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We focus on Africa’s largest economic engines and invest in founders who are creating opportunities for everyone. We invest in early-stage founders building the future of digital commerce in Africa. We back our portfolio with the funding, mentorship, and expertise they need to thrive. <p></p> Our expertise extends from years researching and investing in commerce ecosystems around the continent which have helped us form deep insights and convictions around the approaches we believe will thrive. <p></p> <mark>For our founders and co-investors, we bring an unparalleled mix of startup-building experience and sector-specific knowledge.</mark> <p></p> Thesis<br> We invest guided by a digital commerce thesis informed by years of data-driven research. Our hands-on partnerships with our portfolio companies then enables even deeper, more ground-tested intelligence. <p></p> Insights<br> We're trusted by the world's leading research organizations, investors, and impact donors to help provide insights on the latest developments in digital commerce in Africa and its impacts. <p></p> Community<br> <mark>We're a remote team that hails from the USA, France, Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa, but our community - Sufficient Capital - spans the globe and includes the most active digital commerce investors and founders.</mark> <p></p> Programs<br> Differentiated Capital<br> We offer high-conviction capital at founder-friendly terms. <mark>We invest $50,000 with our first check, then up to $150,000 in follow-on capital alongside our syndicate. We're often one of the first investors in our portfolio companies.</mark> <p></p> Practical Mentorship<br> We connect founders with other operators who can offer ground-tested advice to help shortcut the cycles needed to keep growing. Our team offers a hands-on program designed to help startups successfully prepare and close their first institutional round in exchange for advisory shares. <p></p> Focused Community<br> Our Sufficient Capital community is the meeting place for the best investors, builders, and experts in the African digital commerce.

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ARM Labs Lagos Techstars Accelerator

The ARM Labs Lagos Techstars Accelerator Program invests in early-stage startups based in Africa with a focus on FinTech, Mobility, E-commerce and TalentTech. <p></p> Techstars accelerators have one goal: to help entrepreneurs succeed. During each three-month program, we surround companies with the best mentors and an unrivaled network of corporate partners, investors, and alumni. <mark>We provide funding and fundraising opportunities, workshops and curated resources, not to mention countless moments where you can learn from your peers.</mark> It’s a proven model that’s helped build thousands of successful companies, all over the world.

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Benin Business Angels Network

Benin Business Angels Network is a network of Business Angels based in Benin. Launched in April 2019 at the end of the Early Stage Startup Investment Conference (ESSIC), it is made up of local and diaspora entrepreneurs, investors and professionals willing to invest their money, open their networks and guide ecosystem entrepreneurs. The network will help provide seed capital to promising startups to help them grow rapidly. <p></p> Capital contribution<br> The BBAN provides startups in the seed or development phase with financing from individual or group investments made up of investments in equity or convertible debt. <p></p> Skills contribution<br> <mark>Beyond the financial aspect, entrepreneurs benefit from the expertise of Business Angels (BA) who offer them quality mentoring and support with a view to improving the management of their businesses.</mark> <p></p> Contribution of a network<br> The BBAN provides entrepreneurs with a vast relational network, important for broadening their fields of action and accelerating the growth of their businesses.

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Beta Ventures

Beta.Ventures is a New York and Lagos based venture capital firm helping ambitious entrepreneurs build innovative products and services, with a focus on rapid revenue and profit growth. We are unique in our ability to help companies grow organically in Africa, while also scaling globally. <p></p> <mark>We work closely with talented founders and teams from product idea to product launch through to the next stage of company development with a goal to maximize success and minimize risk.</mark> <p></p> Our partners, affiliates and mentors lead top technology companies locally and internationally and we encourage you to partner with us to take advantage of our experience building great products/services, negotiating partnerships and deals, leading teams, and raising money. <p></p> With us, you will avoid mistakes we, and others, have made.

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Chanzo Capital

Chanzo Capital is a venture and growth capital firm, investing Capital, Capacity and Community in high-tech Startups and Scaleups in Kenya, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa (KINGS) – these countries make up the "KINGS" of Africa's digital economy. – these countries make up the of Africa's digital economy. <p></p> What we do <br> <mark>We invest between $500K and $5M staggered over the exponential growth phase of the company from Series A to C. We also make Seed investments of $50K to $500K</mark> <p></p>Our intentions <br> The firm intends to finance the growth and development of the high-tech sector through the provision of Capital, Capacity and Community to our portfolio of companies and the entire ecosystem in Africa. <p></p> Capacity <br> We have being developing the Capacity of our portfolio companies by strengthening the leadership of the senior management teams and introducing corporate governance. We also help in re-organizing the corporate and organizational structure of the businesses. <p></p>Community <br> We have being developing the Community in Africa through our annual Angel Fair Africa which brings selected entrepreneurs to pitch to invited investors. Over the six years of organizing the event, we have realized US$23m of investment and 1 exit.

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Chinook Capital

Chinook Capital is a venture capital firm focused on making investment in "pre-seed" and early stage ventures that are building a viable and scalable technology businesses for strong financial returns with maximum impacts. <p></p> We partner with exceptional entrepreneurs and work side-by-side with them to turn great ideas into remarkable companies, by helping them to provide earliest institutional funding to launch and scale their new ventures. As operators and entrepreneurs, ourselves, we roll up our sleeves and work with the entrepreneurs in all parts of their businesses that need additional resources. <mark>We provide more than capital to our investees, we provide support from market validation, product design, product-market-fit, customer discovery to creating fundable and scalable business. </mark> <p></p> Vision <br> To be the most admirable technology investment firm in Africa. <p></p>Mission <br> Serve as a catalyst to bridge the gap between capital and innovation. <p></p>New Venture <br> We combine seed capital, hands-on help and a great co-working location with an expert team to positively impact the trajectory of early-stage startups. <mark>Through Chinook Lab Program, we invest at the earliest stage of a startup's lifecycle "pre-seed", as the first institutional capital - and helps the entrepreneurs validate and iterate on the original hypotheses of their core business concepts. In short, we help companies achieve product-market fit in preparation to raise institutional venture financing.</mark> <p></p>Strategy Reboot <br> We help existing businesses revamp their strategies through early-stage investment, increase their addressable market opportunities and operationally focus on accelerating revenue growth to become a high-growth, venture-fundable business. We work alongside with the entrepreneurs to give birth to new industry-leading companies by leveraging on our experience and relationships as a fund manager to turn great ideas into great companies.

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Comoe Capital

Comoé Capital is a private company under Ivorian law created in 2018 by entrepreneurs and private actors including Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), a pioneering group in impact investment, entirely dedicated to the financing and support of start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sub-Saharan Africa. <p></p> Our approach <br> <mark>Comoé Capital works with Ivorian entrepreneurs and local suppliers to develop a dynamic community of SMEs in Côte d’Ivoire. Working with the entrepreneur, we build a strategy to boost the company’s development.</mark> <br> Our approach is organized around the entrepreneur with whom we aim to build a long-term relationship based on trust. <p></p> Our Impact Objectives <br> We are persuaded that companies have an essential social role in the real economy. <br> In addition to the extra-financial activities, Comoé Capital is a committed player in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria. <br> One of our objectives is also to promote the social and environmental responsibility of the company and build with the entrepreneur an action plan to boost the impacts on each of its stakeholders (employees, customers, local communities, suppliers…), referring to the framework established by the United Nations with the Sustainable Development Goals. <p></p>Entrepreneur Corner <br> In parallel with its investment activities, Comoé Capital publishes Entrepreneur Corner, a trimestrial magazine providing a sector analysis (education, health, digital, etc.), and success-stories of entrepreneurs. More than just an information support, Entrepreneur Corner is a real advocacy tool in favor of Ivorian entrepreneurship.

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The preferred and most accessible source of pre-seed funding for African technology entrepreneurs. We invest a minimum of $100k into Africa's most remarkable teams with technical founders at the earliest stage of their venture. <p></p> Accepting applications all year round <p></p> - <mark>We identify the best early-stage, growth-driven technology startups with the potential to become billion dollar companies</mark> <br> - We work closely with the startups, providing them with pre-seed funding, professional and advisory services <br> - We get startups to a point where they are impressive enough to raise more funding or join world class accelerators <br> - We introduce startups to later stage investors and help them navigate the process of raising a larger round of funding <p></p> What makes Microtraction different <br> - Founders can apply for investment at anytime, all year round without an intro <br> <mark>- Our investors are Venture Capitalists and Angels on the look out for great startups</mark> <br>- Our startups have a direct line to capital to scale from Seed to Series A and beyond <br>- Our network gives access to companies that would otherwise be hard to reach

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We are a technology investment company that provides seed fund for technology and technology-enabled start-ups and those in their growth phase. <p></p> Our goal is not just to provide you with seed fund, but to also provide young entrepreneurs with the tools and resources they need to develop and take their business to the next level. <p></p> Through workshops, mentorship, and linking entrepreneurs with our network, we aim to expose the entrepreneur to profitable business models and entrepreneurial skills that would make them successful. <p></p> Startup In Residence - Benefits <br> <mark>Co-entrepreneurship <br> Leverage on Sasware’s expertise <p></p>Strategic Funding <br> Receive financial support to cover product development and a 12 months stipend during the incubation period. Additionally, the startup will receive support post incubation for additional seed capital, marketing, technology <p></p>Mentoring <br> Receive support and expertise from professionals in different areas that can drive your startup growth. </mark>

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LoftyInc Capital Management

We invest in world‐class teams of local and returning Africans who are leveraging technology innovation to solve significant problems in Africa. As capital becomes a commodity with more early-stage investors flocking to Africa, what will make us stand out will be our networks, relationships, and reputations. We manage social impact investment vehicles such as the LoftyInc Afropreneurs Fund. <p></p> What we look for <p></p>Do you have a compelling team? <br> When investing locally, we are very interested in the reputation of your team. Your founders should be globally minded, passionate about the problems you are solving, and interested in developing long-term partnerships. <p></p>Are you looking for more than money? <br> We want to leverage our internal and external networks, as well as our own experience to help you grow into an established business. <p></p>Are you stubborn on vision but flexible on the details? <br> <mark>We expect founders to know that their original idea can change over time and that they might need to pivot to another market as the idea develops.</mark> <p></p>Are you going after a large market? <br> When developing your idea, make sure you are aware of the potential of your market. Position your idea in a market in which you can scale and grow. <p></p> What additional support will you get? <p></p>Sector Experience <br> Help from our experienced GPs and their team. Our 50+ years of experience cuts across different sectors and countries.. <p></p>Founders Network <br> <mark>We have invested in some of Africa's best startups and founders. You will become part of an investee network willing to help you succeed.</mark> <p></p>Wennovation Hub <br> We have a business incubator and supporting entrepreneur community in four Nigerian cities. You can attend important events and use our office space services.

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GreenTec Capital Partners

GreenTec Capital Partners invests in African start-ups and SMEs with a focus on combining social and environmental impact with financial success. We use capacity building, process optimization and a diverse team of international experts to help them implement and adapt the latest technologies to their models so they can extend their value chains and have more impact locally. <p></p> Transformative Venture Building <br> Jointly, we seek to transform innovative local businesses with a proof-of-concept into successful and sustainable enterprises that have growth perspective in Africa and beyond. We do more than just invest: We provide custom-tailored operational support to transform companies and help them create the additional added value necessary to bridge funding gaps and early crucial phases. <p></p> <mark>Portfolio Company Profile <br> We are looking to support entrepreneurs operating in Africa who are positioned to grow their businesses and need additional capacity, expertise, technology and funding in order to extend their impact and add value. <br>Operations in Sub-Saharan Africa Focus on Impact and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Early stage companies with proof of concept </mark> <p></p> Investment Criteria <br> We rank investment attractiveness through a proprietary country scoring model based on certain public domain criteria. <br> - Proof of Concept Scalability <br> - Potential Management Team <br> - Environmental and Social Impact <br> - Profitability Potential <br> - Long-term Commitment and Strategy <p></p> Sector Focus <br> We invest into three broad categories that are positioned for growth connected with the rapidly increasing young African population. We focus on solutions, products, and services with Pan-African expansion potential, high impact, and strong returns. <p></p> Agriculture <br> By 2030 we expect the size of the African agriculture market to reach 1 trillion US-Dollars. <p></p>Sustainable Resources <br> Sustainable resources are essential to meet the growing demographic needs of Africa. <p></p>Digitalization <br> Digitalization will be the driver for a sustainable transformation across various sectors.

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Growth Capital

We are Nigeria's first social innovation fund aimed at creating an unprecedented path to scale for outliers driving social change in Nigeria. <p></p> We support high potential, early stage businesses building our next generation infrastructure using technology. <p></p> Our participating investors bring their experience, resources and networks together to work for our investees to catalyze their path to growth <p></p> Our primary purposes include: <mark><br> - Supporting early stage ventures solving local problems in Nigeria to rapidly scale through targeted support <br> - Generating profits to increase the Company’s value and sustainability over time, providing good returns for our investors <br> - Serving as a vehicle for investing in early stage innovative ventures incubated within the CcHub’s network </mark>

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We are an Africa-focused venture capital firm with a simple, yet powerful mission: to help early and growth-stage entrepreneurs build enduring, high-impact businesses that drive the African continent forward. Our investment approach emphasizes key sectors like clean energy, agribusiness, education, healthcare, fintech, and social entrepreneurship. <p></p> As responsible investors, we pay close attention to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, working to create inclusive growth, jobs, gender equality, climate resilience, and financial inclusion within our diverse portfolio companies. <p></p> <mark>Our strategy is rooted in a thesis-driven, research-based methodology, allowing us to uncover exceptional opportunities that contribute to sustainable development, regional integration, and better access to essential services in Africa.</mark> By harnessing our expertise in frontier markets and our commitment to social and economic empowerment, Consonance Investment Managers is the go-to choice for global Limited Partners (LPs) eager to make a lasting, positive impact on the African continent. <mark>Our Approach <br>01 - We are Thesis driven <br>02 - We invest in technology and technology-enabled companies <br>03 - We are Africa-focused <br>04 - We invest in foundations </mark>

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V8 Capital Partners

As a firm, we are focused on achieving enterprise automation on the African continent. We believe the transformative power of technology is key to accelerating business growth across all major industry verticals. <p></p> We invest in highly driven and ambitious entrepreneurs who can harness the power of technology to create more effective and efficient ways for businesses to deliver goods and services to a vibrant young African population. Being able to scale their vision and dream is key to creating a better future for all Africans living in Africa.

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Venture Platform Fund

We are a discovery fund that invests early in mission-driven founders that are building capital-efficient platforms that democratize prosperity, plug infrastructural gaps, connect underrepresented communities, solve for non-consumption, and improve livelihoods in Africa. <p></p> <mark>We’re founders and tech junkies - your first call, the coach in the corner, and a kick in the ass when you need it most. We don’t split angel, seed and pre-seed into separate categories - we provide support across the board. The earlier we can invest, the more helpful we can be.</mark> <p></p> We are early investors in some of the most compelling technology companies on the African continent

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Asime Ventures

Asime means "in the hand" or "the market" in Ewe, a West African language. By extension, the expression "Asi le Asime" means hand in hand, therefore a relationship based on Trust and Bond, in a way "my Word is my Bond" and the handshake seals the relationship. Asime Ventures is a preferred Agel, pre-Seed, and Seed firm with a reputation for successful partnerships across Africa, both Anglophone, and Francophone. <br> - Founded in 2020, Asime Ventures is already recognized as a preferred Angel, pre-Seed and Seed firm with a reputation for successful partnerships across Africa, both Anglophone and Francophone. <br> - When we decide to work with a new company or new team, we go all in and become fully invested in all aspects of their business, without being obstructive. We're here to support ! <br> - We’re looking for innovation, hard work and grit, and have a strict criteria for selecting our next startup and SME partners. <br> - <mark>While we only invest in a handful of companies a year, it means we can focus solely on those who we believe really have the founders, team and drive to succeed.</mark> <br> - We invest between $5k and $100k primarily across East and West Africa, notably Ghana, Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire, Madagascar, Togo, Nigeria, Egypt and South Africa (more rarely).

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Africa Eats

Africa Eats has a unique structure, blending the best parts of a venture capital fund, a business accelerator, and Berkshire Hathaway to create an investment holding company optimized to support fast-growing, mission-driven, for-profit African companies. <p></p> The investments into the subsidiaries are minority stakes, empowering the founders to grow their companies. <mark>The founders are linked together to learn from each other, mentor each other, and to find synergies to make Africa Eats far more than just a portfolio of unrelated companies. The long term goal is to create a diverse, liquid investment that allows any European, American, or Asian investor an easy vehicle for investing into and across Africa.</mark> <p></p> Africa Eats focuses on funding and growing for-profit solutions to hunger and poverty across Africa. Hunger, as most Africans are farmers (or children living on a farm), and together they grow enough food for the 1.1 billion Africans, but with post-harvest losses, the continent instead imports food.

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4DX Ventures

4DX Ventures is a Pan-Africa Focused Venture Capital Firm. Our mission is to connect people, ideas, and capital to create a thriving African continent, and a vibrant global community. We do this by <mark>partnering with bold and gifted entrepreneurs who are building companies that will usher in Africa’s technology age. We look for founders who are focused, creative, have a growth mindset, and possess true grit.</mark> <p></p> We invest early and with conviction backed by extensive research & analysis, an expansive global network and deep local perspective. We view founders as our partners on the company journey and are unwavering in our commitment to add value not just with our capital and network but also by working closely with each company and providing strategic, operational and technical input that helps management teams to hyperscale their businesses. <p></p> We’ve backed some of the most iconic technology companies in Africa since 2014, and more than anything, we are committed to putting people first, operating with transparency and integrity, and always striving for true excellence in our work.

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Mobile Business Clinic (MBC)

Create a strong SME sector in Ghana that will contribute to the reduction of poverty, food insecurity and the creation of employment, particularly in rural zones. <p></p> Specific Objectives <mark> <br> - Improved management tools, processes and practices <br> - Strong company organization <br> - Revised business strategy <br> - Winning Fundraising package </mark> <br> Program Details <br> Step 1 Business Capacities Assessment <br> The first step prior to the training is to use our Business Diagnostic Tool to identify the constraints to the growth experienced by the program participants. We analyse 4 fundamental business pillars: organization, people, operations and financial structure. Based on this analysis, we adapt our training program to focus on the main challenges experienced by the group. <p></p> Step 2 Business Capacities Building <br> Training program – The program includes 7 training modules (each two to three days long), a pitch rehearsal session in a real situation. Our training approach is extremely hands-on and requires the full commitment of participants to achieve expected results through practical lessons (e.g. case studies, group discussions, question-answers, and scenarios). <br> Business coaching – one-on-one business coaching. The program lasts between three and four months to allow the businesses to put into practice what they learned during the training and to permit time to implement solutions to their main challenges. <p></p>Targeted Audience <br> We are looking for entrepreneurs and managers of SME’s that have a genuine will to improve their business model and current operations. <p></p>Criteria and Requirements <br> SME has: <br> - 3 years of operations and more <br> - 5 employees minimum <br> - A Turnover of 250,000 GHS or more. <br> - Financial information the last two years <br> - 2 change officers are identified in company and one of them participates to all trainings <br> - Payment of Business Clinic package

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RAD5 Tech Hub

A venture studio where entrepreneurs and innovators are empowered to accelerate innovation and collaborate within the firm. Our ventures leverage shared resources to build, test and deploy new ventures. Our entrepreneurs are given a sense of community, exposure, mentorship and necessary support needed to grow. We guide them to building tech startups and products on e-Governance, e-Commerce, AgroTech, EduTech, FinTech, e-Health, Entertainment and AdTech. Our professional support for startups is across all stages of development from ideation to exit. <p></p> Our Services<br> Venture Building <br> As a venture studio, we invest in entrepreneurs and innovators to accelerate innovation and collaborate within the firm. We embed our team of top-tier operators into the ventures to work side-by-side with the entrepreneurs for a higher probability of success <p></p> <mark>Software Projects <br> We help individuals and organizations to build and deliver technology projects ranging from Web App Development to Mobile App Development. We use the 4Ps approach to effectively transform and innovate across the institution’s products, processes, position and paradigm.</mark> <p></p>Our Social Projects <br> We have a corporate responsibility to drive the adoption of technology in under-served locations. We achieve this through collaboration and partnerships with different organizations. We promote the TeenHack, Abia4Tech and Ladies who code Initiatives.

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TVC Labs

TVC Labs is an entrepreneur support organization providing strategic and operational support to innovative early-stage African tech-enabled ventures. We believe that African startup founders are building a better future and supporting innovative African startups not only creates economic value but also social impact. We also believe that local Angel investors are a critical resource to founder and startup development and that international support when led locally accelerates the development of our African startup ecosystem. <mark>Our vision is to enable technology-led innovation and independence for new ideas on the African continent, especially West Africa.</mark> <p></p> TVC Labs values intellect, innovation, independence, collaboration and integrity in all our relationships as defined here: <p></p>01.Intellect<br> We make the abstract concrete by researching, reviewing and assessing to provide insights that inspire action. We bring talent together that uses critical thinking to drive change. We partner with our clients to build the capacity required for sustainable competitive advantage. <p></p><mark>02.Innovation<br> We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, devices and methods that can be applied for better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. Being good is not always good enough as it can always be better.</mark> <p></p>03.Independence<br> Whether the required thinking is logical or creative, being independent thinkers enables us to increase performance, productivity, and efficiency. Independent thinking is the tool we use to open doors to opportunity for commercial expression. <p></p>04.Collaboration<br> We are a member of a vibrant, emerging, evolving ecosystem that requires knowledge, expertise and financial exchanges so our successful participation as those of others requires an ability to collaborate effectively and efficiently to the benefit of all. <p></p>05.Integrity<br> We believe Integrity is not just a core value, but that it is the fabric of every core value. It is the foundation on which we build relationships and trust, and it is a non-negotiable value we seek to always demonstrate and find in all people we engage with.

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Innohub is a Business Accelerator, Management Consulting, and Impact Investment platform, which supports Small and Growing Businesses to become sustainable, scalable and investment ready, and match them to the capital needed for growth. <p></p> <mark>Whether you have an idea, starting out, going through a rebrand, launching in a new market or simply fundraising to expand your business, Innohub offers carefully curated services based on your unique needs to provide a truly excellent experience.</mark> <p></p> In collaboration with our strategic partners, we support high growth and high impact potential start-ups and SGBs to become investment ready, sustainable, and scalable to achieve profitability and social impact. <p></p>Growth Consulting <br> We offer business development and support services to organizations and individuals including Business Strategy Development, Business Model Validation, Growth Strategy Design, Business Plan Documentation, Financial Planning, etc. Our bespoke growth-oriented consulting services have been designed to help Small and Growing Businesses validate/refine their business models and their growth plans. We deploy world class consulting tools and standard practices to support our clients build growth-oriented business models and strategic implementation plans. <p></p> Our approach and tools will help you interrogate the assumptions behind your business and arrive at realistic but audacious growth ambitions. Our strategy is to take a deep dive into markets and help you understand your target or existing markets like no one else does. We help you get into the minds of the customer, as you address the question of “where to play”. <p></p>Capital Raise Support <br> <mark>We support SMEs with high growth potential to access capital from a range of local and international investors. Our satisfied clients have successfully raised funding from both local and international sources.</mrk> In line with our desire to bridge the early and missing middle funding gap for SGBs, Innohub is the sponsor of finance vehicles like Wangara Green Ventures Capital Limited with a $3.2m grant from the World Bank, and the Accra Angels Network. <p></p>Market-Entry Support <br> We help new entrant companies’ projects as well as new products and services successfully launch and establish local market presence. We help provide country overview, industry specific information, market insights, tailored implementation, and entry strategy, etc. For locally present companies who seek to launch new products, our Market-Entry Support service will help you do it the right way.

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UNDP - Growth Accelerator Sierra Leone

Growth Accelerator is a 12 month business acceleration programme that supports early stage innovative and impactful entrepreneurs with investment, technical assistance and mentorship. <p></p> Growth Accelerator Sierra Leone is an accelerator programme looking to support youthful entrepreneurs that run innovative and impactful businesses.  <br>  <mark>The Accelerator is offering: <br> - Up-to USD40,000 Co-Financing <br> - Technical Support. <br> - Mentorship <br> - Business development Support. </mark> The overall goal of the project is to accelerate the economic and social growth of 55 innovative, viable and ambitious MSMEs, with a specific focus on women and youth-led enterprises. This will be achieved by increasing access to finance, technical and business development support to selected MSMEs while also focusing on job creation and the development of innovative products and services to address social challenges for consumers. <p></p> The initiative will focus on supporting MSMEs through tailored coaching, mentorship and linkages to business development services to strengthen skills, capacity and planning for innovation, growth, and investment. <p></p>Innovation Challenge MSMEs are to apply and present their innovative ideas and business models addressing social and development challenges in their communities relating to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Applicants will be required to present their Innovation, Growth and Investment plans to an independent committee of business experts who will score each applicant based on innovativeness, capacity, feasibility, marketability and potential for growth and scale. <mark>Successful MSMEs will be contracted and provided investment funding to support their business ventures directly through UNDP.</mark> <p></p> Services <br> - Improved access to finance focusing on blended financing package (Grants, Loans and Guarantees) <br> - Technical assistance, and business development services <br> - Delivering social impact by creating new jobs  <br> - Addressing social and economic challenges through innovative business models and <br> - Providing low-income consumers with new or improved products and services.

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Itanna is an impact initiative that invests in disruptive businesses in Africa providing growth capital and seed capital through its 5-month accelerator programme. Developed by the Honeywell Group in partnership with the African Economic Revolution Fund (AERF), it is located at the Enterprise Factory in Lagos where Africa’s top talent can bring their ideas, visions, expertise, and resources to create a new wave of revolutionary enterprises that stimulate economic growth across the continent. <p></p> <mark>We have a 4 month accelerator programme operating out of our Enterprise Factory in Lagos, Nigeria. Tech Startups will receive initial investment, as well as hands-on advice from experts and mentorship from leading global Tech entrepreneurs and industry experts.</mark> <p></p> We offer a professional working environment that is flexible and easily accessible, we also provide an environment where you can meet people, network, share your interest and achieve business growth and productivity.

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GreenHouse Capital

Working with Greenhouse Capital helps startups as our platform is enriched by VGG's decade of experience in innovative thinking and business incubation. Due to our various business functions we're able to provide a global network, know how of dealing with regulators, access to a community at various stages of a business and mentors. <p></p> GreenHouse Capital began as a simple initiative (known as GIBE) to empower budding entrepreneurs. We have since grown to run multiple accelerator programs each year, including our flagship program, GreenHouse Lab-Nigeria’s first tech accelerator for women-led startups. Our <mark>accelerators are developed in partnership with leading corporates and tech companies, with sessions facilitated by industry experts. Participating startups gain access to training, mentorship, the opportunity for investment from GreenHouse and our global network of investors.</mark>

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Adaverse is a Cardano Ecosystem Accelerator that aggregates entrepreneurs, strategists and mentors building its most robust foundation in Africa and Asia. It's a collaborative initiative between EMURGO and Everest Ventures Group that supports blockchain founders with funds, mentorship and tech infrastructure to scale Web3 solutions across the globe. <p></p><mark>Adaverse aims to facilitate the growth of selected projects and success of entrepreneurs building on Cardano, by working with most seasoned mentors and navigating through products build-up and go-to-market strategy.</mark> <p></p> Program Highlights <br> - A 3-month virtual accelerator program <br> - Up to $750K immediate funding for 6% equity and 8% future token/NFT supply with advisory tokens upon negotiation <br> - Project valuation range from 2M-30M <br> - Product launch and Listing management after successful fundraising through our joint venture partners <br> - Strategic Planning in Product, token economy design, fundraising, marketing and research.

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Agricultural Innovation Hub

Our Innovation hub assists promising innovative companies in the implementation of their disruptive business models <p></p> <mark> Agricultural Innovation hub is a hub where we identify challenges in our agriculture industry and come up with innovative solution to solve the problems and we also take an active part in shaping the future of agriculture.</mark> Our mission is to foster and implement new technologies or strategies, which increase efficiency, conserve resources or significantly improve the lives of farmers and consumers. <p></p>Our goal<br> Is to help Startups and innovative young companies to gain visible, long-term success, shaping the 21st century agriculture in a sustainable manner and gradually improving the world through our joint efforts. Does your idea have the potential we’re looking for?

Google for Startups Accelerator: Africa - school image
Google for Startups Accelerator: Africa

A three-month virtual accelerator program for high potential Seed to Series A tech startups based in Africa. <p></p> If you're building a great business or product in Africa, for Africa, we should work together! Google for Startups Accelerator Africa <mark>accepts applications from startups located in Algeria, Botswana, Cameroon, Côte D'ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.</mark> <p></p> Google for Startups Accelerator: Africa is a three-month accelerator program for Seed to Series A technology startups across the African continent. <p></p> The accelerator is designed to bring the best of Google's programs, products, people and technology to startups that leverage machine learning and AI in their company today or plan to in the future. In addition to mentorship and technical project support, the accelerator also includes deep dives and workshops focused on product design, customer acquisition and leadership development for founders, specialized training, media opportunities and access to Google’s network of engineers and experts.

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Janngo builds, grows and invests in pan-African digital champions with proven business models and inclusive social impact. We build digital ecosystems in high growth sectors by providing business support and digital platforms allowing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to scale and contribute to the economic empowerment of youth and women through job creation and capacity building. <p></p> Janngo uses a three-pronged approach solution to address economic empowerment challenges <p></p> Build<br> <mark>Janngo builds start-ups to address digital platforms needs in high growth sectors and capacity for youth and women on professional development and entrepreneurial skills</mark> <p></p> Grow<br> Janngo grows partnering SMEs by providing access to market through digital platforms <p></p> Invest<br> Janngo invests in startups in its portfolio and SMEs in its ecosystem to accelerate their business

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Swan Factory

Our mission is to help African entrepreneurs transform an idea or a project into a viable and profitable business while maintaining an ethical and innovative approach. <p></p> Support offers<br> We support you throughout the value chain of building your business. <p></p> Tech for equity<br> <mark>Do you want to design an application and you don't have the teams or the skills? Swan Factory supports you thanks to a team of nearly 80 expert developers in different technological fields (web, mobile, cloud, IA, ...).</mark> <p></p> Business for equity<br> Do you need to strengthen your team or support to launch your product? Swan Factory accompanies you in the development of the strategy and in the application of commercial operations. <p></p> Capital for equity<br> Do you have a viable business idea, an infallible strategy and a dynamic team? Swan Factory brings you the financing you need for your rise. <p></p> Mentoring and support<br> Do you want to improve your skills or bring additional knowledge to your team? Swan Factory supports you in improving your operational and commercial performance. <p></p> Hackathon by SF<br> <mark>Want to create an event where marketing, commerce, and technology experts come together to accelerate a project or upskill your teams? Swan Factory can support you in this ambitious and innovative approach.</mark>

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Orange Fab CI

We are a platform connecting startups to corporations for strategic investment and partnership opportunities. Orange Fab Ivory Coast selects promising start-ups several times a year and offers them a program to develop their business and to strengthen their management. <mark>Our aim is to build commercial partnerships with Orange market lines and the market lines of major group partners, both in Ivory Coast and further afield. </mark>.

BeoogoLAB - school image

The mission of BeoogoLAB is to spot, fund and support toward competitiveness any innovative entrepreneurial initiatives based on digital technology in order to positively impact areas including agriculture, food and nutrition, health and wellbeing, education and learning, inclusion and financial empowerment, culture, art and handicraft, security, citizenship and peace. <p></p> What we do for upstart companies <p></p> Hire <br> the best talents at the right time <p></p> Elaborate <br> a marketing and communication plan <p></p> Build <br> on the best practices within their ecosystems <p></p> Articulate <br> their processes and operations <p></p> Arrange <br> networking meetings and events <p></p> <mark>Accelerate <br> the development of their businesses </mark>

Aréolis Business Center - school image
Aréolis Business Center

No matter the location in the world, businesses failure rates are impressive. And strangely enough, the main causes are recurrently the same everywhere : <br> - Solitude of the entrepreneurs <br> - Lack of investments <br> - Lack of certain capabilities <br> - Failure to innovate <p></p> SMEs accelerator AREOLIS is a member of RDE Senegal Group. Our objectives are to offer African SMEs new ways of organizing their production tool and structuring their business model. <p></p> <mark>The value proposition of AREOLIS revolves around pragmatic solutions, well adapted to local business ecosystems, while remaining perfectly aligned with international standards.</mark> <p></p> Our services consist of: <br> - Dedicated experts for 12months <br> - Scheduled and periodical support adapted to SME needs <br> - Training and technical skill transfer <br> - Access to local and international Areolis network <br> - Priority access to Areolis Knowledge center and Business Center Services

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Renaissance Innovation Labs

At Renaissance Innovation Labs, we reimagine Africa in today’s world of rapid technological development. We find the smartest people, provide them with the right tools for success, and generate innovative solutions for individuals and industries. <p></p> RIL facilitates technology experiments from ideation to formation of business units, and translate solutions to enterprise. <p></p> <mark>We find areas right for disruption by engaging diverse participants in open collaboration. These participants (innovators) are taken through a guided learning process that equips them with the requisite knowledge and skill for progress. Together, we’re able to engineer innovative prototypes and explore opportunities with contributors, mentors, and sponsors.</mark> <p></p> We take on challenges too big for one organization by engaging diverse participants to create, elaborate, and prototype disruptive solutions.

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Eko Innovation Center

EIC accelerate enterprises that leverage innovation and technology at the core of their business. <p></p> Innovation Pillars <p></p> 1. Learning<br> We train and help people to acquire new understanding, skills and competencies in 5 key areas - Data, AI, Media, Blockchain and Digital Products <p></p> 2. Acceleration<br> We expose high-impact businesses to our faculty of high-ranking, multi-sector advisors, as well as our network of private & public stakeholders. Exposing high-impact businesses to our faculty of high-ranking, multi-sector advisors, as well as our network of private & public stakeholders. <p></p> 3. Digital Product Incubation<br> We accelerate the idea to commercialization curve for individuals and businesses that want to launch their products so they can go to market in record time. <p></p> <mark>Our Passion For Start-Ups<br> Passionate about the growth and development of Startups and entrepreneurship in Nigeria, grooming them to become global challengers, and help boost the economic revival of Africa.</mark>

DoniLab - school image

DoniLab is a business incubator that covers sectors of activity with a high potential for innovation, namely ICT, health, social innovation. <mark>They offer entrepreneurs the opportunity to work in a comfortable space while benefiting from various expertise, also an innovation hub that is focused on social impact, job creation and innovation and get most of their funds from Europe.</mark> <p></p> Features: <br> - Acceleration - Supporting entrepreneurs is DoniLab's core business. <br> - Studies and Advice - We support individuals/companies in obtaining reliable information on their markets. <br> - Co-working - “A stimulating workspace…” With the latest generation equipment. <br> - Fablab - Digital manufacturing laboratory, serving as a place of learning. find out more

JATROPHA Hub - school image

JATROPHA Hub is an initiative of the Jatropha SA Group with the aim of giving the opportunity to many young people in Guinea to develop their entrepreneurial potential. We are a national NGO, with relay antennas in all the administrative regions of Guinea. Built on 1000M2, and installed in Kaporo in the commune of Ratoma, in the suburbs of Conakry, we are the first community of entrepreneurs in Guinea. Affiliated with several national and international networks of incubators, accelerators and Fablabs, Jatropha Hub aims to be a catalyst for technology made in Guinea. <p></p> Our values <p></p> Integrity <br> Adoption of the highest standards of integrity with our employees. <p></p> Flexibility <br> A company with international standards, while keeping our African values ​​as organizational skills. <p></p> Adaptability <br> <mark>Innovation at the heart of our development strategy. We think outside the box with an ease in welcoming change, new challenges, adopting new behaviors/tools, welcoming new talents.</mark>

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Wennovation Hub

Wennovation Hub is a Pioneer Nigerian Innovation Accelerator. Wennovation Hub brings productive people together through shared workspaces, special events, social spaces and our digital member network. <p></p>We focus on social impact sectors: Agriculture, Healthcare, Education, Clean Energy and Infrastructure. <p></p> <mark>As one of the very early innovation hubs in Nigeria, our “we”nnovators have enjoyed early success as we helped propel several award-winning start-ups to greatness. We strive to provide best tech support ever!</mark> <p></p> Our modern office spaces are simply stunning. Whether you’re an established enterprise or a growing startup, discover spaces in Ikeja, Abuja, Ibadan and Barbados (across the Caribbean) designed and equipped with all the tools bright minds need to inspire business ideas. <p></p> Founded in 2010 <br> As Nigeria's pioneer innovation hub we enjoyed successes and spun several award winning start-ups. <p></p> Our Focus <br> To inspire and empower Africa. We focus on social impact sectors: Agriculture, Healthcare, Education, Clean Energy and Infrastructure. <p></p> Large Community <br> Join our community & "we"nnovate. We have the advantage of being the only hub in Nigeria with the widest reach across the 4 locations.