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Somaliland Innovation Zone

The government of Somaliland, through the Ministry of ICT, established the Somaliland Innovation Zone (SIZ) in October 2021 with the goal of creating an innovation ecosystem and encouraging entrepreneurship as innovation appears to be the key enabler of development in any sphere of life, including economic growth, educational accessibility, environmental sustainability, communication, better well-being, and youth employment, which the government considers superior. <br><br> SERVES PROVIDE by SIZ <br> - Training <br> - Mentorship <br> - Co-working Space <br> - Seed Funding <br><br> Somaliland Innovation Zone always <mark>emphasizes the development of Tech simple-to-use product and services that are highly marketable to enhance ICT skills,</mark> these have the following goals: <br> - Create innovation ecosystem <br> - Providing sustainable support to national innovators. <br> - Promoting ICT products, services, and solutions to improve both public and private local economies <br> - Reducing youth unemployment through providing highly ICT skills

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Microsoft African Development Centre - Kenya

Developer Communities are an essential part of Microsoft's mission to enable people across the world to achieve more through tech. They are the de-facto homes of passionate developers and are an anchor for great ideas, innovation, and learning. ADC's presence not only acts as an anchor for developers but also provides a source of skill and talent to enable developers everywhere. <p></p> <mark>The African Development Centre provides a great source of speakers and mentors to African developer communities. The developers have experience working for Microsoft that they can seed into the communities they work with.</mark> <p></p> The Microsoft 4Afrika Volunteer Programme (My Skills) has also played a great role in bringing in expertise from across the globe to local communities.

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Somali Innovation Hub

SiHUB is a social innovation and technology centre that promotes innovation, entrepreneurship, development, and a strong economy by creating a conducive work and study environment for students, fresh graduates, entrepreneurs, and innovators to generate ideas and turn them into viable business models with a positive social impact. <p></p> Mission <br> <mark>To create an innovation ecosystem in which students can participate in innovation and entrepreneurial activities, as well as to assist them in developing transferable knowledge sets and innovative mindsets that will better prepare them for the future.</mark> <p></p> Vision <br> To prepare young innovators and entrepreneurs to explore ideas for social innovation and to provide them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to bring their innovations to market. <p></p> Areas of Focus <p></p> Public Sector Innovation <br> The goal of PSI is to promote public sector and service innovation by training civil servants on how to innovate public institutions and improve social service delivery. <p></p>Inclusive Innovation and entrepreneurship <br> <mark>Our IIE aims to create an inclusive digital innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in order to identify ICT accessibility challenges, seek solutions, and recognize the opportunity for economic growth.</mark> <p></p>Digital transformation <br> Recognize digital transformation opportunities, build ICT capacity for youth, and create a digital community that can capitalize on the benefits of digitization

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Turbine is the leading start-up Incubator and Accelerator in Mauritius. Launched in 2015 by the ENL Group, Turbine acts as a catalyst for entrepreneurs helping them convert their ideas into successful and sustainable businesses. Turbine is a national accredited incubator by the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC). Turbine also works closely with Sting, the leading Accelerator in the Nordics. <p></p> Incubation<br> The steps to Start and Grow a Business<br> The Turbine Business Incubation Programme helps businesses reach important milestones in their growth and development, whether securing their first clients, mapping out their supply chain, or hiring new team members. Learn how to start a business and gear it for growth. <p></p> Their people skills, experience and expertise help our portfolio companies go from strength to strength. <p></p> The <mark>Incubation Programme is aimed at entrepreneurs who are ready to register their business with the Mauritian Authorities. This programme is open to foreigner who are willing to start their venture in Mauritius and benefit from the Innovator’s Visa.</mark> <p></p> Business Accelerator<br> An Intensive Business Scale Up Bootcamp<br> The Acceleration Programme is open to businesses who are ready to scale and need investment to grow their team, increase their tractions and revenues. The Acceleration Programme is generally organised with a cohort of 8 start-ups so you can get inspiration and motivation from your peers. <p></p> The <mark>Acceleration Programme is open to more established start-ups who have validated their offering with paying customers but require a boost to increase their sales and tractions either locally or internationally.</mark>

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250STARTUPS is a multi‐partner incubation and acceleration hub which accelerates startups to be fundable for the period of six months per cohort. 250STARTUPS has created an appropriate and effective mechanism to foster technology startups from incubation into expansion phase through financial, legal, technical, and mentorship support among others. <p></p> What we do <p></p> Capital Talks<br> Every end of the month, Startups present their progress to a wide audience made of potential partners, investors and other startups. <p></p> Progress presentation<br> Every Friday, our startups go through what they have been doing during the week and present their progress to the group. <p></p> <mark>Product Development<br> Our Incubation Specialists takes founders through product development where they refine their solutions and implement features on their platform.</mark> <p></p> Finance and law sessions<br> Finance and legal associates receive training from our experts twice a week.

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StartHub Africa

StartHub Africa builds structures so African innovators can succeed. As a Social Enterprise, StartHub builds a university-based student movement, invests in and guides early-stage African startups, and runs high-quality innovation projects and consultancy all over East Africa. <p></p> Why StartHub supports African innovation and entrepreneurship <p></p> Societies have challenges to solve. Entrepreneurs solve problems, generate impact, and create jobs. The SDG's and national development plans require a generation of changemakers to achieve positive and inclusive development in Africa. Aid has proven to be ineffective – and StartHub stands for a different approach: To <mark>build systems and structures so a movement of African changemakers can build the futures they want to see.</mark> <p></p> But how to build a movement? <p></p> Take some ingredients: You start with a talent – for instance a young university student. Then, you let her break out of her theory-based education and expose her to future trends and the power of building new things. You guide and train the student – but always focus on execution. As they build an identity as an entrepreneur and get started, you support them.

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Innovation Village Hub

The Innovation Village is a destination entrepreneurs call home. We purpose to deliberately grow innovation by putting in place a platform that challenges assumption, ignites thought and questions status quo. As a launchpad for innovators, we bring together partners, startups, investors and researchers to act as one force for good. <p></p> For a long time, a standard approach to nurturing innovators has mostly been through innovation competitions and award ceremonies that focus on the top 3 winners out of 100 submissions. <p></p> The Innovation Village is a destination that the 97 who never take the trophy home come to transform their ideas into solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. <mark>We create an environment where start-ups grow in confidence and capability scaling from promising tech into fully established sustainable businesses.</mark> <p></p> We breathe for seeing people’s ideas that could transform society come to life and make a remarkable impact. <p></p> The doors are open for all that have big Ideas and the determination to work them into life. <p></p> We are an ecosystem builder at the heart of an interconnected network of entrepreneurs, academia, private sector, government, investors, believers and doers deepening the application of technology in powering socio-economic prosperity. <p></p> <mark>We promote an innovation culture that embraces experimentation, constantly evaluates and recognizes failure as a lesson.</mark> <p></p> Everything we do is built on fundamental pillars; Place, Innovation as a Service, Ventures and Data and Technology services in the development of products and services for the ecosystem.

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Hive Colab

Hive Colab is an open, community-owned, co-working hub for young tech entrepreneurs in Uganda. We offer digital entrepreneurs access to the internet, a quiet professional working environment to develop their ideas, hold events and generally collaborate. Hive Colab is an innovation and incubation hub, a collaborative co-working space for Uganda's business and tech community. <p></p> It is an innovation hub because we believe that Ugandans have Brilliant ideas that sometimes need a nudge to bring them out, we are all about new technologies for business and development of Uganda. <p></p> <mark>If you are a brilliant mind that has just not decided on what idea to build on, we will help you through activities geared towards steering your brilliant mind to think innovation! We are the first Tech Hub in Uganda collaborating with academia and private sector to inspire this and the next generation of Ugandan Technologists to build and develop apps, guiding youth into creativity and innovation to produce quality and world-class technology! We are here to facilitate Genius and we accelerate emerging companies’ development by providing hands-on assistance during vulnerable start-up years.</mark> <p></p> We are investing in Young talented technologists ideas with time, attention, capital and highlighting their careers, we offer mentors to our members, with our in-house consultants to guide and advise startups when they need it, to enable them to build their ideas to last. We give the start-up / new company the much-needed visible identity to help promote its offerings and find funding or investment capital. Located in the middle of Kampala on the 4th floor of Kanjokya House in Kamwokya, Makes it easily accessible for our members. <p></p> We have 300 square metre space, a reliable Internet connection, and electricity back up, conference space for one to one meetings, a tech atmosphere to share the latest trend on the World Technology space. If you are looking to share ideas with like-minded people, the Hive Colab offers you access to a great network of people whom you can share your ideas with.

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kLab Rwanda

As Rwanda strives towards establishing a knowledge based economy and achieving its Vision 2020 goals, fostering innovative ICT based SMEs becomes critically important. kLab (knowledge Lab) is a unique open technology hub in Kigali where students, fresh graduates, entrepreneurs and innovators come to work on their ideas/projects to turn them into viable business models. The growing kLab community is also made of experienced mentors who provide both technical and business assistance to needy members. <mark>At kLab we also host events, workshops, bootcamp, hackathons and networking sessions to promote collaboration/partnerships, investment and financing.</mark> <p></p>kLab's mission is to promote, facilitate and support the development of innovative ICT solutions by nurturing a vivid community of entrepreneurs and mentors. <p></p> kLab Startups Academy <p></p> kLab Startups Academy initiated entrepreneurs &innovators program that will be providing skills to tech entrepreneurs and the software developers. The program is designed to pre-incubate entrepreneurs from the ideation stage to prototype level whereas they have a market fit prototype. <p></p> This program will be a pipeline to 250Startups for the entrepreneurs that will graduate in the program as well as SOLVIT AFRICA for the software developers where they will be channeled to job opportunities for the competent developers. With our partnering companies 250Startups and SOLVIT Africa as the channeling pipeline for the program, we believe that this program can help a lot in the creation of the tech startups and job creations hence impacting the kLab community and the ICT Ecosystem in general. <p></p> Why applying in the program? <br> <br> 1.Pre-incubation <br> 2. Market fit prototype <br> 3. Access to tech incubations such as 250Startups <p></p> Who can apply? <br>1. Tech entrepreneurs <br>2. Software developers <p></p> Criteria <br> - High school graduates, University students or graduates, TVET <br> - Being a tech entrepreneur <br> - Willing to become a software developer and entrepreneur <br> - Having worked to 1 or more IT projects (i.e ...School projects) <br> - Willing to be committed to the program <br> - Being a kLab member or willing to become one <p></p> The program duration will be 3 moths with the intensive trainings on Back-end, Front-end, Mobile App Android and IOS and entrepreneurship skills on Business model canvas , Business plan, Introduction to management ,Introduction to finance 101, Design thinking, etc. We would like to encourage kLab community and tech youth in Rwanda to apply for this opportunity for one of the category; Whether tech entrepreneur with a project or whether you are a software developer.

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BujaHub provides a multisectoral solutions in order to meet the challenge of entrepreneurship and economic inclusivity for youths and women and increase incomes by equipping them with job skills, technical support and resources that are needed in skills development, job creation and suitability in their start-up venture. This in returns <mark>helps individuals to integrate well in the socio-professional sector, develop their skills, strengthen human capital and create durable labor markets in Burundi and Africa. </mark> <p></p> The BujaHub support system comprises of three main pillars that are interconnected and interdependent in assuring the success of the job creation journey for talents, entrepreneurs and innovators in the country. When these three pillars work together, it assures the whole cycle of the journey of the entrepreneur from the beginning of the idea, to the implementation in the market. These pillars are ; discover, empower and connect.

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Mauritius Africa FinTech Hub

There is no better time than now to be in the FinTech space, particularly as an agile entrepreneur or tech SME. Digital wallets, internet banking, alternative point of sales and mobile financial products all provide life-altering options to a largely unbanked African market. However, because of the very nature of Financial Technology, it can be challenging to get past the red tape after investing the time to innovate, particularly if it involves disrupting historically traditional industries. This is why MAFH exists, if you join the Mauritius Africa FinTech Hub you’ll: <p></p> <br> - Be plugging your business into a network of pan-African, Mauritian governments, corporates, FSPs, investors, FinTech businesses and tech experts. <br> - Get assistance with regulatory sandbox licences as well as business registration. <br> - <mark>Have access to resources and knowledge from other tech businesses that form part of the ecosystem.</mark> <br> - Have the opportunity to get in touch with potential investors and other funding sources. <br> - A number of African FinTech startups have made Mauritius their home, providing a proven template for business that want to enter African markets via Mauritius. <br> - Attend roundtable events with regulatory bodies. <br> - Be supported by the MAFH team’s in-house legal expert, with extensive experience in FinTech regulation. <br> - <mark>Benefit from Mauritian investor agreements in place that can act as buffers for businesses looking to enter new growing African markets.</mark> <br> - Free workshops with regulators, government representatives and other legislative decision-makers. <br> - Be part of innovation labs run by corporates of MAFH itself.

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Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center

Do you have a project or a creative idea? Do you plan to develop a new innovative and wealth-creating activity? Do you want to start your own business and be your own boss? The Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center is a structure dedicated to entrepreneurs as well as project leaders wishing to create their own business. Supported by the Ministry of Economy and Finance responsible for industry, the scheme <mark>aims to support and accelerate business growth in Djibouti.</mark> <p></p> How it works<br> Accompaniement<br> Accompaniment by our team as well as by external experts who put their knowledge at the service of the center. <p></p> Training<br> <mark>Young entrepreneurs will have access to the various training courses offered and will benefit from the network of trainers.</mark> <p></p> Environment<br> Several spaces will be dedicated to project leaders, in particular the co-working space adapted to their needs. <p></p> Our services<br> Training<br> The CLE center (Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center) in Djibouti offers an opportunity for young Djiboutians to follow quality training on entrepreneurship. <p></p> FabLab Studio<br> Manufacturing space for entrepreneurs to take their projects from idea stage to working prototype and low-volume manufacturing. <p></p> Incubator<br> <mark>Our incubator is aimed at entrepreneurs and project leaders wishing to create their business. A team will accompany you in the realization of your project.</mark> <p></p> Co-working space<br> A free access space that will allow young entrepreneurs to have access to non-isolated premises in order to fully experience the world of start-ups. <p></p> Business Park<br> We also provide them with workstations, conference rooms and technical equipment dedicated to their activities. <p></p> Resource Center<br> Entrepreneurs will also have access to the resource center which offers specialized documentation on a number of subjects. The goal is to complete our catalog with training and support proposals.

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At SIMAD iLab, we help make a positive impact on Somalia and the world through entrepreneurship and our extensive startup ecosystem. Our “A” team is proactively engaged in startups’ journey from inception to exit, to empower and enable founders to contribute to a better Somalia. <p></p> We reach our goals by working together, sharing success and failures, and inspiring a culture driven by unlimited ambition. We’re an impact-driven innovation hub from the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. <p></p> Mentorship<br> SIMAD iLab hosts regular workshops on business idea ideation & teamwork (a business idea or team not required!). Come and get: <br> - Introduction and sneak peek into SIMAD iLab’s services, programs and office spaces. <br> - Friday afternoon drinks with SIMAD iLab network including fellow entrepreneurs, our startup,s and the SIMAD iLab “A” team. <br> - The tools, knowledge, and connections to find your co-founder or newest team member. <br> - Free participation, but registration is necessary as we will select participants based on best potential matches. <p></p> Incubation<br> We admit idea-stage startups and help them grow with us. <br><br> <mark>You have a clear business idea and technology, now it’s time to validate and find your market! At the end of the program, you found your problem-solution fit and started building your team. You will acquire the right skills, receive an extensive toolset, validate your business idea, and talk to many customers, whilst learning about different aspects of your business, e.g. legal, funding, and team. We offer custom Validation Labs per focus area, with each its own ecosystem of mentors and partners to help you maximize your success.</mark> <p></p> Acceleration <br> We help micro-businesses get scaled up. <br><br> Strengthen the foundation of your startup and accelerate traction in the market. You have founded a tech startup, built a prototype or MVP and have some initial traction in the marketNow it’s time to strengthen the foundation and accelerate traction. We’ll help you to focus on the essential next steps to build a company with a scalable, profitable, and repeatable business model. After the kick-off weeks, you can join tailored workshops, masterclasses, and 1-on-1 expert sessions on topics such as personal & team development, strategy, marketing & sales, finance & funding, legal & IP, and HR. As an SIMAD ILab startup, you will have regular check-ins with experienced serial entrepreneurs and ongoing access to our services.

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iRise is the first innovation and technology hub that is launched in Mogadishu with the aim of unlocking the potential of Somalia’s talents and accelerating changes and economic development. Since its inception in 2017, iRise has become a thriving community, a launching pad for new ideas, a place for civic and social entrepreneurs – and a home for digital doers. In fact, our founders envisioned <mark>space and enabling environment where techies, innovators, digital-doers, and investors can connect and co-create a sustainable ecosystem for Somalia and beyond.</mark> Our founding vision was to help social entrepreneurs to hack innovative solutions to Somali’s challenges. <p></p>iRise has a vibrant, dynamic and dedicated team that has deep passion and drive for thinking outside-the-box and believes in technology and innovation. <p></p><mark>We believe Somalia is at cusp of major transformation. That transformation will come from, in part, how we address our interconnected challenges and, in other part, how we drive innovation and technology to translate these challenges into opportunity.</mak>

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Techin is Ethiopia’s national Innovation and Technology Institute, with facilities located in Addis Ababa. Techin leads Ethiopia’s national Tech and Innovation research and development activities. Through partnerships and collaboration, Techin coordinates and accelerates tech and innovation activities across the country. It helps other institutions in the sector and Tech startups to grow and flourish. <p></p>Think big, start small and scale fast! <p></p> Think big - reflecting the Institute's bold vision to imagine the possibilities beyond the existing institutional and national limitations <p></p> Start small - the wisdom to start at a scale manageable to our current local capacity, <p></p> <mark>Scale fast - the determination to make continued efforts to improve the application of relevant technologies and make them more responsive to local realities and demands without much delay in the process. </mark>

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Ethiopia’s first innovation hub and tech startup incubator established in May 2011. iceaddis is an innovation hub and co-creation space which facilitates technological innovations, creative projects, and startups support. iceaddis provides young entrepreneurs, local and visiting creatives with professional support and consultancy. <p></p> <mark>iceaddis is offering a place for exchange, work and support to innovative projects that are related to local demands and development. Mainly young startup founders are using the iceaddis facilities, enabling them to connect to talent, skills and capital to kick off their venture.</mark> As well as connecting with the wider iceaddis’ community. Corporates, educational institutes, government organizations, NGOs and local companies are getting involved in iceaddis’ creative community to generate and execute new ideas for their service or develop and test projects. <p></p> The activities of iceaddis are aimed at facilitating creative potential, testing uncommon ideas and experimenting with prototypes to find market-product fit, as well as complex problem solving through a co-simplicity model. Encouraging a collaborative mindset, iceaddis aims to realise the potential of its young technology community and enable active participation in changing their local environment and gaining economic empowerment.

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EldoHub is an education, innovation and technology organization targeting youth and women, with an aim of <mark>preparing them to benefit from the opportunities the emerging ICT industry offers and close the skills gap in Africa’s job market.</mark> We provide STEM education, job matching and digital work. We also run entrepreneurship development programs for them, as well as incubate startups to bring their ideas to life. <p></p> Eldohub responds to these barriers to decent employment which includes availability of skilled employees among the youth and demand by businesses to hire. We do so by </mark>supporting Young Tech Professionals to gain practical work experience and launch careers in the technology sector through job placement, training on Digital Leadership, soft skills and 1:1 mentorship by experienced professionals from the tech industry.</mark> We work with businesses and Young Tech Professionals to ensure they are mutually getting value, i.e. the business benefits from the tech talent support while the young tech professional gains from relevant skills and decent work.

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SwahiliPot Hub

Swahilipot Hub Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Mombasa that focuses on inspiring and developing upcoming innovative technology ideas and art through networking, technical training, support, professional mentoring and coaching. <p></p> Swahiliopt Hub registered as a Foundation in Mombasa was started in 2016 working with Techies and Artists with the aim of enabling them to develop themselves and reinvesting positive growth by <mark>creating an appropriate environment for youth on the Kenyan coast to build sustainable solutions of the highest calibre around challenges in the community.</mark> <p></p> Swahilipot hub has achieved this through interventions such as training, mentorship and coaching and programs like Pwani Innovation Week that promotes innovation ecosystem in the coastal region. <p></p> Our aim is to inspire innovators, policy makers, funders, corporations, researchers, and other players to <mark>take risks on new ideas and trends, collaborate across sectors, and transform the Kenyan Coastal region through the scaling of innovation. </mark>

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Sote Hub

The first incubator in rural Kenya, providing an open space for young innovators & startups to develop their creative genius working on local solutions. <p></p> Using digital technology, Sote Hub trains rural youth in Taita Taveta, Kwale (and Coastal region) often marginalized with less opportunities for career progression or technology) on jobs, career preparedness; support them establish startups where they create products/services and test with real customers. <p></p> <mark>Sote Hub Incubation Programme enhances business ventures empowering young entrepreneurs to gain traction and revenue, access to funding and partners, critical tools and ongoing mentorship.</mark> Over the last four years, the program has graduated 40 startups and job/internship matching opportunities to 700 youth. <p></p> UNDP reports that the Kenyan unemployment rate in 2017 is 40%. The highest in the East Africa region. However, the chances of youth to get formal employment are even slimmer. Only around 10% of the newly created jobs are in the formal sector. <p></p> Sote Hub today provides an open space for young innovators and startups to design market solutions to local challenges.

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Mt Kenya Hub

MHUB is a convention and interaction place where everybody interested in innovation get to Research, Share, Invent and Innovate the world. <p></p> What we offer <p></p> Coworking Space <br> Work stations to fit the need of Start Ups. Dedicated work stations with all basic amenities and a vibrant community to interact with <p></p> Hot Desk <br> In this beautiful, open space there are no dedicated desks <p></p> Startup Incubation <br> <mark>Our goal is to provide support to entrepreneurs to help them grow & scale their business.</mark> <p></p> Pitch Breakfast <br> We profile possible investors and link them to innovations in the hub through a common platform “MHUB Pitch Breakfast”

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LakeHub is a growing community of creatives, programmers, hackers, designers & entrepreneurs. We learn, share, collaborate and have fun everyday. <p></p> Established in May, 2013 LakeHub was started by students and young professionals living in and around Kisumu that want to empower technologists in the region to take advantage of the limitless opportunities to improve business with technology. As LakeHub continues to <mark>grow it will create co-working space(s), grow tech-based businesses, build personal and professional networks, and support teams with creative solutions in locally relevant industries such as Fishing, Dairy, and Tea Farming.</mark> <p></p> We're bridging the talent gap. <br>We're a local Academy based in Kisumu, Kenya with the mission to fill the talent gap within the tech industry. <p></p> But that's not it! <br> Besides the necessary technical skills, you will also learn <mark>how to work in projects within a modern tech team and how to be a problem solver.</mark> <p></p> LakeHub Academy is a web development program for talented young people and other disadvantaged groups who want to power Africas 4th Industrial Revolution.

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Incubation is a process of supporting successful development of startup companies through provision of resources and services, which the startup companies do not have. At C4DLab we take startups which are multi-disciplinary but have a computing element. And with initiatives like the TUMI Startup Accelerator, startups are equipped and trained in the ways of taking their businesses to the next stage <p></p> Research and Product Development<br> C4Dlab has established several partnerships with government, private sector and multinationals to promote data driven policy making through research. With funding from various organizations and utilizing capacity at the University, C4DLab has championed development of policy and strategy documents founded on rigorous research. Get unlimited access to multidisciplinary research riding on the huge network of faculty at the University of Nairobi and partnering institutions. <p></p> Innovation Ecosystem Development<br> <mark>C4DLab runs numerous events in form of seminars, bootcamps, workshops, etc geared towards building the capacity for the university community to easily innovate.</mark> It is the home to the Nairobi Innovation Week, an annual event that celebrates local and international innovations while enhancing key aspects of the local innovation ecosystem. In addition through Nairobi Design Thinking School (NDTS) C4DLab offers practical causes in Human Centered Design and Multi Disciplinary Problem Based Learning.

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Chandaria Business Innovation & Incubation Centre

The directorate works to foster the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in Kenyatta University through establishment of innovation and entrepreneurship programmes that have strong links with industry.<p></p> <mark>Industry collaborations are critical for skills development (education and training), the generation, acquisition, and adoption of knowledge (innovation and technology transfer), and the promotion of entrepreneurship (start-ups and spin-offs).</mark> <p></p> The directorate also works to enhance coordination of Research and Development (R&D) agendas and avoid duplications, stimulate additional private R&D investments, and exploit synergies and complementarities of scientific and technological capabilities. This collaborations also expands the relevance of research carried out in Kenyatta University, foster the commercialization of R&D outcomes, and increase the mobility of labour between Kenyatta University and industry. The industry benefits through increases in the propensity of firms to introduce new products and to patent. <p></p> Kenyatta University (KU) established Chandaria Business Innovation and Incubation Centre as a dedicated innovation and incubation hub. This arose since it is one of Kenyatta University’s major strategic goals aimed at responding to societal needs. Innovation is a key driver of long- term economic growth, the primary basis for competitiveness in world markets and part of the response to many societal challenges. While public expectations from technological innovation are evolving in line with social concerns (e.g. unemployment, sustainable development, aging populations), the innovation process itself is facing major challenges, especially in developing countries such as Kenya.

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Nailab has over 10 years experience in developing customized training and acceleration programs with strong mentorship elements together with our partners both in Africa and around the world. <p></p> Community<br> Mwanzo is a <mark>virtual platform that equips entrepreneurs with the skills to build sustainable businesses that practically solve Africa’s unique challenges using innovation through business mentorship and community support.</mark> <p></p> Funding<br> We run challenges to facilitate access to seed funding to enable entrepreneurs to take their ideas to the next level, grant funding to support already existing business and recognize outstanding entrepreneurs in the continent. <p></p> Growth opportunities<br> Every business needs to be alert to new opportunities. Companies must continuously strive to identify new growth opportunities such as; investment opportunities, grants and new ways to identify new markets in order to achieve long-term business success. <p></p> Capital<br> Every new business idea or existing businesses, whether it's for products or services, require one vital thing: Money. Entrepreneurs need capital to pay for the cost of production, hiring staff, renting premises, buying or leasing equipment, marketing, etc.. <p></p> Knowledge<br> The abilities that can help you launch a business are not the same as those you need to help it grow. Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind creating and growing new businesses. All too often, they are also the people holding them back by lack of relevant knowledge.

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We are a globally recognised organisation that is deeply steeped in the local technology innovation culture. We’ve been both the main catalyst for regional technology acceleration and a role model for technology hubs across emerging markets. <p></p> We are nurturing a generation of business owners, business leaders, business builders. We invite you to join us and grow with us <p></p> <mark>We serve the technology community, by connecting organizations and people, building market-relevant solutions and being ahead of the curve of innovation</mark> <p></p> The iHub has inspired and supported over 450 startups over the years and it continues to offer the community of technology entrepreneurs and those who want to become entrepreneurs <p></p> We strongly believe that we will play a quintessential role in leapfrogging the African technology entrepreneurship scene by creating an environment of trust and experimentation that facilitates the growth of entrepreneurs and their companies