

The computing industry needs mathematicians with computing backgrounds. On this BSc Mathematics with Computer Science degree, you’ll study information systems and computing technologies, and graduate with maths, IT and programming skills. <mark>You could move into a career developing operating systems, devising stock-control programmes or writing web-based customer interfaces. You could also make use of your skills at a consultancy firm.</mark> <p></p> This degree is for you if you have a primary interest in maths and want to develop your interest in computing. The course provides a foundation in maths, covering algebra, calculus and statistics, as well as the practical and theoretical aspects of computer science. You’ll learn about algorithms and programming and investigate problems, such as establishing that a complicated program works in a variety of circumstances. <p></p> You’ll be taught through a combination of lectures and workshops, by leading researchers in fields, such as group theory, computational optimisation and game theory.

United African University of Tanzania - school image
United African University of Tanzania

The goal of the Computer Engineering Technology program is to provide students with a high quality applications-oriented undergraduate education based on state-of-the-art technology as a preparation for productive employment in the broad field of microcomputer applications. This goal is achieved through continual updating of course content to ensure relevance to the latest industrial changes, supporting the development of appropriate computer facilities, promoting the integration of advanced computer technology in all courses, and encouraging professional growth and development of the faculty. The program is designed to satisfy the educational needs of the urban Dar Es Salaam community by providing a climate that fosters self-awareness, personal growth, and a desire for life-long learning. <p></p> At the end of the Computer Engineering bachelor’s degree, <mark>graduates will have acquired a wide range of fundamental knowledge, especially in the math, information science (computing, electronics, telecommunications), and engineering management fields.</mark> By considering the rapid rise in society’s need for information, the student will have developed the capacity to understand and value the working principles of processing systems, both in hardware (system architecture) and software aspects, being able to identify, formulate, and resolve the diverse problems by using updated methods, techniques, and instruments.