Durban University of Technology - school image
Durban University of Technology

The center´s goal is to nurture entrepreneurial thinking and action through education, training and business start-up support measures. Our center is open not only for our students but also to alumni, youth, community members and partners who share the same interests with DUT and are interested in establishing a mutually beneficial agreement with DUT. <p></p> Through its innovative strategies, training and mentorship programmes, the Center aims to develop successful and sustainable student and community enterprises. Whether you are in Applied Sciences, Health Sciences, Engineering and the Built Environment, Management Sciences, Arts and Design or Accounting and Informatics field, you are welcome to register and make contact with the Center staff. We will assist you to convert your business idea into a commercially or socially viable product, service or will help you develop your innovative idea further. <p></p> What you can expect from us:<br> - <mark>Coaching, mentoring and supporting entrepreneurs in all stages of their projects</mark>. No matter where you are starting from: We guide you through a structured process step by step. <br> > ENACTUS – International Student Projects <br> > Ideation – Developing and evaluating first innovative ideas <br> > Pre-Incubation – Preparing the foundation of your company <br> > Incubation – Establishing your company <br> > Post-Incubation – Further accompaniment while growing your company <br> - Providing a wide range of <mark>specific training programmes and courses for entrepreneurs</mark> <br> - Supporting obtaining intellectual property (patents) <br> - Providing access to labs and machinery, including laser-cutters, 3-D printers etc. for building and testing prototypes <br> - Arranging business plan competitions <br> - Assisting in writing professional business plans <br> - Arranging participation in worldwide student projects including coaching (ENACTUS) <br> - Nationwide and international networking with other entrepreneurs and business people <br>- Providing funding and financing opportunities for Student Entrepreneurs and access to a network of investors and venture capitalists for all businesses undergoing our incubation programme <br>- Support for innovation and product development and consultation services with relevant Faculty and expertise <p></p> Building Entrepreneurs and Innovators is a priority for South African higher education institutions as aligned to the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030 as well as the Entrepreneurial Development in Higher Education Programme (EDHE) initiated through the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and hosted by Universities South Africa (USAf). This is also aligned with ENVISION 2030 which has two DNA strands that will ensure our people are innovative and entrepreneurial as well as engaged. In terms of supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, the University put a plan in place to establish entrepreneurial support structures and infrastructure in 2018. Part of the process to-date has been building up the basic entrepreneurial programmes and support required to support our students as part of an established University wide incubation programme. This, we believe, will contribute to social economic development and job creation. As part of consolidating our focus and resources we are establishing an “umbrella” Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, that is yet to be named that will bring together existing entrepreneurial entities within DUT.

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Rhodes University

The innovations brought about by Information and Communication Technology are radically altering our society by changing the way our economy, educational systems, and social and cultural interactions work. This is particularly relevant to the kinds of activities that graduates encounter in their day-to-day personal and professional lives. <p></p> As this technological innovation progresses, <mark>it will become increasingly important to have a knowledge and an understanding of the nature of information and communication technologies, and how they are changing. Anticipating these changes will enhance the choices you make in your personal and working life. Naturally, the more knowledge you have, the more you will be able to exploit the power of Information and Communication Technology.</mark> <p></p> History <br> Rhodes University acquired its first computer in 1966, one which was housed in the Department of Physics. Computer Science was first introduced as a major subject under the auspices of the Department of Applied Mathematics in 1970 by the late Professor Rolf Braae. In 1972 the first post graduate courses were given. A separate Computer Science Department was established in 1980, but has continued to work in close cooperation with the other Mathematical Sciences Departments, with the Department of Physics and Electronics, and more recently with the Department of Information Systems. <p></p> The Department was originally housed in the upper two levels of a three storey building, Struben, for many years, incorporating several large computer laboratories, academic and post graduate studies, and lecture facilities. However, the department grew tremendously, making new accommodation essential. <p></p> Over several years, a new home for Computer Science and Information Systems was sought, and finally a donation from Dr Robin Hamilton made a new building possible. The building was completed in September 2001 and was officially opened in April 2002 as the Hamilton Building.

Vaal University of Technology (VUT) - school image
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)

VUT Research offers students the opportunity to further their studies and complete a Degree in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) . It consists of a research project by dissertation and allows the student to further their knowledge, enhance their skills and improve their range of possible job opportunities. Students are encouraged to use their newly gained degree and Masters opportunity to better the communities around them. Having a Masters in Information Technology will also show the dedication and passion the student has for this field, as well as their efforts to better the community around them using their skills. The duration of the course is a minimum of two years and maximum of three years part-time study. The curriculum consists of a research project by dissertation.<p></p> After completing a Masters in Information Technology, a graduate may find themselves in any wide variety of computerized environments. <mark>Their responsibilities may include maintenance of systems in use, systems analysis, design or programming of new systems, network administration, database administration and user support. </mark>Computerization is in most facets of modern society today which creates many opportunities for these students. The typical entry-level position is that of a programmer, with a quick advance to a senior level programmer and with further promotions to the level of Systems Analyst, Network Administration or Database Administrator.

University of the Western Cape - school image
University of the Western Cape

Mission And Vision - Our vision is to provide innovative programmes in Computer Science, in order empowering our graduates to advance the quality of life in Africa. <p></p> Our mission is: <br> - To produce leading and visionary computer professionals at the cutting edge of Information and communications technologies (ICTs);<br> - To provide world-class quality and relevant research programmes in ICTs; - To provide academic support for students from under-represented groups and opportunities for Life Long Learning (LLL);<br> - To foster co-operative relationships with industry and educational institutions;<br> - To empower disadvantaged communities through the transfer of ICT skills;<br> - To utilise democratic, transparent and accountable management practices. <p>Goals</p> Our goals are to <mark>produce graduates that will bring vibrant research ideas, products, and skills into the marketplace</mark> with them. Our graduate programme has been progressively revised away from superficial subject treatment to more in-depth training. By establishing prior requisites between modules, we identified a core set of subjects that are taught and emphasised in the undergraduate program. <p></p> We continue to pursue exceptional standards of innovation and excellence. As such, we are to produce <mark>graduates that can develop and advance the computing industry and computing technologies in Africa</mark>; to increase the graduate student component of the department, and to continue to enhance the teaching and research capacity of staff.

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22 On Sloane

22 ON SLOANE is the largest startup campus in Africa. The campus offers disruptive startups and innovative SMEs a complete turnkey solution to scale, from the initial idea all the way to commercialisation, funding opportunities and access to markets. Its aim is to nurture the entrepreneurial mindset, ensure their sustainability, and explore development of new industries and contribute towards job creation in Africa. <p></p> A global and diverse team of experienced entrepreneurs, mentors, scientists, managers, CEOs, and funders support entrepreneurs enrolled at the campus, with product development, services and business models. The experts are active throughout the journey to build their companies and assist with market entry and financing through angel funders and venture capitals. <p></p> INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT <p></p> We offer students, startups and SMEs <mark>individual support and systematic mentorship and coaching in developing new products and services, guidance on building up a successful business when entering the market and in the growth stage.</mark>

University of Pretoria - school image
University of Pretoria

The Department fulfils a vital role within the broader Information Technology spectrum in South Africa, as well as internationally.Our main objective is to explore and research the scientific basis of new technologies. We furthermore promote the proliferation of reliable, robust and innovative computing and information technologies into the IT-industry in South Africa. <p></p> Excellence in computer science education, the development of internationally and nationally recognized research initiatives and strong industry collaboration are the driving factors underpinning the success of the Department of Computer Science. <p></p> The University of Pretoria is unique in administering Information Science, Informatics (Information Systems) and Computer Science from within a single School of Information Technology (SIT). <p></p> This programme includes a significant number of <mark>modules in mathematics, statistics and the natural sciences. these modules strengthen the kind of thinking done when one develops software and enhances problem-solving abilities.</p> It also provides a basis for research in computer science, which often relies on certain level of mathematical skill and maturity. Other than following a research career, graduates follow careers as programmers, system analysts, system architects, consultants, database administrators and network analysts

University of KwaZulu-Natal - school image
University of KwaZulu-Natal

Technological advances dominate our world – all of which are driven by computer technology. As a result, it is one of the fastest growing areas of employment. Computer Science at <mark>UKZN covers both the theoretical and applied areas of the discipline and produces graduates who are able to introduce and develop new computational solutions and technologies.</mark> <p></p> UKZN is establishing a Data Science training initiative, which aims to provide much needed knowledge production and support in Data Science for business and industry. <p></p> The Data Science programme at UKZN is the first and the only programme in South Africa, which offers a Masters, Postgraduate Diploma, Honours and BSc degree in Data Science. The degrees are designed to <mark>produce well-rounded professionals, through partnerships with industry through internships and solving of real problems emanating from business and industry.</mark>

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Stellenbosch University

The purpose of the focus area in Data Engineering is to prepare students for the Fourth Industrial Revolution where the work environment has fundamentally changed and there is a flood of data that needs to be structured, modelled and analysed for data-driven organizations, to discover the underlying knowledge. Data Engineering contains all the tasks required to make data available for analysis, knowledge discovery and decision-making processes. The most important task of a data engineer is to develop and maintain an organization's data pipeline systems and implement algorithms to transform data into a usable format for analysis. The tasks of a data engineer include data collection, data storage, data synchronization, data transformation, data cleaning, data management, and data model development. <p></p> <mark>This requires a considerable set of technical skills, including in-depth knowledge of database design and various programming languages. Data engineers are often responsible for building algorithms to provide easier access to structured and unstructured data, but it requires an understanding of the goals of an organization using large datasets.</mark> Data engineers need excellent communication skills to connect with different stakeholders inside and outside the organization to understand what Big Data business leaders want to earn and also to present their findings in a way the audience can easily understand. <p></P> Throughout the degree, the focus area in Data Engineering is built on the foundations of Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Students develop the engineering skills to create mathematical, physical, and statistical models of real systems, including data systems. After obtaining the qualification, Stellenbosch University's Data Engineers can integrate these areas of knowledge to critically analyse complex systems to come up with innovative solutions to problems. This degree is accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa and hence, is recognized through the Washington Accord.

University of the Witwatersrand - school image
University of the Witwatersrand

The Information Engineering degree focuses on Software Engineering, Telecommunications, and Computer Networking. <p></p>In the first two years, you will focus on enhancing your capabilities in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. At the beginning of the third year, you can choose to continue with the Electrical Engineering degree or register for the Information Engineering degree. <p></p> In the final year, you will study five complementary courses, including Engineering Design, Engineering Laboratory, and Systems Management. <p></p> You will also choose three elective courses, to specialise in either Electrical or Information Engineering. Engineering Design and Engineering Laboratory are project-based subjects in which you are required to submit a report for examination. <p></p> Career Opportunities:<br> <mark>- Computer Engineer<br> - Information Engineer<br> - Software Developer<br> - Software Engineer<br> - Software Project Manager<br> - Software Systems Architect<br> - Network Engineer<br> - Telecommunications Engineer<br> - Information Technology Consultant</mark>

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University of Cape Town

The Department of Computer Science is amongst the strongest in the country and home to academic staff who are well regarded both nationally and internationally. The Department plays an important role in local industry and provides services to industries through technology transfer and applied research. The Department of Computer Science is part of the cross-Faculty School of IT <p></p> Staff research interests are broadly focused in the following domains: <mark>Digital Libraries, Network and Information Security, Visual Computing, High-Performance computing and Big Data, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Development.</mark> The department maintains links with many IT-based industries within the country, including those in telecommunications, scientific and high-performance computing and visual effects and animation. ICT for Development constitutes an important unifying theme amongst several staff members and this synergy led to the establishment of the Centre for ICT4D, a multi-disciplinary centre supported by several international corporations. <p></p> The department produces <mark>high quality graduates with knowledge and skills relevant to the international and South African technology communities</mark>. A capstone Honours degree in Computer Science, accredited by the British Computer Society, provides graduates with opportunities in stimulating and well-paid careers both locally and abroad.

University of South Africa - school image
University of South Africa

The School of Computing offers various programmes ranging from undergraduate to doctoral level. In addition, the Centre for Software Engineering (CENSE) offers a number of specialised short learning programmes. Whatever your stage of education, we have the expertise to take you to the top. We have established ourselves, and gained a reputation as a leader in Computing. <p></p> Successful learners should have: A systematic and coherent body of knowledge. <mark>An understanding of underlying concepts and principles of computing and the ability to apply this in the workplace.</mark> A high level of cognitive and other generic skills including problem-solving, written and spoken communication. The ability to access and evaluate scientific information; competence in applying knowledge through basic research methods and practice. Specific skills and applied competence leading to continued personal intellectual growth, gainful economic activity and valuable contributions to society in science and technology.

Founders Factory Africa - school image
Founders Factory Africa

Launched in 2018 and headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, we’re a unique bunch of creative builders, designers, entrepreneurs and mentors, who bring a wealth of knowledge and years of experience to the founders and teams we work with. <p></p> Founders Factory has a heart for Africa. We are proud to be a part of its complex and flourishing fabric, and we are humbled by its history of individual and collective progress. Locally grounded and globally connected, <mark>we’re becoming the go-to innovation partner for startups, investors, governments, and corporates — throughout Africa</mark> and beyond. <p></p> The continent is blazing bright with opportunity. The creativity and agility offered by startups making it possible to reach previously excluded or underserved communities, creating accelerated access to new products and services through technology all while opening up new markets and commercial opportunities. Their ability to move fast, take risks, and truly ‘think outside the box’ benefits everyone — from governments and corporates to investors and end users — and the products, services, and knowledge developed locally are ready to be adapted for international adoption. <p></p> <mark>African entrepreneurs are the engines of growth, and we are here to fuel their momentum, helping them reach their full potential throughout the continent and across the globe.</mark>