Limkokwing University - Botswana - school image
Limkokwing University - Botswana

A broad-based programme of IT studies, which aims to acquaint students with a wide range of problems that arise in computing & information technology, together with various methods & technologies available as solutions. <mark> <br> - Programming skills: high-level languages — C++ & JAVA; <br> - Multimedia: awareness of multimedia use in computer programming; <br> - Theoretical & technical knowledge: importance of data and telecommunications to information systems, the emergence of the Internet, and the principles of underlying operating systems and their continued development; <br> - Individual development: acquiring analytical and numerical skills for computer programming, presentation and PR skills for various working environments.</mark>

Botswana Open University - school image
Botswana Open University

The Bachelor of Technology in Information Systems (B Tech - IS) program is a generic Information Systems Degree. The program allows learners to earn a bachelor degree that prepares them for employment in the IT industry or for graduate school. The B. Tech in IS <mark>degree offers courses in Computer Hardware, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Systems Security, Database Design & Administration, Web Programming, Visual Programming, Java Programming, Intelligent Systems, Management & Strategic Information Systems, IT Project Management and Entrepreneurship.</mark>  <p></p> The programme is targeting learners with BGCSE or equivalent certificates, and also provide an opportunity for Computing Diploma holders to upgrade their qualifications to degree level through distance learning. <p></p> Graduates of the program will, among others, work as System Administrators, Networking Professionals, Database Management Specialists, Systems Developers, Web Developers, Software Engineers & Analyst, IT Sales & Marketing Professionals, and IT Project Managers.

Botswana International University of Science & Technology - school image
Botswana International University of Science & Technology

Why Is This Programme for Me? - Choose a computer science degree, and you will be at the forefront of the next greatest technological innovations. To study Computer Science means being in the lead in positively changing the world and the way we live. It opens doors to many opportunities since its transformations manifest to every other discipline. Its manifestations indirectly affect areas such as medicine, business, law, physical and life sciences therefore this means Computer Sciences related careers are available in different discipline altogether. The computation power of computers has been increasing exponentially over the years thereby allowing us to address problems that seemed intractable only a few years ago. This power is anticipated to keep increasing allowing computer scientists to solve even bigger problems. Therefore, the relevance of computer science is ever increasing in our lives and this will remain so in the coming years. Further the program readies you to further your studies to Masters’ or PhD. <p></p> Computer Science <mark>equips the graduate with knowledge of the following areas where they can specialize: Applied Mathematics, Digital Image/ Sound, Artificial Intelligence, Microprogramming, Bioinformatics, Networks and Administration, Cryptography, Ontology, Robotics and Drones Protocol Development, Computer Graphics, Simulation and Modelling, Parallel Programming and High-Performance Computing, and Mobile Development.</mark> <p></p> What Will I Study? <br> Computer Science is a discipline that has grown to be the backbone of a functional society proving pivotal to medicine, biology, entertainment, business, banking, sociology to archaeology. <p></p> <mark>The Modules You Will Study Include                    <br> - Computer Architecture <br> - Data Communications and Networks <br> - Databases <br> - Foundations of Computation <br> - Human Computer Interaction <br> - Operating Systems <br> - Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming <br> - Professional Issues and Ethics <br> - Software Engineering </mark> <p></p> Career and Graduates Studies Opportunities <br> Our graduates’ knowledge and skills represent principles which will outlast today’s technology, making them highly wanted after by industry and commerce alike. Career opportunities exist in a range of technology industries or visually every industry that relies on technology to develop products or provide technological services. Popular computer science careers include: Software Engineers, Programmers, System Administrators, Network Engineers and many more. The CS graduates can also continue at the PG level, as the department has MSc and PhD programmes in Computer Science.

Agostinho Neto University - school image
Agostinho Neto University

Universidade Agostinho Neto (UAN) is an Angolan public university, multi-campi, based in the city of Luanda. Established as a State University, UAN forms the intellectual base of Angola and is today the largest and main university in this country, being also a reference in Angolan higher education. <p></p> In the Computer Science program, you won’t just be sitting through lectures. Instead, your coursework will focus on learning by doing. This includes: <br> - Building a strong foundation during your first two years with computing, mathematics and general science classes. <br> - Talking a series of upper-division courses that will help you develop an expert knowledge in the field. <br> - Selecting electives that can help you deepen your knowledge in one area or expand your skill set. <p></p> Your program advisor will be helping you throughout the program to tailor your course schedule to align with your interests and goals. <p></p> Where This Degree Will Take You <p></p> Computing crosses several fields of study, so there are no limits to what you can do with a Computer Science degree. <p></p> Our graduates find positions as systems engineers, software architects, cybersecurity specialists and bioinformaticians. Here are some common career paths: <br> - Artificial Intelligence Engineer: Build systems that leverage machine learning and big data to automate complex tasks requiring human-level expertise. <mark><br> - Software Developer: Research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers, and network distribution software for applications.</mark> <br> - Systems Analyst: Plan, direct or coordinate activities in such fields as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis and computer programming.

Catholic University of Angola - school image
Catholic University of Angola

Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering , lasts 5 years, taught in daytime and after-hours regimes. It is organized in semesters, but it is two-stage. In a first stage, the high school (six semesters in the daytime course and eight semesters in the night course and a second stage of three semesters for the Bachelor's degree. <p></p> Professional Outings <p></p> <mark>The degree in Computer Engineering can perform the following functions: <br> - Computer Network Engineer; <br> - Computer Systems Engineer; <br> - Application Programming Engineer; <br> - Software Project Engineer; <br> - Information Technology Services Manager; <br> - Data Center Manager and Designer; <br> - University Professor. </mark>

Óscar Ribas University - school image
Óscar Ribas University

FCT's mission is to create and disseminate knowledge and provide its students with a solid foundation and skills to improve, change and shape society through science, technology and entrepreneurship, combining teaching and research, development and innovation (ID&I) of excellence and in accordance with the highest national and international standards involving students, teachers, researchers and non-teachers. <p></p> This objective will be achieved by <mark>attracting and creating talent, who will develop their activity in a culturally diverse environment, endowed with efficient management, modern infrastructures and based on responsibility, demand and quality.</mark>

Technical Univeristy of Angola - school image
Technical Univeristy of Angola

The IT area is strategic in all countries. It permeates all human activities, from the arts to technologies, and one cannot imagine a modern society without a computer. Furthermore, the acceleration of a country's development process depends on how much Information Technology is present. It is therefore not without reason that the most developed countries in the world lead the development and application of information technologies. <p></p> Motivated by the growing needs of professionals in the areas of convergence between computer applications and computer networks, and in the guidelines of national scientific development strategies; The Degree in Computer Science <mark>allows graduates to acquire skills that will allow the development of projects in the areas of computer systems in the management of data and voice network systems, information security, data encoding, in the development of applications such as e-commerce, distributed systems, Web Services , among others.</mark>

Methodist University of Angola - school image
Methodist University of Angola

Computer Engineering is a strategic area in the technological development of societies and has a transversal domain in industrial activities and in the service sectors of competitive economies. The Angola Methodist course focuses on current laboratory equipment, present in Industry, as well as on computational means of calculation and simulation. It thus <mark>offers theoretical and practical training in the area of ​​information and communication technologies, allowing the development of skills and competences, and providing versatility and adaptation to the conditions of the labor market.</mark> <p></p> The acquired skills allow the performance of functions at the level of middle management and management in different types of companies. Among the various outputs we can highlight: Systems administration, auditing and consulting in information technology, database administration, administration of computer networks, scientific research and System analyst, project management and System development.

Mandume ya Ndemofayo University - school image
Mandume ya Ndemofayo University

The Degree in Computer Science has the central objective of transmitting the scientific and technical knowledge that allows meeting the growing needs in human resources with higher education in the fields of Computer Science, as well as the architecture of computer systems and information and communication technologies. <p></p> Professional Opportunities<br> Graduates in Computer Science are intended to integrate or support industrial and service companies, public administration, laboratories and research institutes. These specialists will be particularly <mark>able to master the environments for development, use and management of computer systems and applications, regardless of the physical realities to which they relate.</mark> Among the many possible professional outputs of this degree, the following stand out: <br> • Intelligent data analysis <br> • Computational Learning <br> • Intelligent algorithms <br> • Intelligent systems <br>• Optimization

Gregorio Semedo University - school image
Gregorio Semedo University

In recent years, companies and institutions in our country have witnessed a growing use of information technologies, both in administrative services and in areas directly linked to industrial production. <p></p> The increase in available solutions and technologies in these fields has led to a <mark>growing demand in the labor market for professionals who not only have adequate scientific training that generally covers areas located in the field of information technologies, but also who also have specialized training in their specific area of ​​activity, be it the development and operation of specialized software, or the installation and administration of systems and networks.</mark> <p></p> In response to this trend, the Degree in Computer Engineering at UGS offers dominant training in the areas of software development and management of computer systems and networks. <p></p>Professional exits <p></p> The main professional opportunities foreseen for Computer Engineers graduated at UGS are the exercise of technical and management functions: <br> - IT services and companies; From services and software development companies; training units or services for users of computer <br> - equipment and application software; <br> - Data processing and security services; specialized technical assistance services and planning, installation and management of computer systems and communication and data transmission systems for companies and the Public Administration.

Katyavala Bwila University - school image
Katyavala Bwila University

The Polytechnic Institute (IP) is an integral part of the Katyavala Bwila University (UKB), in the province of Benguela. The Nucleus that gave rise to the IP began its activity in the academic year 2005/06 as the Informatics Nucleus and an integral part of the Centro Universitário de Benguela, as a result of PRODESB, by protocol signed between the UAN, the Provincial Government of Benguela and the Lisbon Technician, where the Computer Science course was taught. At IP, the <mark>Computer Science</mark> and Mechanical Engineering course is taught. The IP counts on the services of effective national teachers and collaborators, and also counts on the collaboration of teachers of Cuban nationality. As a complement to the theoretical – practical. What can you do with a computer science degree? Most people would immediately think of software development, others might say gaming development. However, <mark>a degree in computer science could take you into many exciting places. You could work anywhere: Banking or oil industries, consulting firms and software companies are a few examples.</mark> Most industries need computer science graduates.

Private Univeristy of Angola - school image
Private Univeristy of Angola

As a student of Computer Science and Engineering you learn the basic principles and methods to develop software systems and web services, and how to take the user perspective into account. You will be able to scientifically reason about the correctness and efficiency of programs, using formal mathematical methods. <mark>You will know how to further develop the technology and software that underpins the internet.</mark> In addition to expanding your knowledge and skills, you will also learn how to apply these to solve specific problems.

Independent Higher Polytechnic Institute - school image
Independent Higher Polytechnic Institute

The degree course offering theoretical and practical skills to solve engineering problems, create cutting-edge controller software, pair electrical and computer systems engineering or software engineering with computer science to create innovative solutions. <p></p> The program provides solutions to the ever-increasing information challenges in the modern world. <mark>Industry needs people who can extract and analyze information from the massive datasets generated by engineering processes and devices.</mark> Big data is the new challenge and opportunity in engineering practice across industries from construction and manufacturing, to transport and the energy sector.

International University of Cuanza - school image
International University of Cuanza

Today's global society is immersed in new services and products that appear and are updated daily, most of them based on the technological component. It is difficult to imagine, in this context, a business organization oblivious to these needs, quite the contrary: correct business management requires an operational and strategic approach to information technology. <p></p> The Degree in Computer Engineering occupies an essential role in the value chain of companies, being a fundamental part of the strategic vision of organizations and an essential pillar when facing changes. <p></p> The Degree in Computer Engineering will guide the student through the technological foundations that exist today until he is able to achieve a strategic vision in its application. The International University of Cuanza <mark>trains professionals who can solve problems in an analytical and strategic way and are able to understand the fundamental principles that govern technologies.</mark>

Eduardo Mondlane University - school image
Eduardo Mondlane University

The B.S. in Computer Science gives you the broad computational thinking, programming, and problem-solving skills you’ll need to succeed as a computing professional in a range of emerging careers and industries - from automated vehicles to biomedical devices and sensor-based technologies. The Department of Computer Science offers a comprehensive <mark>curriculum that favors a pragmatic, problem-solving approach to computing.</mark> The program builds upon a mathematically rigorous foundation, while challenging you with physics, chemistry, and other sciences to round out your ability to frame problems and think analytically.

Pedagogical University - school image
Pedagogical University

It is a teaching and research unit that aims to provide basic and advanced knowledge in different areas of computer science. Created in 2002, the department is guided by the objectives of the Higher Education Law, which advocate <mark>scientific, technological and cultural training and research, as a means of solving society's problems and supporting the country's development; linking courses with the job market in all sectors of economic activity and; Realization of extension activities, which promote the dissemination and technical-scientific exchange.</mark> Since its creation, courses in Information Technology and Computer Engineering have already been given. And, with the 2014 curriculum review, these courses were merged into a single course with several outputs. The course is called a Degree in Informatics with outputs in: Software Development Engineering, Network Engineering, Teaching of Informatics and Multimedia. The department also offers an Applied Informatics course, which is taught in the distance education model.

Catholic University of Mozambique - school image
Catholic University of Mozambique

The graduate in Information Technology at UCM is a professional capable of managing technologies in three main areas: programming, systems and networks administration, and databases. Graduates of this program are professionals with the ability to promote the use of information technologies, prepared to respond and adapt to the technological needs of today and the future, of the world in general and Mozambique in particular. From this general profile, students will be able to specialize in a specific area at master's level. <p></p> Skills <p></p> Graduates in Information Technology will have the following skills: <p></p> In Programming: <mark><br> - Understand the basics of programming, data structures and algorithms. <br> - Know the basics of imperative programming languages ​​and object-oriented programming. <br> - Know the mathematical foundations that support computer technologies. <br> - Know how to identify, analyze, design and implement solutions to problems related to Information and Communication Technologies. <br> - Know how to manage projects and services in the area of ​​information technologies. <br> - Know how to design, develop and operate systems, services and computer applications, both centralized and distributed, integrating hardware, software and networks.</mark> <p></p> In System and Network Administration: <br> - Know how to design, assemble, dimension and manage an ICT network. <br> - Know the main theoretical concepts underlying the main access and core technologies, knowing how to exemplify and discuss the use of these technologies in different network scenarios. <br> - Know how to prepare and execute projects and specifications of Structured Cabling. <br> - Select the most appropriate network services to support a given application. <br> - Identify and discuss the differences and concepts underlying IPv4 and IPv6 protocols and understand the principles and features inherent to mobility, implementing for IPv4 and IPv6. <br> - Know how to manage and configure internet services. <p></p> In Databases: <br> - Know how to design and implement databases. <br> - Specify and dimension equipment to support Database. <br> - Evaluate available Database Management Systems in order to choose the most appropriate one. <br> - Know how to manage, administer and maintain Database Systems. Transverse: <br> - Know how to communicate in writing and orally in both Portuguese and English. <br> - Know the English technical terminology in the field of modern Informatics <br> - Understand the professional, ethical, legal, security and social responsibilities and challenges of the use of information and communication technologies. <br> - Have a spirit of leadership and innovation, and the ability to integrate into a work team.

São Tomás University of Mozambique - school image
São Tomás University of Mozambique

The Degree in Software Development (LDSW) course has a duration of 4 years, that is 8 (eight) semesters, and is composed of 39 subjects, of which 8 (eight) subjects are general, 6 (six) basic and the remaining are core according to the curriculum. This course was created with the aim of directing the student from the beginning to a single specialization, focusing on the fundamental guidelines of the area of ​​Software Development. <p></p> Skills acquired <br> - Perform Data Modeling and Software Design <br> - Satisfactorily implement a Software according to its socio-economic environment <br> - <mark>Produce Software by applying Structured and Object-Oriented Development Methodologies</mark> <br> - Build Software using Object Oriented languages ​​and in a Web environment as well as in standalone <br> - Carry out a survey of Software Requirements according to the context in which it is requested <br> - Apply purely mathematical concepts in software production, thus creating products that are smarter and easier to interpret <br> - <mark>Design the structure of a relational and object-oriented database and know how to materialize it in environments such as Oracle, MySQL and PostgSQL (or SQL SERVER)</mark>

University of Zambeze - school image
University of Zambeze

The Computer Engineering course at Unizambeze covers a wide range of subjects, making the graduate of this course a very versatile professional and enabling him to work in diversified and, sometimes, even complementary sectors. Thus, this course does not include options or specializations, seeking to cover most fields of activity for IT engineers in Mozambique. <p></p> The main objective of the Computer Engineering course at UniZambeze is to train computer engineers with a <mark>solid scientific basis, with general and specific knowledge, covering most of the traditional fields of Computer Engineering and with preparation for constant progress and adaptation to the unpredictable evolution of science, technology, technique and the socio-economic, cultural and environmental environment.</mark> <p></p> At the University, teaching, research, extension activities and associated laboratories are recognized as particular agents of change of the processes of preservation, transformation, acquisition and dissemination of knowledge. Furthermore, the need to reinforce the University's exposure to increasingly competitive environments has been constantly highlighted, in order to make UniZambeze's IT engineers and graduates professionals of reference at national, regional and international levels.

Polytechnic University of Mozambique - school image
Polytechnic University of Mozambique

Trains professionals with solid technological and scientific knowledge necessary for the processes of elaboration, development, execution and monitoring of projects and the creation of sustainable technological solutions, in perfect harmony with the environment, in the regional and international context. Promote the humanistic and creative values ​​of the Mozambican citizen. <p></p> Mission:<br> <mark>Train technicians with a high level of preparation in the human, cultural, scientific and technical aspects, to intervene at a national or international level, in the areas of engineering, management, economic, social and business sciences.</mark>

Higher Institute of Science and Technology of Mozambique - school image
Higher Institute of Science and Technology of Mozambique

The Degree in Computer Engineering at ISCTEM (LEI) began in 1997, having been the first to be taught in Mozambique with the aim of filling the gaps of technicians with higher education in the field of ICT's. <p></p> With its own characteristics, it provides students with scientific, technological and methodological knowledge to solve problems related to Computer Science, Electronics, Communications and Management, so that they can, in a comprehensive and effective way, formulate and solve problems of specification, design, design, operation and maintenance of computer systems and applications. <p></p> <mark>The course also allows stimulating the acquisition of knowledge, techniques, approaches and multidisciplinary skills that foster innovation in processes, tools, methods and computer technologies.</mark> <p></p> Of the characteristics that distinguish the course and allow it to have added value, we highlight the inclusion of theoretical/practical subjects taught by visiting professors from universities based in Portugal (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Coimbra and Minho) and a <mark>strong practical component in programming, security, computer networks, database and a professional internship carried out in companies with which the institution has partnerships.</mark> <p></p> The first two years of the course are essentially based on the production of knowledge, development of basic course skills and student guidance. The third and fourth year of the course consolidate the skills of previous years and guide students in choosing the areas that best fit them, such as: programming, database, systems security, computer networks. <p></p> The practical component is carried out in specialized laboratories, which allows the consolidation of the contents acquired in the theoretical classes, internships and visits to institutions such as: mobile phone companies, banks and other similar institutions.

Jean Piaget University of Mozambique - school image
Jean Piaget University of Mozambique

Computer Engineering (CPE) is a field that blends hardware engineering and software development. Computer Engineers design and build digital systems, including computing devices and networks. <mark>Computer Engineers are particularly concerned with the interactions between software and hardware (programs and chips).</mark> Application examples include smart devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence. In this program, special focus is placed upon embedded systems design and the integration of sensors, actuators, and communication technologies.

Higher Institute of Transport and Communications - school image
Higher Institute of Transport and Communications

Computer science is the study of algorithms - problem solving methods — and how to express solutions in software to be run on a computer. In today’s world, Computer scientists are found working in almost every field, from healthcare to entertainment to the environment. They use problem-solving and teamwork skills to solve real-world problems. <p></p> Where can I perform this role of Computer Engineer?<br> Computers are vital to most industries today - from banking and communication to film production and transportation - and new jobs are rapidly emerging. The computer science degree develops depth of knowledge in all aspects of computer science. It also complements the broader analytical skills of a liberal arts education. <p></p>Classes & Curriculum <p></p> The computer science program includes programming in: <mark> <br> - Object-oriented programming <br> - Data structures <br> - Algorithms <br> - Computer organization <br> - Systems programming with Linux <br> - Operating systems <br> - Database <br> - Software engineering </mark>

University of Zimbabwe - school image
University of Zimbabwe

Graduates from the programme will be able to design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, or components to meet desired user requirements. <mark>They will have skills to plan, implement, secure, maintain, and troubleshoot converged enterprise networks.</mark> Confronted with a computer science problem, graduates can identify concepts, algorithms, and applicable data structures to find a solution and can break the problem down into its component parts to formulate computer-based problem-solving methods. They will also be capable of creating software development or networking companies for the benefit of themselves and the country

Midlands State University - school image
Midlands State University

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science which is under the Faculty of Science and Technology. The Department seeks to produce the best quality professionals by imparting hands-on experience and quality training. The needs of the society, industry and the nation are at the heart of the Department, and this is made possible by pursuing creative research and new technologies. <mark>In order to be a leading Department that produces competent professionals with technopreneural, research and innovation skills, two programmes namely Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineering are offered.</mark> The two programmes combine creativity with rigour: students apply underlying principles to understand real-world systems, and to create purposeful and usable artefacts.

Bindura University of Science Education - school image
Bindura University of Science Education

The Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Computer Science equips graduates with a strong foundation of study in Computer Science that includes Networking, Software engineering and Programming all concerned with the practicalities and technicalities of developing and delivering software. <p></p> The four year course aims to <mark>prepare graduates to be scientific "Self Reliant" and "Scientific Competitive" which is a hybrid of inward looking and global approach.</mark> Graduates are well trained to have the requisite theoretical, technical and practical knowledge and enjoy a highly versatile course of study that prepares them ultimately for a number of high technology and entrepreneurship careers in the field of Computer Science. Their <mark>skills include Networking, Software Engineering and Project Management, Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Databases, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Security and Management of Information systems.</mark> <p></p>The programme is accredited with the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE).

Chinhoyi University of Technology - school image
Chinhoyi University of Technology

The BSc (Honours) Information Technology degree is a practical-oriented programme with a strong emphasis on the ability to critically analyse, design, develop and maintain computer software and hardware. The degree programme is <mark>designed to meet the challenges of modern computing practice as well as maintaining international standards of professionalism.</mark> Information Technology is a discipline that seeks to establish and apply mathematical, computing, scientific and engineering disciplines to meet the computing needs of business, government, healthcare, academic and other organizations. <p></p> Our Vision <br> To achieve a nationally leading and internationally competitive position in niche Engineering Sciences and Technology Education and Research fields which are globally visible and widely recognized. <p></p>Our Mission <br> <mark>To provide excellent science and technology education and cutting edge research at all levels with the aim of producing innovative graduates through the enhancement of entrepreneurship and provision of engineering solutions to community problems.</mark>

Great Zimbabwe University - school image
Great Zimbabwe University

Computer Science BSc (Hons) enables students to acquire a range of theoretical principles. This is done through engaging with concepts and theories, developing practical skills across the broad range of fields within the subject, and applying these in the creation of tools and systems to solve real world problems. <p></p> <mark>Our course is carefully designed to strike an all-around balance among key aspects of computer science. The course covers essential theories in the field with an emphasis on practical skills for implementation of a variety of applications.</mark> We are very confident that our graduates will be equipped with all the key skills needed for their future career in the computing industry.

Lupane State University - school image
Lupane State University

he Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Information Technology is a four-year full time degree programme. The programme aims at producing IT specialists with knowledge and technical skills in computing who can competently work in the software development, hardware support, computer networking, website development, IT consultancy and other computer-related disciplines. The programme is designed to produce <mark>highly skilled IT experts to serve in the dynamic and multi-faceted computing field.</mark> <p></p> The BSc (Honours) Information Technology degree is practical-oriented programme with a strong emphasis on the ability to critically analyses, design, develop and maintain computer software and hardware. The degree programme is <mark>designed to meet the challenges of modern computing practice as well as maintaining international standards of professionalism</mark>. Information Technology is a discipline that seeks to establish and apply mathematical, computing, scientific and engineering disciplines to meet the computing needs of business, government, healthcare, academic and other kinds of organizations.

Africa University - school image
Africa University

The mission of the Department is to provide programmes at undergraduate levels, which produce and develop IT experts and other IT professionals capable of utilizing human and other resources to meet development needs and take advantage of the opportunities of Africa within the global context. <p></p> The Department aims at programmes which develop both the intellectual and the managerial potentials of its students. Specifically, the objectives of the Faculty programmes are to: <br> - Provide knowledge which develops the students. intellectual and critical thinking ability as well as their managerial and entrepreneurial skills <br> - <mark>Foster the ability to organise, analyse and interpret information for decision making; instil and inculcate high moral standards of personal and professional behaviour which are consistent with positions of trust and leadership in society’s) imbue in students sensitivity and commitment to efficiency in the use of resources as well as integrity, accountability and transparency</mark> <br> - Encourage and develop a sense of curiosity and inquiry needed for innovative thinking and the development of new knowledge

Harare Institute Technology - school image
Harare Institute Technology

The BTech (Hons) Computer Science programme provides suitable multi-disciplinary training for a career in this important field. Computer science is a rapidly expanding feature of most engineering and scientific enterprises. This field is primarily concerned with information processes, the structure and procedures needed to represent them, and the systems needed to implement them. It spans a broad spectrum of basic and applied sub disciplines which range from foundations in logic and the computational complexity of algorithms through compilers, operating systems, and databases. <p></p> Programme Aims <mark><br> - To provide a suitable, multi-disciplinary training for a career in the important and expanding field of computing. <br> - To satisfy the needs of both of the students who intend to pursue a career in the computing industry and of those who might like to pursue further research.</mark> <p></p> What do Software Engineers do? Skills to be gained from the program (Graduate competencies) <p></p> The programme is designed such that on completion of its courses, the graduates should be able to: <br> - Become Technopreneurs in the field of Software Engineering. <br> - Analyze, identify and define the Software Engineering requirements appropriate to various problems <br> - Design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs. <br> - Analyze the local and global impact of software engineering on individuals, organizations and society. <br> - Use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for software engineering practice. <br> - Evolve and re-engineer legacy software . <br> - Manage the Software Project from initiation through to closure. <p></p> Graduate Attributes <br> - Technopreneurship Skills <br> - Critical thinking & Problem Solving Skills <br> - Analytical Skills <br> - Leadership skills and Proactiveness <br> - Teamwork Skills <br> - Communication Skills <br> - Information Management & Lifelong learning Skills <br> - Learning Skills <br> - Ethics & Integrity <br> - Project Management Skills <br> - Software Quality Management Skills

Zimbabwe Open University - school image
Zimbabwe Open University

Zimbabwe has a growing Information and Communications industry. The sustained growth of that sector is among other issues reliant on human capital development. Currently this industry is serviced by graduates from conventional universities, technical colleges and polytechnics. The Faculty of Technology exists to <mark>empower students with relevant skills to meet these industrial challenges and needs through open distance learning pedagogies.</mark> <p></p> Today, the computing field has grown into a number of distinct bodies of knowledge. These include Information Technology, Information Systems, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering and many other variations. <p></p> Information Technology (IT) as a body of knowledge requires specialised training and orientation. Today there is a glaring training gap in the information and communication technologies industry. Most universities are offering Computer Science. <p></p> The Bachelor of Software Engineering is designed to provide an in-depth coverage of topics in software engineering. Throughout the program, <mark>students will develop skills to confidently perform and manage activities at every stage of the life cycle of large-scale software systems.</mark> <p></p> The Software Engineering programme is aimed at: Producing graduates who will utilize state-of-the-art knowledge, techniques, and technologies in requirements analysis, design, construction, testing, implementation, and evolution of software systems. Producing graduates who are capable of undertaking research and development in the field of software engineering and software-related technology. Producing graduates who will assume professional and managerial roles guided by knowledge of technopreneurship and ethical, legal, and social issues. <p></p> SE Professional Career Prospects <p></p> Today, information technology is such an integral part of most businesses that the profession of being a computer expert has broadened into a multitude of specialised occupations, involving networking, software development, computer security, and designing graphics or interfaces. The following are some of the possible professional options for a graduate of this programme: <p></p> Maintenance Technician-Hotline technician (Hot Liner), Network technician, Network Administrator, Databases Administrator, System engineer, Network engineer. <p></p> Conception / Realisation- Analyst-programmer (developer), Information systems architect, Website administrator (webmaster), Web designer, Interface designer <p></p> Marketing/ Commercial/ Management -Product manager, Consultant, Project engineer, IT project manager, Information security officer (ISO), Information systems Director (ISD) <p></p> Academic-Postgraduate work, Lecturer/ Teaching, Research and development

Women's University in Africa - school image
Women's University in Africa

The objectives of the programme are to: Produce highly qualified graduates who are able to understand and operate effectively in the world of challenging and changing information and computing technology. <p></p> Gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in both computing and management. <p></p> Strikes a balance between <mark>learning current techniques, which are important in the marketplace, and learning the underlying fundamentals and theories, which will be longer lasting</mark> and which will provide a sound basis for understanding and evaluating new approaches, techniques and technologies, and even new theories. <p></p> Produce graduates who, with appropriate experience, will become hybrid managers i.e. managers/information systems analysts/computer scientists, well versed in the tools, techniques, approaches and philosophies necessary for the successful introduction of complex information and communication technologies in today's fast-changing world.

Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University - school image
Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University

We are in the digital era in which information acquiring, processing and storage is done digitally or remotely. The degree aims at transforming computer systems by producing graduates who develop systems that enable the generation, storage, retrieval and transmission of digital information for public and private corporates. The gained knowledge can be applied to high performance computing, data science among other domains. <p></p> <mark>Digital Technologies are now driving rather than enabling business enterprises. Thus, a new genre of manpower is required to harness the awesome capabilities of Digital Technologies and to tap the potential of this tool to its maximum.</mark> The university has partnered with a local Networking Academy to training our students in IT Professional courses like CISCO, CEH among other professional areas they desire to pursue. Course highlights includes Emerging Technologies in Practice, Computer Ethics, Systems Analysis and Design, Integrated Business with ERP Systems with ERP Systems, Electronics, Mobile Application Development, Technoprenuership, Cloud Infrastructure and Services; Information Systems Security and Wireless communications. In addition, the students will do a compulsory Entrepreneurship Course to equip them with knowledge on how to start and manage their technology businesses.

Arrupe Jesuit University - school image
Arrupe Jesuit University

The program focuses on building the students’ mathematical, analytical and programming skills relevant to the Information Age. It is an interdisciplinary major for students who wish to combine information technology with management, leadership and entrepreneurship. The students will learn cutting edge technology, web design, systems programming, software development, computer and mobile networking, and communication technologies. <p></p> <mark>They will also learn social and business skills for delivering information using creative, intelligent and innovative methods. It is a practice-oriented, critical analysis based, development and maintenance of computer infrastructure in a highly professional and ethical manner.</mark> <p></p> The programme seeks innovation and creativity from the students to solve business, government, medical, academic and every day problems using sustainable ICT. <p></p> Career Opportunities/Matophonic Journey <br> - Systems Administrator <br> - Computer Programmer <br> - Software Developer <br> - Cisco Certified Technician <br> - Web Designer and Developer <br> - Systems Analyst <br> - Software Support Specialist/Engineer <br> - Networking Solutions Consultant <br> - High School ICT Tutor <br> - Network Administrator

Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences - school image
Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences

Computer Science is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of and access of information whether such information is encoded in bits or bytes in a computer or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a human cell. <mark>It focuses on preparing graduates who are concerned with issues related to advocating for users and meeting their needs within an organizational and societal context through the selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies.</mark> It seeks to establish and apply mathematical, computing, scientific and engineering disciplines to meet the computer technology needs of business, government, healthcare, schools, and other kinds of organizations.

Malawi Assemblies of God University - school image
Malawi Assemblies of God University

The interaction between Information Sciences and Mathematics will continue developing in remarkable new directions. Mathematical scientists enormously benefit from information technology in the performance of research, in communicating and disseminating scientific information and results, as well as in career environments involving data analysis and management. Mathematicians also contribute to making inroads toward the development of new information technologies. Information sciences and technology are already playing a very important role in mathematical education, at all levels, and will experience an overwhelming increase in the near future. <mark>Giving undergraduate ICT students the opportunity to minor in Mathematics will not only enrich their educational achievements but it will also help them succeed in the employment searches.</mark>

Exploits University - school image
Exploits University

The mission of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program is to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to take on professional positions in the fields of information technology, business, and management. The program is designed to merge the IT fundamentals of databases, human-computer interaction, networking, programming, and Web systems; and it covers technologies such as mobile applications, non-relational databases, and cloud computing. <mark>Students are taught to develop a solid understanding of the underlying theories and concepts and practical hands-on applications while applying their problem-solving and critical thinking skills to handle all types of real-world computing and informational problems.</mark> In addition, students are exposed to a well-rounded learning experience where they work in teams to master oral and written communication.

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Unicaf University

With the world being driven by computers, a degree in Computer Science is vital. Areas like computing and information technology, security, database and web development will be explored. <mark>The degree will provide students with both theoretical and practical computer science knowledge and skills thus enabling them to work in the industrial, banking, commercial and government sector.</mark> The student among others will acquire and develop problem-solving, analytical and computation skills that will enable them to excel in the career they choose to follow. <p></p> This degree is ideal for people wishing to enhance their position within their organisations while at the same time it offers excellent prospects for future employment. <p></p> Delivery Mode: Online and through Supported Open Learning

Malawi University of Science and Technology - school image
Malawi University of Science and Technology

Our vision in the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology is to be a recognised leader in Computer Science and Information Technology tertiary training, research and innovation in Malawi and beyond. Our mission statement is to provide relevant and excellent undergraduate and post-graduate training in Computer Science and Information Technology to local and International students. <p></p> Through our academic programmes, <mark>we aim to develop outstanding thinkers, leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs and engaged citizens who are able to think critically, act logically and apply knowledge appropriately.</mark> We also aim to generate relevant knowledge through cutting-edge research with both local and global impact; foster innovation and entrepreneurship and ensure that we are a positive addition to the community around us by engaging in outreach programs.

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University of Livingstonia

The computer engineering bachelor's program at Livingstonia teaches you the innovative problem-solving skills you need to become leaders in such fields as software development, data structures and algorithms, computer communications and graphics. <p></p> The objectives of this Programme are to: <br> - produce graduates capable of practicing computer engineering to serve Malawi and the regional industries, government agencies, or national and international industries; <br> - produce graduates with the necessary background and <mark>technical skills to work professionally in one or more of the following areas: computer hardware and software design, computer-based systems, computer network design, system integration, electronic design automation;</mark> <br> - prepare graduates for personal and professional success with awareness and commitment to their ethical and social responsibilities, both as individuals and team environments; <br> - prepare graduates capable of entering and succeeding in an advanced degree program in a field such as engineering, science, or business; <br> - produce graduates with the necessary background and technical skills conduct research in related computer technologies; <br> - produce entrepreneurship-oriented graduates who are able to provide products and services to the community.

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Mzuzu University

The Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was established in the year 2005 under the Faculty of Information Science and Communication and now belongs to the Faculty of Science, Technology and Innovation since 2018 due to the University restructuring. It was primarily established to reduce the acute shortage of ICT professionals in Malawi by responding to various policies such as the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS II), National ICT Policy, ICT for Development (ICT4D) Policy and Vision 2020. These strategic documents realize that <mark>rapid development in all sectors of the economy will require highly skilled and educated workforce, in particular the application of science, technology and innovation.</mark> <p></p> Throughout the years, the department has grown and expanded her operations significantly. <p></p> This programme offers students a rich learning experience that blends theoretical, practical and industrial skills. <mark>Its structure and delivery methods equip students with analytical and problem solving skills in the fields of Networking, Programming, Databases, Software Development and Algorithms.</mark> <p></p> In addition, students obtain advanced skills in Multimedia Technologies, Computer Security and Mobile Applications Development. Career options to graduates include; Software Developers, Systems Analysts, Database Managers, IT Managers, Researchers in Computing and several other computing careers. <p></p> As a requirement towards partial fulfillment for the award of the degree, the students will complete a research project to demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills acquired throughout the tuition. In addition to the research project, the students will undergo an assessed industrial attachment. The attachment exposes the students to real work environment. Furthermore, all students will complete a mini project during the third and fourth year as a requirement. It is a four-year face-to-face multiple entry and multiple exit programme. The generic students enter the programme at Year 1 (Level 1).

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University of Malawi

The Department of Computer Science is one of the departments in the Faculty of Science at University of Malawi. It was established in 1980 as a Section under the Mathematics department. In 2012, Computer Science became an independent department. Until recently, <mark>it was the only department offering Computer Science in Malawi</mark>. Currently, we offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses to Faculty of Science and Faculty of Education Students. <p></p> This degree program, with an emphasis on software development, <mark>prepares you to be a productive professional in the tech field.</mark> You'll gain a practical, useful understanding of operating systems, computer architecture, algorithms, programming languages and more. <p></p> Equipped with a computer science degree, you'll have a host of career opportunities available to you. If you want to continue to develop your expertise on a higher level, this pathway helps you meet your goal of getting into grad school.

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International University of Management

The Bachelor of Science in Software Development is developed to aid eradicate the shortage of software developers in Namibia and the whole of Africa. This qualification <mark>equips students with the essential tools and proven techniques (including business as well as IT skills specialising in the development of software) that can help solve specific technically problems to spearhead major developmental initiatives and create culture of innovation and engagement.</mark> <p></p> Upon completion of this qualification, graduates would have acquired knowledge of software development, computer systems and management that will enable them to analyse, design and implement software solutions in a wide range of real world problems. They will be able to recognize the multidisciplinary nature of information systems and be familiar with Software Development. They would also be able to evaluate software effectiveness in a business enterprise.

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University of Namibia

From instant messaging to contactless payments, we interact with computers every day. Computing helps enhance our quality of life and can be used to meet the challenges that ongoing advances in technology create. This course helps you acquire the knowledge and skills that are invaluable in the computing industry. <p></p> In this course, we aim to help you explore a range of topics, such as, <br> - Programming <br> - Software engineering <br> - Distributed computing <br> - Artificial intelligence <p></p> <mark>We'll look at both the theory and practical side of things to help you develop your abilities. Having knowledge of both makes all the difference when you seek employment in this rapidly expanding industry.</mark> <p></p> Your tutors will encourage you to identify problems, and then work out how to solve them using software. You might get involved in developing software solutions that use artificial intelligence (AI). Or perhaps you’ll look at how to use computing applications in engineering or scientific experiments to combat environmental problems.

Namibia University of Science and Technology - school image
Namibia University of Science and Technology

The department aims at providing educational opportunities for students who are interested in and motivated to work as Computer Scientists, Software Developers, Systems Administrators or Networks Specialists. <p></p> <mark>This programme is purposefully designed to provide skillful, competent and motivated graduates for the increasing and numerous challenging tasks of Computing and Information Technology (CIT) in the country and the Khomas region at large.</mark> <p></p> Students will have the opportunity to develop the required cognitive/intellectual skills, practical as well as key transferable skills, and apply these to address/solve CIT related problems/challenges in the context of an organisation, or the community.

University of Botswana - school image
University of Botswana

Get coding immediately with a bachelor’s degree in computer science. After gaining a thorough understanding of the fundamental theory, you’ll apply your new knowledge to portfolio-building projects that will prepare you to enter the professional world with confidence. <p></p> The Value Proposition <mark> <br> - Get the fundamentals down, then specialize. Learning theory trains critical thinking, meaning you’ll become a qualified problem-solver—even with unfamiliar problems. <br> - Build your portfolio with project-based learning that develop your skills, teamwork, and passion. </mark>

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Botho University

Students enrolled in this programme learn the basics of internet applications and design principles to produce effective websites using PHP at the front end, and MySQL at the back end. Graduates will be able to work in various positions in the IT industry such as Application developer, Web Designer, Web Developer, Database Administrator, Software Tester, among others. In addition, the module on Entrepreneurship equips them the skills to be self-employed if they wish to that direction. <p></p> What we offer <p></p> As a student of Certificate Level 3 in Web Designing you will: <mark> <br> - Benefit from the holistic teaching approach that instills not just the knowledge but the practical skills that will be deployed throughout your career. <br> - Leverage on opportunities to learn directly from peers and professionals in the industry through exchange programmes, internships and industrial training placements. <br> - Graduate with an internationally recognized qualification from Botho University that will see you become a qualified and competitive professional in your respective industry. </mark>

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University of Eswatini

The department works tirelessly on improving industrial participation and entrepreneurship. The key scholastic objective is to prepare students for research and being strong economic drivers. <p></p> Through our excellence in teaching, cutting edge research and commitment to community service we seek to become the Department of Choice in Africa. Our main goal right now is to grow into a School – one that will play a pivotal role in the country’s attainment of the 1st World Status in 2022. In a nutshell, GROWTH is our mantra. <mark>Currently, we are working on a number of direct and professional programmes which we hope will attract a lot of technology enthusiasts from all over the continent.</mark> <p></p> To boost our research profile we have formed a research group that will focus on Computational Intelligence and Health Informatics (Computational Intelligence and Health Informatics Research Group). The aims of this group are to mentor our students to become young researchers and to use research to respond to national problems e.g. fighting HIV and TB, and advancing agriculture. As a Department, we are also doing our best to create ICT awareness in the country and to make our voice heard in the country’s ICT discourse.

National University of Lesotho - school image
National University of Lesotho

The Faculty of Science and Technology offers excellent opportunities to local and foreign students interested to build a career in any of the disciplines of Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Engineering and <mark>Technology</mark>. It has excellent teaching and research facilities and well-qualified staff. <p></p> Our vision is to be a leading faculty of the sciences, applied sciences and engineering in both teaching and research in order to provide innovative solutions to societal problems. <p></p> The mission of the Faculty is to utilize its share of resources for research, effective quality teaching in the major disciplines of the natural and applied sciences. In pursuit of its mandate the faculty shall take due cognizance of the overarching University Mission to place science and <mark>technology as drivers for developmental processes for the nation.</mark>

Limkokwing University of Creative Technology - school image
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

This programme will direct students to the development and use of multimedia systems. Students are exposed and trained in the relevant programming skills with use of multimedia applications: Theoretical & Technical: Understanding the role of communication technology and tools as applied to distributed multimedia; <mark>Programming Skills: Developing skills and in-depth understanding of the use of multimedia tools (applications) with programming languages for Internet and World Wide Web applications;</mark> Design: Learning the importance of interactive design in computer programming.

Victoria Falls University of Technology - school image
Victoria Falls University of Technology

Our programmes are properly curated and will enable students to familiarize themselves with the latest trends in technology and meet the business needs of their employers. Information technology – often shortened to just IT – is a buzz phrase you’ve probably heard ad nauseum if you happen to work with IT personnel or went to school for anything related to computers. IT workers are highly specialized in their field, which is probably why they’re often just called “IT nerds.” <mark> Our ICT students engage themselves in a number of inspiring and brilliant projects each year. Thanks to our highly specialized lecturers and lab equipment, our students get all their hands on training they need.</mark>

Mukuba University - school image
Mukuba University

The Department of Computer Science was established in the year 2016 with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of Computer Science. The Department has modern facilities for teaching, learning and research. The Department embarked on a wide array of research opportunities and programs of study at undergraduate and postgraduate level. A basic level of Computer science is not required by anyone who wishes to study in any computer programme as the Department embarked on 2- year certificate programme, 3- year Diploma programme and currently running a 4 year undergraduate programme jointly with school of education. <mark>With rapidly evolving technology and the continuous need for innovation there is high demand of skilled computer scientists and to bridge this gap, the department of Computer Science under the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has proposed a coordinated suite of programs that shall provide the greatest number of pathways to prepare our students for becoming computer science engineers and be part of great asset to the institution and the nation at large.</mark>

Eden University - school image
Eden University

Learning at Eden university is more than a Course or a Certificate. Our vision is to Nurture Possibility and Stir Change. We do this by caring for our students individual needs and keeping our classes small and friendly. Our tutors value your individual experience, and students learn from one another. In this atmosphere of respect and encouragement, new possibilities and life-changing learning thrive. Eden University is a thriving hub in lusaka where you can <mark>learn new skills, meet new, interesting people and change the direction of your life. If you are looking for a Certificate that opens employment opportunities, a Short Course that offers new skills, or a Lifestyle Course to add fun and sparkle, we welcome you!</mark> <p></p> What you will learn<br> - All PHP Fundamentals and Building Blocks with practical implementation in Projects <br> - Form Validation with most Secure way using Regular Expressions <br> - Making web pages dynamic with the variety of PHP Techniques <br> - Employee Management System CRUD Application in PHP From Scartch <br> - Complete CMS ( Content Management System) with Admin-Panel <br> - Getting Started with Bootstrap 4 FrameWork from scratch without using any Bootstrap Template <br> - Using PHP Sessions in a more sophisticated way and pass information easily on different modules of Project <br> - Powerful Web Forms which will be Free of Hack <br> - Build Professional CRUD

Mansfield University Lusaka - school image
Mansfield University Lusaka

In the Information Technology, B.S., you’ll learn to design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems and programs to solve an organization’s challenges. You can also tailor your degree to build skills in business, telecommunications, digital media, and database management to suit your goals and interests. <mark>Information Technology and Computing is an excellent choice to help advance your career. It covers a wide range of topics but some themes include software applications, hardware, programming, security, business applications, design, artificial intelligence, databases, medical records, and others. </mark>

DMI St Eugene University - school image
DMI St Eugene University

The Department of Computer Science offers programs of study related to computing, information technology, software design and application. The Computer Science Department’s aim is to <mark>present our students with up-to-date curricula and pedagogy in the computer science and information systems disciplines, to ensure that they have a solid foundation in the core concepts, equip them with problem solving and decision-making skills, and prepare them for lifelong learning in the discipline.</mark> The department provides for and encourages collegial, intellectual, and academic growth of its faculty. The department supports and encourages local and regional technology initiatives contributing to educational and economic advances. Students may pursue full-time or part-time study leading to a Certificate in Diploma in Computer Science or to B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees.The students of undergraduate programme spend 8 weeks for Industrial Practical trainings (IPTR).

The Zambia Catholic University - school image
The Zambia Catholic University

The Bachelor of Information Technology Degree is a four year programme designed to equip students with Information Technology skills that are in demand in industry. Students are not only given technology skills but will also learn how to morally and ethically apply their knowledge in the workplace. The programme aims to <mark>give students industry skills that are required in the rapidly changing world of computing technology.</mark> Students can take on various IT roles such as positions in web development, database administration and network administration.

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Rusangu University

Prepare yourself for a rewarding business information systems career. The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Computer Information Systems at Rusangu University provides a foundation in critical thinking and analysis of systems development, including training to prepare for diverse business information technology careers. <p></p> <mark>As a BBA Computer Information Systems student, you will build a well-rounded, business-savvy skill set that combines analysis, design, development, and management of information systems. This business-focused degree will enrich your problem-solving skills, data communications capabilities, and your ability to analyze, design, and build systems.</mark> <p></p> Talk with an advisor to find out how you can pursue a micro-credential (9 credit hours) while pursuing this degree. Micro-credential options: Business Analytics & Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Financial Management & Analysis, Project Management, and Supply Chain Management.

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Northrise University

The BIT Web and Software Development program emphasizes the acquisition of software design and development skills. Students pursing this program will <mark>learn how to develop innovative and usable software, describe key processes for software acquisition, development and maintenance, select the most appropriate life cycle for a given development as well as estimate the effort, resources and time required to execute a project.</mark> The course will explore software development from a managerial perspective putting emphasis on the selection of appropriate development life-cycle for the problem at hand, estimating effort and development times, in understanding the unintended consequences of common project management actions within and across projects and challenges of outsourcing and working with distributed teams. <p></p> Program Objectives <br> This understanding means that after the course, students should be able to: <br> - Perform background research and a feasibility study prior to embarking on a development project. <br> - Develop and customize quality software solutions applicable to Zambia and the international market. <br> - Understand software development methods and practices, and their appropriate application in Zambia. <br> - Demonstrate basic competency in Web development, programming and deployment. <br> - Collect and analyze user requirements using a formalism such as UML, including business process modeling. Explain and apply Web design and usability principles applicable to a Zambian context.

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ZCAS University

In order to develop, maintain systems in operation, and evolve software systems that are of high quality, it is imperative that the Computing professionals must understand software development and its evolution as an engineering discipline. <mark>This program will facilitate an understanding of the theoretical foundations of software engineering and demonstrated critical application of software engineering theory to real world problems.</mark> <p></p> The overall aim of the Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSE) degree programme is to provide learners a thorough understanding of the relationship between the processes used in the engineering of software systems, the software products produced, and the theory, laws, and models that provide a rational basis for the practice of software engineering.

Cavendish University Zambia - school image
Cavendish University Zambia

This is a 4-year programme designed to prepare students to apply the skills, knowledge and competencies in the computing domain thus allowing them to contribute to the computing and Information technology professions. <mark>It trains students in current technologies such as databases, operating systems, network systems, mobile and web development, artificial and business intelligence and data security.</mark>

Zambian Open University - school image
Zambian Open University

What you'll learn, Core PHP and Fundamentals of MySQL Databases for PHP Web Applications. Object Oriented Programming Concept in PHP. Creating Web Applications using PHP and MySQL. Bootstrap Framework for creating responsive web designs. Basics HTML, CSS for Web Page Designing. PHP

Mulungushi University - school image
Mulungushi University

The objectives of the Bachelor of Computer Science include: To provide an academic, research and training environment whose standards match those of recognised institutions of computer studies elsewhere. <mark>To furnish Zambia with the computer skills and professional expertise necessary for national development. <br> - To produce graduates who are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to computer science and software applications. They must have an understanding of the elements of computational thinking.</mark> <br> - To produce graduates who are able to deploy appropriate theory, practices, and tools for the specification, design, implementation, and maintenance as well as the evaluation of computer-based systems. <br> - To ensure that graduates are guided by the social, professional, legal and ethical as well as cultural issues involved in the use of computer technology. <br> - To produce graduates with practical capabilities and skills to specify, design, and implement computer-based systems. They must be able to apply the principles of effective information management and human computer interaction while taking into account security issues. <br> - To produce graduates who are able to effectively use and deploy tools for the construction and documentation of software or system development and implementation. <br> - To produce graduates who are able to communicate and work effectively as members of software development and/or implementation team while at the same time able to manage themselves.

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Copperbelt University

The BSc. degree in the Computer Science department started in the 1996 academic year and has been operating continuously since then. This programme is in line with contemporary programs offered in many countries and follows Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) best practices and curriculum recommendations. <p></p> The key learning outcomes of this programme are to produce graduates: <br> - <mark>Who can design and develop computer software systems, and maintain those as necessary; <br> - Who have the knowledge of the principles and practice of information technology;</mark> <br> - Who have knowledge and understanding of computer hardware and software; <br> - Who have the ability to organize and manage material and human resources; <br> - Who are well equipped to initiate, maintain and enhance a computer installation in different organisations; <br> - Who can contribute to programmes of applied research in commercial and industrial problems; <br> - Who can readily work with people in other disciplines; and <br> - Who can continue their studies in post-graduate programs in Zambia and abroad.

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University of Zambia

The objective of the department is to provide an academic, research and training environment whose standards match those of recognized institutions of computer studies elsewhere. <mark>To furnish this country with the computer skills and professional expertise necessary for national development.</mark> The department is currently offering programs to both undergraduate and postgraduate level. At undergraduate level, the main program offered is Bachelor of Science in Computer Science while at Postgraduate level, the department is currently offering the Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science. Plans are under way to introduce Master programs. The department is also a CISCO Networking Academy and offers short courses in CCNA and IT Essentials.

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North West University

There is an urgent need in South Africa (and globally) for computer scientists and information technologists. The different programmes in the School of Computer Science and Information Systems (SCSIS) aim to equip students with applicable expertise and skills in Computer Science and Information Systems. <p></p> The goal is to provide our students with knowledge and skills of modern and relevant programming languages, phases of a relevant system development life cycle (SDLC), database techniques and technologies, IT project planning and management techniques, and human-computer interface design. Students are educated in the ethical aspects of system planning and development to make a professional contribution to the IT industry. <mark>Students are expected to have knowledge and understanding of the value of information in enterprises and the technical functioning and processing of information sources, to make a meaningful contribution to strategic decision-making and management of information systems.</mark> <p></p> With the skills that the student acquired through successful completion of these qualifications, he/she will also be equipped and eligible to continue with postgraduate studies in the field of Computer Science and Information Systems at NQF level 8, thus either a BSc Honours degree or a Postgraduate Diploma in cognate fields.

STADIO - school image

This qualification addresses the human resource development needs of the country. There is a growing need for graduates with a qualification in web development & associated digital multimedia information design. <p></p> This programme will equip students with knowledge of the most current industry standard & cutting edge web development technologies, including web-based marketing, enabling students to become part of one of the fastest growing sectors of the creative industry. It relates closely to the knowledge economy where all individuals, companies & organisations depend on information for effective decision-making. The programme was designed around fundamental, conceptual & applied competence in this context. <p></p> <mark>At the exit point students will be able to design websites including interactive designs & multimedia. A large portion of the programme consists of coding including developing in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP.NET & PHP. Students will acquire knowledge of Mobile App development & database-supported web applications. </mark> Students will graduate with a cutting edge portfolio which will reward them with an excellent career in online/web-based communication. Career opportunities are extensive given that computer-based information systems are almost universal. Graduates are likely to find employment as a Website & Applications Developer, Games Developer, SEO Specialist, Social Media Manager, & many more.

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University of Mpumalanga

The purpose of this qualification (Advanced Diploma ICT in Applications Development) is to provide learners with a career-focused professional qualification featuring advanced industry referenced computing knowledge, technological competencies and soft skills. Students will be knowledgeable and competent in the discourse and practice of the ICT discipline. Students will also have advanced specialist knowledge of computer applications development. This will involve effective application development skills in the creation of software applications that are critical for organisational competitiveness in the fourth industrial revolution. <p></p> Upon completion of this qualification, graduates will have an ability to: <br>- Develop ICT solutions that are aligned to the business strategies. <br>- <mark>Analyse a problem and identify and define the technology requirements appropriate to its solution.</mark> <br>- Develop applied and cognitive competences in the acquisition, interpretation and application of ICT principles. <br>- Apply knowledge of technology appropriate to the discipline. - Design, implement and evaluate an applications development system, process, component and program to meet desired needs. <br>- Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal. <br>- Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities. <br>- Communicate effectively with a range of audiences. <br>- Analyse the local and global impact of ICT on individuals, organizations, and society. <br>- Use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the creation of information technology solutions. <br>- Understand best practices and standards and their application in applications development.

Sol Plaatje University - school image
Sol Plaatje University

BSc Honours in Computer Science programme supports the development of research skills and creative interventions in the fields of software engineering, design and analyses of algorithms, security and cryptography, and machine learning. <mark>Excellency in these fields is heavily integrated in the development of most large scale enterprise systems in demand today.</mark> It is, thus, important that more computer scientists be trained by way of a BSc Honours in Computer Science

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Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University

The department has since established links with keen industry players. We are an academy for CISCO, HUAWEI, ORACLE, and IBM South Africa. In addition, we make use of software products widely used in the job market, the likes of ORACLE and Microsoft Suite. This has enabled us to <mark>incorporate industry specific modules into our academic offering necessitating a student to have certification from the respective companies upon completion at SMU, hence giving the student competitive edge over peers from other Universities in the country as well as abroad when seeking employment.</mark> We strive to continue with such relationships because of the employment benefits it brings to our graduates in building our community and nation. <p></p> In response to the call by the national government to produce more ICT graduates, the department is embarking on introducing a standalone programme in Computer Science & Information Technology at the undergraduate level to feed into the post graduate programmes. That work has already begun with the new PQM application expected to serve before all University structures and further submission to DHET early this year 2021. This certainly will see further tremendous growth in the department as well as student enrollment.

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Central University of Technology, Free State

CUT is the foremost higher education institution in the heartland of South Africa. The university has two campuses – one in Bloemfontein, the judicial capital of South Africa, and one in Welkom, in the heart of the Free State goldfields. <mark>The two campuses offer education opportunities in a number of technological fields, including science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM);</mark> management sciences; humanities; and education. <p></p> It prepares students for research (including academic), managerial and technical careers in the field of IT. As such, MIT is more inclined to serve the needs of students who either ultimately plan to continue their Masters or are simply interested in performing research. <p></p> The world is increasingly becoming a global village, with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) playing a fundamental role in our day-to-day lives. South Africa, like other countries, realises that ICTs can indeed bring about positive change in its socio-economic development. CUT’s contribution to this national agenda is realised through diploma, BTech and MTech programmes offered in the Department of IT. Through these programmes, <mark>the university contributes to the ever-increasing demand for a wide range of highly skilled information technology professionals in fields such as web applications, communication networks and software development. The department is particularly unique in the country, as it offers courses in mobile programming and games development. The department has state-of-the-art Cisco equipment through which students get hands-on experience in computer networking, which provides opportunities for various professional certification pathways.</mark> <p></p> Our graduates will be able to take up jobs in: <br> - Systems analysis: System developers, application designers, business analysts, information analysts, management information analysts, system analysts. <br> - Programming: Application developers, games and mobile application developers, software developers, internet application developers. <br> - Database development and management: Business database analysts, database administrators, database managers. <br> - Project management: Information Systems (IS) project leaders.

Cape Peninsula University of Technology - school image
Cape Peninsula University of Technology

The Department of Information Technology offers a wide range of formal qualifications and non-formal courses in IT and related disciplines. The department offers <mark>specialized training in Information Technology in the areas of Applications Development (Software Development), Communication Networks and Multimedia Technology. The department supports a large graduate and postgraduate programme where the research is directed at both community and industry interests.</mark> <p></p> The department also offers a wide range of non-formal courses in collaboration with the IT industry. There are several semi-autonomous business units operating within the department. These units are focused on the professional development of undergraduate and graduate students in delivering research and development services to the community and industry. <p></p> The department continues to provide leadership in curriculum development to especially the University of Technology sector. In this regard the department also has a defining role in the Higher Education ICT Association (HEICTA) and within the Further Education and Training (FET) sector.

IIE Monash South Africa - school image
IIE Monash South Africa

Demand for information technology graduates exceeds supply in most economies – developed and developing. Whether you’re looking to study a wide range of IT modules or specialise in a particular IT niche, the globally relevant and recognised Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences degree offered at IIE MSA can get you there. <p></p> This IIE bachelor of computer science degree is divided into two focus areas based on the interest of the students; 1. The Business Systems focus area, and 2. The Application Development and Networks focus area. The IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences will provide candidates with a thorough theoretical grounding and knowledge base in the key principles of Computer and Information Systems. These are the key disciplines that inform the professional practice of Information Technology (IT). <mark>Graduates will be equipped with the practical skills to apply the theory obtained in the degree in enterprises. The design for the computer science degree has been informed by a demand identified in industry for Information Technology specialists and to graduate solution-focused, logical and creative thinkers geared for both South African and international markets.</mark> This computer science degree will also develop graduates’ abilities to design, implement, and manage innovative, integrated IT solutions, and will nurture an understanding of the role IT plays in the information systems and applications in a business environment. Graduates will be able to engage appropriately with management executives and stakeholders in planning and designing corporate solutions. <p></p> IT professionals are found across organisations and enterprises with the current move to online business, connected offices, cloud computing and global trends in the economy. Only when IT professionals understand the relevant technologies and how they fit together can they design, upgrade or implement effective corporate solutions. The success of organisations is dependent on information and communications technology meeting the needs of the business in ways that align with corporate strategy. <p></p> Computer science studies range from non-technical areas, such as organisational needs, to hardware, software, network and multimedia technologies. <mark>Students also learn the development and management skills needed to create and implement computer-based systems. Further skills include advanced programming, system analysis and design, project management software engineering and information and networks depending on the focus area of interest.</mark> <p></p> Students who continue on to the IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences honours programme will polish their knowledge, preparing them for a more specialised career in the IT industry, further study or research. <p></p> Successful completion of this Information Technology programme leads to an IIE qualification.

University of Zululand - school image
University of Zululand

The Computer Science Department offers 6 double-major BSc programmes with our partner departments.The double-major programmes on offer are Computer Science with Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry or Hydrology. The undergraduate Computer Science curriculum comprises major topics such as Programming, Software Engineering, Databases, Data Structure and Networking. <p></p> The Department offers a dedicated undergraduate laboratory where lectures and practical sessions can be held. As a result of our <mark>student’s exposure to industry-relevant topics, our graduates are competitive in the marketplace and ever increasing numbers are involved with mobile application development start-ups.</mark> <p></p> We also offer focused post-graduate programmes with BSc Honours, MSc and PhD in Computer Science. Our postgraduate students are offered 4 workspaces for their research activities. Research in the Department is conducted under the auspices of a Telkom Centre of Excellence. The Centre presently conducts research in the fields of Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing and Wireless Ad hoc Networks.

Tshwane University of Technology - school image
Tshwane University of Technology

The qualifications offered by the department are geared towards the development expertise in the fields of Computer Science and Multimedia Computing. The Computer Science qualification is designed to <mark>equip students with key programming, analysis and design skills that includes back and front-end web development, mobile computing, software engineering and data science in a variety of business, scientific and social contexts.</mark> The Multimedia Computing qualification encompasses the technologies behind the creative industry and adds audio/visual creation expertise to the key programming skills. These skills include 2D/3D graphics and animation, virtual reality, interactive environments and games development. ​<p></p> The emphasis of our qualifications is on the provision of adequate theoretical and practical knowledge in order to implement and recommend solutions to mainstream computer science related problems. Our postgraduate studies are focused on providing tools and techniques to enable quality research in both theoretical and applied computer science.

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University of Limpopo

Vision - To provide quality computational solutions for communities through teaching and learning, design and development of innovative, secure, novel and cost-effective computer solutions. <p></p> Mission<br> A Learner - centred department that is <mark>responsive to the needs of learners, communities, and the industry through teaching, outreach, and research in emerging state-of-the-art technologies, and collaboration with research and academic institutions.</mark> <p></p> Core Values<br> - Integrity: COSC demands that its members live its vision and mission, and deliver on its promises. COSC is committed to providing accessible, high -quality education programmes. The School’s staff and students pledge to be honest, just, and consistent in word and deed. <br>- Excellence: COSC sets high expectations for students and graduates and demands excellence in teaching and delivery of services. <br> - Social Responsibility: COSC will serve as a resource for stimulus to educational, economic, cultural, and environmental and community development in our region and beyond. COSC strives for students and graduates and demands excellence in teaching and delivery of services. <br> - Partnership: COSC strongly encourages networking and collaboration to promote its teaching and learning, research and community engagement activities at local, national, and international levels.

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Nelson Mandela University

Computing Sciences includes two main fields, Computer Science and Information Systems. Computer Science designates the scientific and mathematical approach in computing. Its subfields include computational problems, computer graphics, programming languages and human- computer interaction. <p></p>Information Systems bridges the computer science field with the business field, and includes topics such as business intelligence, enterprise resource planning and business process modeling. <p></p> The following are some of the available computing careers. There are almost 300 different careers in computing. <br> - Business Analyst - assesses business problems and opportunities and provides computing solutions that make clients more efficient and profitable. <br> - Systems Analyst - responsible for developing technological IT solutions for commercial and public sector organisations; they aim to improve business efficiency and productivity. <br> <mark>- Software Engineer - apply the principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis to the design, development, testing and evaluation of the computer systems.</mark> <br> - Computer Programmer - after computer software engineers and systems analysts design software solutions, the programmer converts the designs into computer programs. <br> - Database Developer - designs, implements and modifies databases, which contain, among other things, records of files, such as sales transactions, product catalogues and inventories. <br> - Information Systems Specialist - supports and administers information database systems, analyses problems and issues related to the information system software and other related software.

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Durban University of Technology

The center´s goal is to nurture entrepreneurial thinking and action through education, training and business start-up support measures. Our center is open not only for our students but also to alumni, youth, community members and partners who share the same interests with DUT and are interested in establishing a mutually beneficial agreement with DUT. <p></p> Through its innovative strategies, training and mentorship programmes, the Center aims to develop successful and sustainable student and community enterprises. Whether you are in Applied Sciences, Health Sciences, Engineering and the Built Environment, Management Sciences, Arts and Design or Accounting and Informatics field, you are welcome to register and make contact with the Center staff. We will assist you to convert your business idea into a commercially or socially viable product, service or will help you develop your innovative idea further. <p></p> What you can expect from us:<br> - <mark>Coaching, mentoring and supporting entrepreneurs in all stages of their projects</mark>. No matter where you are starting from: We guide you through a structured process step by step. <br> > ENACTUS – International Student Projects <br> > Ideation – Developing and evaluating first innovative ideas <br> > Pre-Incubation – Preparing the foundation of your company <br> > Incubation – Establishing your company <br> > Post-Incubation – Further accompaniment while growing your company <br> - Providing a wide range of <mark>specific training programmes and courses for entrepreneurs</mark> <br> - Supporting obtaining intellectual property (patents) <br> - Providing access to labs and machinery, including laser-cutters, 3-D printers etc. for building and testing prototypes <br> - Arranging business plan competitions <br> - Assisting in writing professional business plans <br> - Arranging participation in worldwide student projects including coaching (ENACTUS) <br> - Nationwide and international networking with other entrepreneurs and business people <br>- Providing funding and financing opportunities for Student Entrepreneurs and access to a network of investors and venture capitalists for all businesses undergoing our incubation programme <br>- Support for innovation and product development and consultation services with relevant Faculty and expertise <p></p> Building Entrepreneurs and Innovators is a priority for South African higher education institutions as aligned to the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030 as well as the Entrepreneurial Development in Higher Education Programme (EDHE) initiated through the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and hosted by Universities South Africa (USAf). This is also aligned with ENVISION 2030 which has two DNA strands that will ensure our people are innovative and entrepreneurial as well as engaged. In terms of supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, the University put a plan in place to establish entrepreneurial support structures and infrastructure in 2018. Part of the process to-date has been building up the basic entrepreneurial programmes and support required to support our students as part of an established University wide incubation programme. This, we believe, will contribute to social economic development and job creation. As part of consolidating our focus and resources we are establishing an “umbrella” Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, that is yet to be named that will bring together existing entrepreneurial entities within DUT.

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Rhodes University

The innovations brought about by Information and Communication Technology are radically altering our society by changing the way our economy, educational systems, and social and cultural interactions work. This is particularly relevant to the kinds of activities that graduates encounter in their day-to-day personal and professional lives. <p></p> As this technological innovation progresses, <mark>it will become increasingly important to have a knowledge and an understanding of the nature of information and communication technologies, and how they are changing. Anticipating these changes will enhance the choices you make in your personal and working life. Naturally, the more knowledge you have, the more you will be able to exploit the power of Information and Communication Technology.</mark> <p></p> History <br> Rhodes University acquired its first computer in 1966, one which was housed in the Department of Physics. Computer Science was first introduced as a major subject under the auspices of the Department of Applied Mathematics in 1970 by the late Professor Rolf Braae. In 1972 the first post graduate courses were given. A separate Computer Science Department was established in 1980, but has continued to work in close cooperation with the other Mathematical Sciences Departments, with the Department of Physics and Electronics, and more recently with the Department of Information Systems. <p></p> The Department was originally housed in the upper two levels of a three storey building, Struben, for many years, incorporating several large computer laboratories, academic and post graduate studies, and lecture facilities. However, the department grew tremendously, making new accommodation essential. <p></p> Over several years, a new home for Computer Science and Information Systems was sought, and finally a donation from Dr Robin Hamilton made a new building possible. The building was completed in September 2001 and was officially opened in April 2002 as the Hamilton Building.

Vaal University of Technology (VUT) - school image
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)

VUT Research offers students the opportunity to further their studies and complete a Degree in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) . It consists of a research project by dissertation and allows the student to further their knowledge, enhance their skills and improve their range of possible job opportunities. Students are encouraged to use their newly gained degree and Masters opportunity to better the communities around them. Having a Masters in Information Technology will also show the dedication and passion the student has for this field, as well as their efforts to better the community around them using their skills. The duration of the course is a minimum of two years and maximum of three years part-time study. The curriculum consists of a research project by dissertation.<p></p> After completing a Masters in Information Technology, a graduate may find themselves in any wide variety of computerized environments. <mark>Their responsibilities may include maintenance of systems in use, systems analysis, design or programming of new systems, network administration, database administration and user support. </mark>Computerization is in most facets of modern society today which creates many opportunities for these students. The typical entry-level position is that of a programmer, with a quick advance to a senior level programmer and with further promotions to the level of Systems Analyst, Network Administration or Database Administrator.

University of the Western Cape - school image
University of the Western Cape

Mission And Vision - Our vision is to provide innovative programmes in Computer Science, in order empowering our graduates to advance the quality of life in Africa. <p></p> Our mission is: <br> - To produce leading and visionary computer professionals at the cutting edge of Information and communications technologies (ICTs);<br> - To provide world-class quality and relevant research programmes in ICTs; - To provide academic support for students from under-represented groups and opportunities for Life Long Learning (LLL);<br> - To foster co-operative relationships with industry and educational institutions;<br> - To empower disadvantaged communities through the transfer of ICT skills;<br> - To utilise democratic, transparent and accountable management practices. <p>Goals</p> Our goals are to <mark>produce graduates that will bring vibrant research ideas, products, and skills into the marketplace</mark> with them. Our graduate programme has been progressively revised away from superficial subject treatment to more in-depth training. By establishing prior requisites between modules, we identified a core set of subjects that are taught and emphasised in the undergraduate program. <p></p> We continue to pursue exceptional standards of innovation and excellence. As such, we are to produce <mark>graduates that can develop and advance the computing industry and computing technologies in Africa</mark>; to increase the graduate student component of the department, and to continue to enhance the teaching and research capacity of staff.

University of Pretoria - school image
University of Pretoria

The Department fulfils a vital role within the broader Information Technology spectrum in South Africa, as well as internationally.Our main objective is to explore and research the scientific basis of new technologies. We furthermore promote the proliferation of reliable, robust and innovative computing and information technologies into the IT-industry in South Africa. <p></p> Excellence in computer science education, the development of internationally and nationally recognized research initiatives and strong industry collaboration are the driving factors underpinning the success of the Department of Computer Science. <p></p> The University of Pretoria is unique in administering Information Science, Informatics (Information Systems) and Computer Science from within a single School of Information Technology (SIT). <p></p> This programme includes a significant number of <mark>modules in mathematics, statistics and the natural sciences. these modules strengthen the kind of thinking done when one develops software and enhances problem-solving abilities.</p> It also provides a basis for research in computer science, which often relies on certain level of mathematical skill and maturity. Other than following a research career, graduates follow careers as programmers, system analysts, system architects, consultants, database administrators and network analysts

University of KwaZulu-Natal - school image
University of KwaZulu-Natal

Technological advances dominate our world – all of which are driven by computer technology. As a result, it is one of the fastest growing areas of employment. Computer Science at <mark>UKZN covers both the theoretical and applied areas of the discipline and produces graduates who are able to introduce and develop new computational solutions and technologies.</mark> <p></p> UKZN is establishing a Data Science training initiative, which aims to provide much needed knowledge production and support in Data Science for business and industry. <p></p> The Data Science programme at UKZN is the first and the only programme in South Africa, which offers a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma, Honours and BSc degree in Data Science. The degrees are designed to <mark>produce well-rounded professionals, through partnerships with industry through internships and solving of real problems emanating from business and industry.</mark>

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Stellenbosch University

The purpose of the focus area in Data Engineering is to prepare students for the Fourth Industrial Revolution where the work environment has fundamentally changed and there is a flood of data that needs to be structured, modelled and analysed for data-driven organizations, to discover the underlying knowledge. Data Engineering contains all the tasks required to make data available for analysis, knowledge discovery and decision-making processes. The most important task of a data engineer is to develop and maintain an organization's data pipeline systems and implement algorithms to transform data into a usable format for analysis. The tasks of a data engineer include data collection, data storage, data synchronization, data transformation, data cleaning, data management, and data model development. <p></p> <mark>This requires a considerable set of technical skills, including in-depth knowledge of database design and various programming languages. Data engineers are often responsible for building algorithms to provide easier access to structured and unstructured data, but it requires an understanding of the goals of an organization using large datasets.</mark> Data engineers need excellent communication skills to connect with different stakeholders inside and outside the organization to understand what Big Data business leaders want to earn and also to present their findings in a way the audience can easily understand. <p></P> Throughout the degree, the focus area in Data Engineering is built on the foundations of Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Students develop the engineering skills to create mathematical, physical, and statistical models of real systems, including data systems. After obtaining the qualification, Stellenbosch University's Data Engineers can integrate these areas of knowledge to critically analyse complex systems to come up with innovative solutions to problems. This degree is accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa and hence, is recognized through the Washington Accord.

University of the Witwatersrand - school image
University of the Witwatersrand

The Information Engineering degree focuses on Software Engineering, Telecommunications, and Computer Networking. <p></p>In the first two years, you will focus on enhancing your capabilities in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. At the beginning of the third year, you can choose to continue with the Electrical Engineering degree or register for the Information Engineering degree. <p></p> In the final year, you will study five complementary courses, including Engineering Design, Engineering Laboratory, and Systems Management. <p></p> You will also choose three elective courses, to specialise in either Electrical or Information Engineering. Engineering Design and Engineering Laboratory are project-based subjects in which you are required to submit a report for examination. <p></p> Career Opportunities:<br> <mark>- Computer Engineer<br> - Information Engineer<br> - Software Developer<br> - Software Engineer<br> - Software Project Manager<br> - Software Systems Architect<br> - Network Engineer<br> - Telecommunications Engineer<br> - Information Technology Consultant</mark>

University of Cape Town - school image
University of Cape Town

The Department of Computer Science is amongst the strongest in the country and home to academic staff who are well regarded both nationally and internationally. The Department plays an important role in local industry and provides services to industries through technology transfer and applied research. The Department of Computer Science is part of the cross-Faculty School of IT <p></p> Staff research interests are broadly focused in the following domains: <mark>Digital Libraries, Network and Information Security, Visual Computing, High-Performance computing and Big Data, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Development.</mark> The department maintains links with many IT-based industries within the country, including those in telecommunications, scientific and high-performance computing and visual effects and animation. ICT for Development constitutes an important unifying theme amongst several staff members and this synergy led to the establishment of the Centre for ICT4D, a multi-disciplinary centre supported by several international corporations. <p></p> The department produces <mark>high quality graduates with knowledge and skills relevant to the international and South African technology communities</mark>. A capstone Honours degree in Computer Science, accredited by the British Computer Society, provides graduates with opportunities in stimulating and well-paid careers both locally and abroad.

University of South Africa - school image
University of South Africa

The School of Computing offers various programmes ranging from undergraduate to doctoral level. In addition, the Centre for Software Engineering (CENSE) offers a number of specialised short learning programmes. Whatever your stage of education, we have the expertise to take you to the top. We have established ourselves, and gained a reputation as a leader in Computing. <p></p> Successful learners should have: A systematic and coherent body of knowledge. <mark>An understanding of underlying concepts and principles of computing and the ability to apply this in the workplace.</mark> A high level of cognitive and other generic skills including problem-solving, written and spoken communication. The ability to access and evaluate scientific information; competence in applying knowledge through basic research methods and practice. Specific skills and applied competence leading to continued personal intellectual growth, gainful economic activity and valuable contributions to society in science and technology.