Accra Business School
This course provides a unique blend of business and IT subjects which is viewed by industry as an essential element in the role of a modern IT manager. The course comprises a significant amount of practical work. In particular, Year 1 features continuous assessments with no final year exam, enabling students to monitor progress throughout the year. <p></p> On completion of the course, students will have a detailed understanding of: <br> - Network systems management, advanced database management <br> - Strategic management <br> - Team work and people management skills <br> - Financial information management <br> - Day-to-day IT department management. <p></p> IS THIS COURSE FOR YOU? <br> <mark>Are you interested in working as an IT professional, but not necessarily as a software developer? Are you interested in a qualification that enables you to work in a vast array of organisations from small local companies to large multinationals? Are you interested in a course that gives you exposure to business and IT subjects much needed in industry?</mark> <p></p> CAREER OPPORTUNITIES <br> Graduates are qualified to work across the IT spectrum in any industry sector. <p></p> Some sample positions include: <br> - Business Analyst Systems Administrator <br> - IT Consultant <br> - Database Administrator <br> - Network Administrator <br> - Web Developer <br> - Deployment Engineer Data Management Analyst <br> - IT Manager <br> - Project Manager <br> - Self-employed.

Dakar Institute of Technology
Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques allow to better translate languages, recognize images, drive cars, understand complex texts, analyze customer behavior, perform medical diagnoses, AI is everywhere in our lives and is revolutionizing all sectors. We support you so that you can take advantage of this global wave. Follow our training courses to be actors in the world of tomorrow. We are a private university recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation of Senegal under the number RepSEN/Ensup-priv/AP/376-2021 <p></p> Our trainings <br> <mark>Data Science Intensive</mark><br> This training opens the doors to the professions of artificial intelligence and teaches you all the advanced techniques of data science and big data processing. <br> In 12 weeks (daytime classes) or 24 weeks (evening classes and weekends), start your career as a data expert as a Data Scientist and/or Data Analyst . <br> You can follow the Data Scientist Intensive certification training face-to-face (day course), or remotely (evening course LIVE via ZOOM) <p></p> <mark>Big Data Computer License</mark><br> Practical training to become a qualified developer. <br> Master the art of managing data and storing it in the cloud using SQL and No-SQL databases. <br> Become a specialist in data analysis and visualization, know how to create powerful APIs and solve complex problems. <p></p> <mark>Master's degree "Artificial Intelligence"</mark><br> The "Artificial Intelligence" master's is aimed at students and professionals who want to become specialists in so-called "Artificial Intelligence" techniques. It is open to holders of at least a bachelor's degree. Six specializations are offered: – Image Recognition, Internet of Things, Natural Language Processing, Marketing and Sales, Finance, Health <p></p> Other certifying training<br> The DIT offers 3 certification training courses LIVE via ZOOM <mark><br>– Python Basics: Learn the basic concepts of programming and the philosophy of the Python language. <br>– Fullstack Web : Master the Django framework for the Back end as well as the React.js framework to become autonomous in the creation of dynamic applications and websites</mark> <br>– Data Manager : Master all aspects of data management for the company

University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya
The College of Science and Technology was established in November 1995 by Decree No. 95.046. This college has a triple mission: training and research in the fields of science and technology, in addition to expert services. About 2,400 students are studying in the college, of whom 27% are girls, under the supervision of 130 permanent professors (20 assistant professors, 71 lecturers, 29 qualified professors and 10 university professors). This represents a supervisory ratio of 19 students per teacher. <p></p> The new computer specialization aims to train high-level graduates in the fields of computer science. <p></p> <mark>The training provides in-depth knowledge with a concern for balance between theoretical and practical aspects in order to make students able to move towards engineering or research professions.</mark> <p></p> This training prepares for the specializations requested by regional and national companies: Internet of Things, Software Development, Big Data and Cloud Systems.

University of Ghana
This is the Information Technology age and at its core is Computer Science. The study of computer science is therefore critical if society is to take full advantage of the benefits Information Technology has to offer and make rapid economic advances. Computer science involves the study and development of applications that allow for our everyday use of computers, the software systems that support these applications, and the means and methods used to produce both applications and systems that behave reliably, correctly and ethically. At the heart of Computer Science lies the skill of computer programming and employers who hire Computer Scientists expect adept programmers with knowledge of current techniques and tools and the ability to apply sound engineering principles to the development, construction and maintenance of computer programs. <p></p> <mark>The range of courses available in the department and the skills acquired by students enable them to find employment in many diverse fields of the economy and prepare our graduates for the computing industry, working in a project team (or research and development team), and to enable the graduate to bring specialist skills to that team.</mark> The course also provides the platform for further study or research through exposure to established and emerging technologies and methods, and to active fields of research in Computer Science.

University of Cape Coast
For more than 25 years, computing courses have been provided for students from various departments by the computer centre. With the recent developments and trends in the information technology (IT), the University of Cape Coast established an academic department known as the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology. The primary focus of this department is teaching and research in computing. Furthermore the need for trained computer scientists and information technologists is one of the challenges that face the rapidly growing Ghanaian economy. <p></p> The worldwide shortage of qualified human resources in IT has been the main obstacles to the deployment, exploitation and development of ICT to accelerate socio-economic development. In Ghana there is an urgent need to meet this shortfall in computer science with graduate having the requisite skills. <mark>This programme is geared toward this major area of manpower requirement by preparing qualified SSS graduate for a career in IT. The programmes that the DCSIT runs are geared towards this major area of manpower requirement. In this regard, the department admits qualified SSS graduates and train them for a career in computing.</mark> <p></p> The Department offers three programs: BSc Computer Science, BSc Information Technology and a PhD in Computer Science and Application. These programs provide a comprehensive education in both theoretical and practical aspects of Computer Science (CS) and Information Technology (IT). There are a variety of exciting courses, including software engineering, artificial intelligence, internet systems and technology, computer security, algorithms, data structures, programming languages, operating systems hardware development, databases, networks design, business management and practices, as well cryptography, Data mining, Optimization as some of our doctoral studies in computing-related fields.

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
The Department currently runs one undergraduate programme in Computer Science and three postgraduate programmes in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Cyber Security and Digital Forensic. The Department also runs parallel programmes. <mark>In today’s rapidly changing world, maintaining global competitiveness requires the talents of a well-rounded, holistic individual with technical knowledge and business acumen to address challenging issues. </mark>The Computer Science Department is unique in developing skills in Information Technology. Welcome to the Department. <p></p> Established in 1977, the Department of Computer Science in KNUST serves as a center for computing education and research at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. There are strong research groups focusing on areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Information Systems, Computer theory and Scientific computing, and Software Engineering. The goal of these groups is to use technology as a means to address national and international issues and to foster national development. Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary and transnational research on applications that encourages basic and advanced research. <p></p> The Department of Computer Science is one of the five departments of the Faculty of Physical and Computational Sciences of the College of Science. The Department started with a 1-year certificate course in Data Processing which has currently been stopped. Many years down the line, the Department now runs a 4 -year degree programme in Computer Science. The Department was the first Department in the country to start a degree programme in Computer Science and this has been recognized by the government through the Ministry of Communication. As such, in late 2007, the Department was presented with an award during the first Information Communication and Technology Award night.

Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration
The BSc in Computer Science is a four-year programme which aims to equip graduates with a stronger mathematical and technical skills and knowledge to take on appropriate positions in industry upon graduation, and to grow into leadership positions or to pursue research or graduate studies in the field. Graduates of the programme can position themselves in a large number of exciting fields of works, including digital animation, knowledge engineering, software architecture, web design, digital media, and security consultancy. <p></p> By the end of the programme, <mark>graduates should be able to: understand and contribute to the scientific, mathematical and theoretical foundations on which information technologies are built; explain and apply appropriate information technologies and employ appropriate methodologies to help an individual or organization achieve its goals; Anticipate the changing direction of information technology and evaluate and communicate the implications of these changes to an individual or organisation; and live and work as contributing, well rounded, members of society.</mark>

Kumasi Technical University
The Department of Computer Science has since in 2007 been training students in Higher National Diploma programme. The Department trains students in various fields of computing that equips them with knowledge for development and utilization of modern computing. Graduates are placed in work positions that are in high demand in the society. <p></p> The following programmes are awaiting accreditation: <br> - BTech Computer Science with Data Mining <br> - BTech Web Development and Mobile Computing. <p></p> Vision <mark>To produce high calibre computer science graduates to support and sustain the industrial and economic development of Ghana and Africa.</mark> <p></p>Objectives <br> - To produce high caliber skilled manpower in technical computing to satisfy the needs of research, industrial and educational establishments in Ghana and Africa. <br> - To offer computer science graduates the opportunity to discover and fulfill their potential and provide access to a first class education. <br> - To educate students to be competitive in the technological world.

University of Education, Winneba
B.Sc. Information and Communication Technology programme is aimed at producing graduates with a thorough understanding of computer-based systems. It covers a range of areas including software design and development, multimedia, web-based technologies, computer networks, information security and Information and Communication Technology planning and management. <mark>Its main aim is to give students a broader knowledge of the areas that they are likely to come into contact with in the working environment.</mark> Graduates of this Programme are expected to find a range of attractive career opportunities ranging from software development, multimedia and web-based software development to network design, implementation and management.

Ashesi University
In an increasingly tech-driven world, the ability to respond to technological change and build tech tools will be key skills required to succeed. The Computer Science department at Ashesi helps students build the foundational skills necessary to build life-long careers in tech and information systems management. The department offers two majors, in Management Information Systems and Computer Science. <p></p> Computer Science Courses <p></p> <mark>Ashesi's core curriculum consists of an interdisciplinary liberal arts program that includes courses in the humanities and social sciences, as well as mathematics and preparatory business and computer science courses. </mark> <br> - Artificial Intelligence <br> - Machine Learning <br> - Robotics <br> - Data Structures and Algorithms <br> - Computer Graphics <br> - Thesis <br> - Applied Project <br> - Algorithm Design and Analysis <br> - Advanced Database Systems <br> - Database Systems <br> - Introduction to Computing & Information Systems <br> - Web Technologies <br> - Computer Programming for Computer Science <br> - Computer Programming for Engineering <br> - Software Engineering <br> - Human Computer Interaction <br> - E-Commerce <br> - Mobile Application Development <br> - Computer Networks and Data Communications <br> - Intermediate Computer Programming <br> - Discrete Theory and Structures <br> - Computer Organization and Architecture <br> - Intermediate Computer Programming <br> - Networks & Distributed Computing <br> - Operating Systems <br> - Data Structures & Algorithms <br> - Data Mining

Ho Technical University
Training highly competent human resource through career-focused education, skill training and research in partnership with stakeholders. The Department offers Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computer Science and Information Communication Technology. Additionally, it trains all students in the University (B.Tech and HND) to become computer literates for the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) driven global world. The Department has three (3) Computer Laboratories, two of which are used for teaching purposes while the third, a Digital Research Centre, is used strictly for research. <p></p> Aim and Objectives <p></p> <mark>The primary aim of the Department is to produce high caliber and results - oriented Computer Science and ICT graduates who have firm grips of practical techniques</mark> for the private and public sector organisations in the following areas: <br> - Computer Programming <br> - Data Communication and Network Administration <br> - Computer Hardware <br> - Web Technology <br> - Management of Information Systems <br> - Software Development <br> - Database Systems

Koforidua Technical University
The Computer Science Department was established in 2004 with an initial enrollment of 45 students. The department has gradually developed over the years since its establishment with regard to infrastructure and facilities, caliber of lecturers, among others. The development of the department has for these years turn-out many competent graduates in collaboration with industry in the area of Computer Science, Computer Networking Management, Information and Communications Technology and as well as Information Systems at both the HND and BSc levels for both industry and academia. Our tracer study outcomes reveal these products are excelling greatly in their respective fields of endeavors. Also, the Computer Science Department in addition to its core mandate of providing teaching and learning, conducting and publishing of research findings, and supervising students’ research as well, services other departments within and without the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology in the handling of various courses especially in the area of computer literacy and IT related courses. <p></p> Mission <br> The mission of the department is to <mark>provide students with excellent academic and professional training in Computer Science, Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity with the view of meeting the skilled manpower needs for development and efficient management of organizations.</mark> <p></p> Vision <br> The department aspires to be a center of excellence to produce, for both private and public sector organizations, <mark>high caliber middle level manpower who have sound practical and technical skills in the areas of Computer programming and related discipline to meet the challenges of Information and Communication Technology related organizations in Ghana and beyond.</mark>

Central University
Students who love creative thinking and using computers to solve real world problems will find the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science a rewarding field of study. The B.S. in Computer Science <mark>prepares students for immediate employment in computing-related careers as well as for graduate school. Our graduates often become software developers, business analysts, system administrators, and database administrators.</mark> The B.S. in Computer Science program at Central University is designed around sets of principles divided into Program Educational Objectives, and Student Outcomes. These principles have been developed by faculty based on standards of the discipline and accreditation practices, with input from industry, alumni, and students.

Valley View University
The underlying and guiding philosophy of the Department of Computer Science and the B.Sc. (Computer Science) programme is to promote scholarship, as well as the search for and the application of scientific knowledge through education, training research and community extension. The Department is committed to pursuing this philosophy through the provision of a world-class programme in Computer Science aimed at training highly skilled and globally-employable computer scientists and conducting cutting-edge research in the field of computer science. <p></p> THE OBJECTIVES <p></p> The objectives of the Computer Science Department are: <br> - To teach students the underlying fundamentals of computer software, computer hardware, computer-related mathematical systems and how computers interact with the rest of society. <br> - To encourage graduates of the programme to go into self-employment by creating their own computer-based businesses, for example: local and off-shore software development and maintenance; computer hardware system assembling, repair and maintenance and emerging computer services like, mobile, Web-hosting and publishing services, desktop publishing services, information provision services, computer design services, and e-commerce services. <br> - To create opportunities for students to apply their theoretical knowledge through work-study and practicum programmes; <br> - To develop in students the ability to think critically and to develop the highest levels of human values; <br> - To encourage students to appreciate the dignity of labor through work-study program; <br> - To encourage students to dedicate their lives to leadership in selfless service to God and to humanity through participation in community service.

Accra Technical University
Building capacity in computer algorithm through research and training, shaping academic discussions in computer literacy with knowledge in the growth and utilization of modern technology and equipment for complex computing is the focus of the Computer Science Department. <p></p> The department through this programme is poised to deliver competency-based training to ease the setting up of computer system software for individuals and corporate entities for the progression and application of modern computing technology in the world of works. <p></p> It is the plan of the department to champion continuous efforts to run a broadly-based computing discipline networking in hardware, software development, computer programming, software engineering, software testing as well as installation, maintenance and repair of computer systems. <p></p> These areas <mark>provide our students with the technical skills required to solve emerging problems in industry as well as serving as the foundation for research and graduate studies.</mark> Upon completion of this programme, graduates are better equipped with high-quality real-world experience through applied tasks to prepare them with mid-level experience in the progression of computer technology in industry.

Garden City University College
The aim of the faculty is to produce innovative; well-grounded and well-rounded computer programmers, Systems Analysts, Web Developers, Computer Technicians and entrepreneurs who can meet the challenges of our time and serve as agents for social change in an increasingly sophisticated global village.Graduates have the competence to apply the most recent techniques in the area of computing and are familiar with best practice and state-of-the-art approaches. <p></p> Why A Computer Science Degree?<br> The computing revolution is only just beginning. Computers now influence a huge range of areas - business, health care, education, government, environmental management, engineering, scientific research, video production, language translation, space exploration ... the list goes on! Your skills as a computer scientist are in great demand! <p></p> We are concerned with knowledge processing and problem solving using computers. <mark> You will study fundamental concepts related to representation, interpretation, and analysis of knowledge, as well as automation of deductive reasoning, and assessment of the value and applicability of computers.</mark> Concepts can be considered in theoretical terms and in terms of applications.

Regent University College of Science and Technology
The BSc (Hons) Computer Science programme provides students with a set of practical skills, which are built on a sound understanding of the principles and theories of computer science. The programme covers hardware (the behavior and interaction of the electronic components from which computers are constructed), software (the computer programme) and methodologies (the techniques used in the analysis and design processes for computer systems). <mark> The third and fourth years of study introduce the student to a more concentrated and advanced areas of computer science, offering students the opportunity to focus their studies in specialized areas like Software Engineering, Computer Information Systems, and Internet Computing, depending upon the students interests and career goals.</mark>

Presbyterian University
The BSc. Computer Engineering programme is a technical programme that combines electronic and electrical engineering, mathematics, and computer software. Students training is both theory and practice (Hands on Application) oriented in a software laboratory facility fully equipped with modern computers and internet facility for software development. <p></p> The 4-year Bachelor degree programme is <mark> designed to develop enterprising professionals with an innovative disposition, confidence and abilities to assume leadership roles in technology, business and the community. The programme gives skills essential for graduating engineers to become immediately employable in the competitive global industrial environment.</mark> <p></p> The programme modules include computer programming data structures; applied electricity; engineering drawing and mechanics; engineering thermodynamics; electronic engineering technology; telecommunication engineering; digital electronic systems design and laboratory; signals and systems; operating systems; VLSI design and control system; software engineering; database management systems; computer graphics and multimedia; system software and administration among others. The programme is affiliated to Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and it is run at the Obo Cite of the Okwahu Campus.

Takoradi Technical University
The Department of Computer Science was established in 2000 as a servicing department. Currently, it has grown into a department that runs full-time courses together with the servicing responsibilities it originally had to handle. It also has the Directorate of ICT Services attached to it. The Department has the mandate to train and equip students with employable technological skills needed to resolve industrial challenges. The Directorate of ICT Services, on the other hand, is mandated to handle all the technological problems of the University; it is also mandated to give professional ICT advice to the Management of the University. <p></p> VISION The Department of Computer Science is committed to bridging the gap between computer science and other disciplines in the area of research and professional engagements in a bid to empower people to use science to impact society positively. <p></p> MISSION <br> <mark> The Department of Computer Science provides psychological, physical and cognitive technological training which equips students with employable skills that are needed to mitigate industrial IT challenges.</mark> <p></p> GOALS <br> The goals of the Department are to: <br>1. Train students to be very knowledgeable in Information Technology; <br>2. Equip students with employable skills that they require to function effectively in industry; and <br>3. Ensure the smooth running all of the University’s ICT infrastructure. <p></p> OBJECTIVES <br> The core objective of the Department is to equip students with the necessary ICT competencies that will enable them fit the work environment either as employees or as entrepreneurs.

Ghana Christian University College
BSc Information Technology and Systems (ITS) increase productivity, improve decision-making and lead to competitive advantage. The BSc program will equip the student with knowledge and methods to manage information technology within business organizations, covering theory, technical and managerial skills. <p></p> This BSc blends recent advances in IT and IS, the internet and web technologies with business applications.<mark> It is designed to develop IS professionals who will gain knowledge of information systems design techniques, strategic business disciplines, web technologies and e-business, and who will be equipped with up-to-date techniques for developing Information Technology and Information Systems infrastructure for organizations.</mark> <p></p> This four-year program consists of a number of core courses taken during the first three years and combination of elective courses in the fourth year. Compulsory modules cover systems development, databases, information security management and project management. The management courses are tailored specifically for IT management. <p></p> The program has been created for people who will assume responsibility for the planning, design and implementation of information systems. It is designed for anyone who is, or aspires to be, a systems analyst, IT project manager or IS consultant.

University of Professional Studies
From hacked emails to global cyber attacks, information technology has become an integral part of our daily lives - and our workplaces. Strong managers with effective project management skills are now making the Information Technology Management professional a valuable team member. <p></p> <mark> This degree will teach you the technology behind the systems, along with the business fundamentals you need to become a true asset in the workplace.</mark> <p></p> With the knowledge gained with this degree, our graduates go on to successful careers as business analysts, consultants, software development specialists, network administrators, and implementation specialists in major organizations. <p></p> As an Information Technology Management major, your required courses will focus on leveraging technology to drive critical business decisions. You'll also have the flexibility to choose electives that explore the technical aspects of information systems. <p></p> What does that look like? It translates to business classes in management, marketing, communications and finance coupled with IT-focused courses such as Business Information Modeling, Data Analytics, Advanced Business Software Tools, and IT Project Management. <p></p> In each of those courses, you'll find small classes with faculty who care - about the material they teach, certainly, but also about you, the student.

Catholic University of Ghana
The Faculty of Information Communication Science and Technology(ICST) is dedicated to excellence in information-technology education practices in Ghana to ensure that graduates of this programme are recognized among the best in Ghana and beyond in terms of providing solution to information communication technology problems. <p></p> The B.Sc. Computer Science programme <mark> seeks to impart appropriate and requisite knowledge to students to develop careers such that graduates will apply acquired Computer Science knowledge and skills to develop preferred career paths</mark>: the Computer Science knowledge acquisition will prepare and offer graduates study competencies to student who may be desirous to pursue higher academics laurels upon graduation and to offer our future leaders sounds moral and ethical principles.

Sunyani Technical University
The department endeavours to impart quality education to students in the areas of computer science and information technology with exposure to industrial problems and application development through specialization programmes, student workshops, industry internships, Value-added courses and Projects. <p></p> The department has very competent faculty certified and trained to teach advanced areas in computer science like cloud computing, software quality, cyber security, artificial intelligence and machine learning, blockchain technology, Internet of Things and so on. <p></p> Education here prepares students for an exciting career in industry, Governmental jobs, and universities. They also are given platform to form startup companies. The department has well equipped laboratories and our faculty is dedicated to excellence in teaching. It has a fine blend of well experienced faculty and young & dynamic faculty. <mark> The Students get an opportunity to work on projects to groom them for professional life. There is plenty of opportunity to interact with faculty and to receive individual attention.</mark> <p></p> The faculty is actively engaged in research and publications and has recognized projects to their credit in collaborations with industry, international universities and research labs of high repute. The students are actively engaged in application based projects as well as research projects with industry, R&D labs, research centers as well as international universities. <p></p> Along with the core degree, the Department of Computer Science Engineering also offers the following additional Honours in line with the industry's latest trends. <br> - AI and Machine Learning <br> - Data Science <br> - Computing <br> - Game Design & Development <br> - Security and Privacy <br> - Internet of Things

Akenten Appiah-Menka University
Learning about computer-based systems can open a lot of different career doors. Our information technology course combines theoretical knowledge with practical experiments to prepare you for the world of work, focusing on skills expected by employers. <mark> You’ll have access to a wide range of advanced equipment and software. Our interworking labs come equipped with telecommunication equipment, high-end simulation software, and much more.</mark> We even have remote access for the features you will need. <p></p> A degree in information technology is a great step to a career in the IT field. You can look forward to securing a key role in the IT support sector, IT project development and anywhere else that database and multimedia skills are needed. <p></p> <mark> You’ll learn to apply your theoretical knowledge with practical experiments in our modern labs or using remote access, component kits and a wide range of software.</mark> Teaching is made up of different styles like lab and group work alongside individual projects, which include designing websites and IT systems. <p></p> Our course gives you the option to extend your studies by a year to spend the third year doing a paid work placement in an IT-based industry. You’ll enhance your career prospects and practice your knowledge before the final year, possibly leading to a better grade. We’ll help you secure your placement and even cover your tuition fees for the year. <p></p> There’ll be lots of career events throughout your time studying so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet and talk with potential employers before you graduate.

Pentecost University
Here you will learn to think logically, develop problem-solving skills, work with technology both theoretically and practically, communicate effectively and collaborate with other bright students, all within our supportive college environment. You will take part in field trips, industrial and educational tours, and industrial attachment to enhance and consolidate your knowledge and experience in our cutting-edge courses. <p></p> Students pursuing our Engineering, Science, Technology programmes can look forward to a promising future. Our programmes <mark> aim at producing professionals who will be able to analyse, design, develop, maintain, and apply engineering, science, and computing technologies, methodologies, and processes to solve or enhance industry and business problems.</mark> As a result of the sound theoretical and practical orientation of our programmes, many students have the advantage to smoothly fit into advanced degrees (MSc, MPhil, PhD) and professional programmes. Moreover, several students, as a result of our entrepreneurial programs, set up their own businesses. <p></p> The Faculty of Engineering, Science and Computing will provide you with sound quality engineering, science and technological education.

Christ Apostolic University College
The School of Technology (SOT) offers BSc. Information, Communication Technology and BSc Accounting and Information Technology to students. <p></p> It also runs both Diploma and Professional Diploma in Computerized Accounting. The BSc. Accounting and Information Technology is a hybrid programme that combines Accounting and Information Technology with the aim to <mark>offer graduates the opportunities to use their IT skills to develop or maintain Accounting and Financial Systems.</mark> <p></p> The School has lecturers with industrial experience to help students achieve their job expectations. It also has an ultra-modern computer laboratory where learning, research and lectures are made easy. <p></p> Career Opportunities <p></p> Graduates from the school’s program can work in the Financial Services, Security services, Local Government Service, Hospitals etc., as <br> - Software Developer <br> - Mobile Application developer <br> - Data Analyst <br> - Database Administrators <br> - Accounting with Information Technology support <br> - Web Developer <br> - Web Designer <br> - Training and human performance professionals. <br> - Information Technology and Accounting Consultant <br> - Cyber Security Expert <br> - Network Administrator

All Nations University
Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems, both hardware and software. Computer Science is a diverse field that spans several core areas including Artificial Intelligence, Security, Computer systems and Networks, Database Systems, Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Vision and Graphics, Numerical Analysis, Programming Languages, and Data Structures and Algorithms. <p></p> MISSION: At ANU, our mission is to <mark> develop students that will incorporate meticulous analysis with inquisitiveness, creative power, and a desire for solving the problems in society.</mark> <p></p>Why Study Computer Science? <p></p> Tomorrow’s problems will require technologies not yet invented. Many of the software and hardware tools that enable these technologies are being developed by our faculty and students. Such innovation requires dedication to learning, in the classroom, in the research laboratory, and throughout one’s professional career. Scientific discovery and technological innovation require mastery of the fundamentals of computing science as well as mastery of practical technical skills. At the Department of Computer Science, <mark> we offer a unique educational opportunity for students to achieve excellence in both through rigorous classes and participation in cutting edge research.</mark> <p></p> Graduates of this program have career opportunities in many industries, including computer systems design, digital systems, systems analysis, software engineering, data communications and information systems and many more.

Tamale Technical University
The Tamale Technical University's Department of Computer Science programs examine the field not solely in a vacuum of theories. Instead, our programs explore the ways computing and algorithmic thinking influence and intersect with other scientific and technical disciplines. This perspective shapes the structure for all undergraduate and graduate computer science programs. <mark>Our students benefit from a practical orientation to computer science; cutting-edge, world-class research; congenial, accessible faculty; and an active student population. </mark>

Lancaster University Ghana
Our Computer Science degree programme offers a curriculum that combines theory and practice. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical involvement strikes a healthy balance between traditional academic learning and more hands-on experiences. <p></p> The overall aim of this programme is to provide you with the knowledge and skills required to be a computing professional. <mark>Our approach is very hands-on when it comes to computing and our projects allow each student to see and understand first-hand how various companies work.</mark> <p></p> One of the advantages of our Computer Science Course is that the students have access to various facilities during school trips. Previously, students have had the opportunity to participate in the two day conference: Agile in Africa; visited the Kofi Annan Centre, where students had the opportunity to learn about new networking technology; and took part in the MEST Hackathon, where students were put into teams to solve various problems by building a prototype. <p></p> Another example of the types of opportunities are students get involved with was a 24 hours non-stop "Social Storm" social entrepreneurship hackathon, where they competed against other students and Masters and PhD students. The Social Storm was an experiential learning opportunity for students that facilitate a connection of passionate young people, to allow them to collaborate on finding innovative solutions to global situations. This event brought together over 15 universities and their students tackling 2 global issues: food security and sustainable housing which stems from the UN’s Global Goals. <p></p> The aim of the hackathon was to inspire students with great examples of social enterprises, businesses and projects happening around them, develop students’ enterprise and employability skills and knowledge of business as well as demonstrate how potential technology has the ability to change how we communicate our ideas across countries.

Wisconsin International University
The programme provides academic opportunities and experiential learning to undergraduate students to acquire knowledge, leadership, team building skills and attitudes to function as IT and business managers. It exposes graduates to global and ethical issues in IT and Management. The programme meets the demand for higher academic training at the undergraduate level for the Management and IT industry. <p></p> The Bachelor of Science Information Technology degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and competencies they need to analyze and solve problems across all systems and IT functions within an organization. <mark>Students learn through a variety of methods including lectures and discussion, case studies, small group work, simulations, field work and mini projects. </mark>

Accra Institute of Technology
The objectives of the Information Technology (Software Development) program — which is in-line with the mission of AIT, is to produce high caliber graduates in Information Technology using internationally benchmarked curriculum. <p></p> The program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and associated skills in the broad field of Information Technology Over the four year program a range of skills-based, generic subjects will be sustained in order to develop the student as a versatile graduate and as a 'life-long learner'. Students on this program will acquire systems design, and communication skills and be prepared for employment in a broad spectrum of computing, or for continued study at the postgraduate level. The objectives are therefore to ensure that: <p></p> Each graduate from the program will demonstrate the ability to acquire, apply, and synthesize new knowledge in Information Technology as required for success. <p></p> <mark>Each graduate from the program will successfully achieve a major computing outcome, consistent with the individual's position, within his/her first three years working in the IT professions or obtain an advanced degree from highly selective graduate program.</mark> <p></p> Each graduate from the program will demonstrate the ability to grow professionally, and advance career-wise in the IT profession, and assume increasing responsibility. A significant number of them will attain leadership positions in their industries or profession.

Webster University
In the Computer Science Department at Webster University, our objective is not just to provide students with a solid background in the different areas of information technology, but also to encourage and help develop students' creativity and originality. Classes combine theory and practice with practical work constituting up to 50% of the class time. Individual and teamwork projects are another essential feature of our pedagogy and classes are small to enable you to receive individual help from professors. Many of our teachers are also IT professionals and will provide you with insight of the latest technologies. <p></p> The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree program in Computer Science at Webster University prepares you to meet the demands for innovation in the computer field. <p></p> Webster’s program is designed around identified core knowledge areas of computer science. <mark>The program includes theoretical and practical hands-on approaches preparing students to enter the IT workforce or continue their education in a professional graduate degree program.</mark>

Dominion University College
This programme is designed to provide an effective and well-balanced industry IT knowledge and skills for those seeking career in this fast growing field. It aims to develop experts in designing and developing real world software and hardware solutions. Our BSc Computer Science programme prepares our students to master their competencies and they are taught by experts in the field in a well resourced lecture halls and laboratories. <p></p> BSc Computer Science is an integrative course with exciting hands-on, work-based theoretical learning opportunities. At the end of the 4-year duration of studying the programme, students will; <br> - <mark>Possess the practical, work-based and theoretical knowledge of computer science and software engineering necessary to even earn a living as well as contribute to economic development.</mark> <br> - Have all it takes to further your education both at the masters and PhD levels in computer science and software engineering. <br> - Understand and adhere to the professional standards and ethics expected of computer scientists and software engineers. <br> - Appreciate the social, organizational, and managerial impact of computing. <br> - Recognize the importance of and possess the skills necessary for life-long learning.

Kaaf University College
The Computer Science program which is in-line with the mission of KAAF, is to produce competent graduates in Computer Science using internationally benchmarked curriculum. As such the Program is designed to meet the IEEE stipulations and the requirements for computing degrees. The program is designed to <mark>provide students with the knowledge and associated skills in the broad field of computer science.</mark> Over the four year program a range of skills-based, generic subjects will be sustained in order to develop the student as a versatile graduate and as a 'life-long learner'. Students on this program will acquire systems design, and communication skills and be prepared for employment in a broad spectrum of computing, or for continued study at the postgraduate level.

Knutsford University College
Computer Science scholars ask questions such as: Can we build computers that think like humans? How can we improve computer games that feature evolving characters? What is the future of augmented reality? <p></p> Computer science is a field of theoretical and practical problem solving, combining creativity with mathematics, logic and communication. A strong understanding of computer science principles helps prepare you for a long career of problem-solving and system building without requiring continual training. <p></p> During the course of your studies, <mark>you will actively be solving problems and building new programs in class and tutorial labs.</mark> Students interested in gaining experience with computer science research may pursue opportunities to work in research laboratories, either as a volunteer or as part of research courses.

Radford University
The structure of this proposed program in Information Communication Technology (ICT) with its specialized minors is rigorous and requires <mark>students who are willing to dedicate four years to the attainment of the Baccalaureate of Science in Information Communication Technology (ICT) and are prepared to implement the skills attained to enhancing the culture’s economic resources through gainful employment, entrepreneurial ventures or the teaching profession.</mark> The concentrations under BSc Information Communication Technology includes <P></P> COURSE HIGHLIGHTS <BR> - Hardware and Software <BR> - Programming <BR> - Introduction to Networking <BR> - Information Systems

Seeka University
Seeka University is an entrepreneurial university set to open its doors in fall 2020 in the city of Yamoussoukro, the administrative and political capital of Ivory Coast. the new university will start with a School of Entrepreneurship and a School of Engineering and Technology. <p></p>We believe that education should and must be holistic. Hence, our educational philosophy is to develop individual students as well as helping them acquire the necessary skills needed to become productive and self-reliant citizens. As a consequence, we focus on both the process (skill acquisition) and the individual (personal development). Very often, in the context of Africa, once they graduate from college, students expect governments to offer them a job. Our philosophy is that <mark>students should be self-reliant and become the captain of their own destiny. They must set the path of their own lives.</mark> As such, Seeka University is rethinking and redesigning education in Ivory Coast. We expect our students to ‘dream big and be the captain of their own destiny.’

Essitech International trains high-level general engineers in computer science, with particular emphasis on software engineering. The training revolves around a common base focused on the design and production of software as well as options allowing students to choose a computer science specialty in which they wish to acquire additional skills. <p></p> FROM THE 3RD YEAR 4 OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM <p></p> LARGE SCALE SYSTEM<br> <mark>Large-scale distributed applications and systems. Topics covered: challenges of the widespread use of the Internet, distributed infrastructures and the cloud, parallel computing and the use of multi-core architectures</mark> <p></p> SECURITY<br> Security of computer and electronic systems, protection of information, physical devices and software implementations. Topics covered: the construction of security mechanisms (cryptology, secure programming, network security, trust, intrusion detection)yarnt <p></p> MEDIA AND INTERACTIONS<br> Analysis and modeling of media such as image, video, text or speech, interaction tools adapted to user needs. Topics covered: computer graphics, virtual reality, motion capture and analysis of human gestures, image/video analysis and language processing <p></p> BIGDATA<br> Meeting the challenges of the “data deluge”, processing and creating value from big data: the technologies and infrastructures to choose to benefit applications. Topics covered: advanced databases, modeling, statistics, social networks, data mining and large graphs

Ivorian Institute of Technology (IIT)
The IIT wants to contribute to the emergence of a more prosperous African society through the mastery of technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship. <p></p> The software engineering training offered by the Institute therefore aims to <mark>provide students with the skills required to intervene in all phases of software production, namely: identification and analysis of needs, drafting of specifications. technical and functional, software development, realization of unit and integration tests, user training as well as deployment and maintenance.</mark> <p></p> Founded by the company director and Engineer-Consultant in the fields of ICT and business management, Caliste Claude M'BAHIA, the IIT is located in the city of Grand-Bassam, 15 minutes from the international airport of 'Abidjan, and 30 minutes from downtown Abidjan.

ENSIT is an engineering school dedicated to teaching and research in digital sciences and technologies. Established in Abidjan, two Plateaux not far from the ENA, it <mark>trains experts in technological innovation, managers and entrepreneurs.</mark> <p></p> Our majors in the engineering cycle <p></p> Artificial intelligence<br> AI Engineers: Overview of the Artificial Intelligence Major program Examples of Artificial Intelligence projects carried out by 4th year engineering students. <p></p> Automation<br> Ensit trains engineers who design and implement modern industrial systems natively integrating the tools and technologies of… <p></p> Linux administration<br> The administration of a Linux system is an important, sensitive and strategic task which determines the integrity, durability, accessibility and confidentiality of the resources (hardware, software, data) of an information system. <p></p> IT, connected objects and security<br> The major trains computer engineers capable of understanding the design and development of connected objects or services, secure systems and learning the latest generation languages to better accomplish projects. <p></p> Analog signal processing<br> Analog signal processing is a type of signal processing performed on continuous analog signals by an analog process, as opposed to discrete digital signal processing where the signal processing is performed by a digital process. <p></p> Database<br> A database is a collection of information that is organized in such a way that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated. It is used by organizations as a method of storing, managing and retrieving information. And the SQL structuring language is more in-depth.

Virtual University of Ivory Coast
The degree in application development prepares you for work in the software development industry with a focus on application design and development of web platforms. App development is a field that brings concepts in programming, web development, and interface design together. Using current and emerging technologies, <mark>you develop skills in app design, learn relevant programming languages for application development on a variety of smart-devices, and learn the policies and procedures for submitting apps for distribution.</mark>

National School of Statistics and Applied Economics
The DATA SCIENCE Master's program is a joint program launched by three academic institutions: ENSEA, INP-HB and X Polytechnique with the support of the ORANGE group, the CI general society and the SANLAM group. <p></p> This master aims to train experts in the field of Statistics, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. It will enable them to appropriate engineering based on new developments in the storage and processing of massive data. This course is focused on the one hand, on advanced computer engineering based on a mastery of distributed environments, parallel computing and NoSQL databases; and on the other hand on the methods of statistics, artificial learning and visualization of data adapted to the analysis and modeling of large masses of data. <p></p> <mark>The training program revolves around courses in Big Data storage models, tools and methodologies. The training is focused on practice with a preponderance for the real mastery of Data Scientist tools. Students in this program carry out practical work and studies related to theoretical learning.</mark> <p></p> Since English plays an important role, courses are dedicated to a TOEFL exam. The lessons will be given by professors from the INP-HB, professors from X-Polytechnique Paris Saclay as well as professionals who are experts in their field. A joint degree (INP-HB, X Ecole polytechnique) will be issued. <p></p> At the end of the training, the students of the Master Data Science program have skills allowing them to exercise the following professions: <br> - Data Administrator <br> - Big Data Engineer <br> - Data Mining Researcher <br> - Data Analyst <br> - Data Scientist

National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouët-Boigny
The department is split into 2 sections: A computer science section and a mathematics section. Each of the sections is seen as a whole composed of educational and research workshops, teaching of the same specialty. The department is made up of Pedagogical and Research Teams (EPR) made up of teachers working collectively on questions of pedagogy and research. The EPRs are grouped into a logical unit called the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Research Laboratory ( LARIMA ). <p></p> The structure is based on the specialties found in the Department, namely computer science and mathematics. Hence the creation of the computer section and the mathematical section. Each of the sections is seen as a whole composed of educational and research workshops, teaching of the same specialty. Pedagogical and Research Teams (EPR) are set up which are freely formed by teachers who agree to work collectively on questions of pedagogy and research. The EPRs are grouped into a logical unit called the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Research Laboratory ( LARIMA ). <p></p> Areas of research in Computer Science <mark><br> - Distributed Architecture, Parallel Architecture, Scientific Computing <br> - Networks, Software Engineering and Programming <br> - Artificial Intelligence, Database, Human-Machine Interface</mark>

Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny
When it comes to computer science, we leave no line of code unfinished. Our curriculum is dynamic, covering topics from programming language to data structures and algorithms to operating systems. You'll also analyze computer foundations from the beginning to the latest tools and applications. <p></p> With our focus on technology and your focus on academics, we'll make a great team. You'll have primal access to the data server room, the Information Lab, laptops, and printers. Not to mention the latest software programs, like Linux or Windows. <p></p> Upon completion of the degree in Computer Science, students will be able to demonstrate mastery of computer science in the following knowledge areas: <mark> <br> - Algorithms, data structures, and complexity; programming languages and compilers; software engineering and development; computer hardware and architecture <br> - Be able to apply problem-solving skills and the knowledge of computer science to solve real problem</mark>

African Higher School of ICT (ESATIC)
The purpose of the professional degree in Application Development and Information Systems (DASI) is to train technicians specialized in application development and database administration. <p></p> ACQUIRED SKILLS <p></p> <mark>At the end of the training, the student is able to: <br> - developing and maintaining applications (web, mobile, etc.); <br> - implement a functional architecture of an information system; <br> - deploy and administer a database; <br> - understand the organization and operation of a company; <br> - work in a team by developing oral, written and relational communication skills interpersonal.</mark> <p></p> The Professional Bachelor's degree in Application Development and Information Systems (DASI) allows you to practice among others the following functions: <br> - application developer (web, mobile, etc.); <br> - Support Technician ; <br> - tester and integrator of web solutions; <br> - software package integrator; <br> - database administrator

Eudist Technological University Institution of Africa
Computer science education falls within the areas of software engineering, particularly those of component engineering, software architectures, and models. The objective is to train highly qualified computer scientists who can be effectively integrated into the processes of creating and maintaining systems with a strong computer component. <p></p> Faced with the rapid evolution of technology, professions and the job market, the training aims to acquire fundamental and up-to-date knowledge which provides a solid basis on new technologies and emerging design methods. <p></p> <mark>The skills required: <br> - Being creative, methodical and curious <br> - Being attracted to ICT professions <br> - Being open-minded</mark>

New Dawn University
The Computer Engineering degree is for students interested in both programming and hardware. The required classes cover software engineering, computer science, and electric and digital circuit designs. <p></p> Goal <p></p> Train senior technicians and computer engineers: <mark> <br> - Frameworks in analysis and programming; <br> - Professionals in software engineering / computer application development; <br> - Agents of information systems management and database operation. </mark> <p></p> Why study Computer Engineering? <br> Computer engineering integrates electronic engineering with computer sciences. Computer engineers design and develop computer systems and components for computation, control, data storage, input/output and networking. Computer engineers integrate these components into computer and network systems. This <mark>requires a good working knowledge of both computer science and electrical engineering.</mark <p></p> Computer engineers work in technology industries involving computer systems design and related services. They may work in research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences, or they may work in environments with computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing, semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing, or in government.

Joseph KI-ZERBO University
The Computer Science Program prepares students for careers in computer science through learning based on practice and grounded in theory. Students learn how to analyze, design, build, test, and deploy computer-based systems by making technical trade-offs between performance, scalability, availability, reliability, security, maintainability, cost and societal impact. Marshall’s computing facilities are state-of-the-art and readily available to students. <p></p> Supporting the mission of the University to provide innovative undergraduate and graduate education that contributes to the development of society and the individual. The Computer Science Program is committed to our alumni who, within a few years of their graduation, are expected to: <mark><br>1) be employed in fields of Computer Science <br>2) engage in life-long learning and professional development through self-study, continuing education or graduate and professional studies <br> 3) become effective communicators, collaborators and innovators. <br>4) practice professional ethics with social responsibility addressing social, technical and business challenges.</mark> <p></p> The program exposes students to a range of other disciplines, such as the natural sciences, social sciences, economics, and business so they gain an understanding of the real world scenarios. Theoretical courses are supported by rigorous laboratory tasks.

Norbert Zongo University
The Science and Technology Training and Research Unit of Norbert ZONZO University (UFR-ST/UNZ) was created in 2014. It is a higher general education institution whose objective is to train students in scientific and technological fields. Within the framework of the LMD system, the UFR-ST/UNZ prepares students for Licenses, Masters and Doctorates in the fields of Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry-Computer Science and Life and Earth Sciences. <p></p>The Computer Science program core coursework provide basic coverage of algorithms, data structures, software design, concepts of programming languages, and computer organization and architecture. Theoretical foundations, problem analysis, and solution design are stressed within the program’s core materials. <mark>Students are exposed to a variety of programming languages and systems and become proficient in more than one higher-level language. </mark>

Irgib Africa University
We live in an ICT age: computers, smartphones and networks are used by everyone, everywhere, as an enabler and driver of innovation. There is great demand for graduates who understand computing technology and create innovative solutions to help people and benefit organisations. <p></p> In this program you will: <mark><br> - Develop vital skills in problem solving, designing artificial worlds and making ideas come to life while working on cutting-edge technology</mark> <br> - Study the foundations of computing and business, along with courses in cyber security, programming and project management <br> - Develop specialist skills in data management, and in developing and using information systems to solve business problems <br> - Build hands-on experience through a professional work integrated learning course <br> - Complete placements designed to get you job-ready <br> - Gain industry certification (Microsoft, ITS, Cisco and more) at no extra cost as you complete courses

African University of Technology and Management Gasa
Computer science is a field of scientific, technical, and industrial activity concerning the automatic processing of digital information by the execution of computer programs hosted by electrical-electronic devices: embedded systems, computers, robots, automatons, etc. <mark>This program leads the student to develop computer applications of all types (web, mobile: Android, video games, databases, systems: Linux, etc.), and to manage artificial intelligence and big data computer projects.</mark> <p></p> Examples of Merise subjects, Web programming (HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, etc.), Mobile programming, UML, Languages: C/C++, JAVA, etc., Databases: SQL SERVER, Oracle, etc., Software engineering, Teleinformatics and networks, object-oriented algorithms, etc. <p></p> Pedagogical Material <br>– An online server to host student applications <br>– A computer room with more than 50 PCs <br>– Free Internet access on campus 24/7 <p></p> Opportunities : <br>– Database administrator <br>– Web developer <br>– Mobile developer <br>– System developer

University of Parakou
The Software Engineering program trains individuals to successfully design, develop, implement, integrate, and maintain software and software related products. <p></p> We give students the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and manage large-scale software systems with a primary focus on quality, reliability, and maintainability. <p></p> <mark>This program emphasizes skills in managing development processes, organizational structures, analysis and modeling techniques, design methodologies, documentation standards, and quality controls.</mark> <p></p> Course highlights include: <br> - Software Quality Assurance <br> - User Interface Design <br> - Software Security <br> - Maintenance, Evolution and Reengineering <br> - Software Project Planning and Management <br> - Software Quality Assurance

PIGIER School Benin
To train executives capable of mastering engineering techniques related to the design of software systems, as well as the design, deployment and administration of a local corporate computer network. You'll gain experience with many platforms and environments. Using cutting-edge computer systems technologies (such as Android, iOS and Unity) and industry standards (such as Java, Oracle, C, C# and .NET), you'll learn to <mark>create solutions to real-world problems.</mark>

African School of Economics
The bilingual Statistics and Computer Science undergraduate program prepares students for high-level data analysis and work in tech. Students master the theoretical and practical tools that are necessary for today’s digital economy. Key subject areas include Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and other related fields. <p></p>Learning Outcomes <p></p> Students completing the major in Statistics & Computer Science will have: <mark><br> - In-depth knowledge in the mathematical, probabilistic, and statistical foundations. <br> - Programming software engineering skills. <br> - Ability to apply statistical analysis and modeling to reason from data in a principled manner. <br> - Combined theoretical and technical skills to use for real-world applications.</mark>

University of Abomey-Calavi
This training aims to train specialists capable of developing various types of computer applications for different platforms (classic, web, mobile). <p></p> <mark>Skills <br> - Analyze (model) a real situation from a computer point of view <br> - Administer a database <br> - Develop an application in line with the real situation modeled <br> - Deploy an app</mark> <p></p> Output profile <p></p> Graduates of this license can exercise the following professional mandates: <br> - Design analyst <br> - Technical support <br> - Software architect <br> - Graphic designer <br> - Application developer (classic, web and mobile) <br> - Application developer <br> - Software architect <br> - Database Manager <p></p> Opportunities <br> - Freelance <br> - Banks <br> - Decentralized Financial Systems (DFS) <br> - International organizations <br> - Mobile phone agencies <br> - ICT office <br> - Ministries <br> - Benin Telecom SA <br> - Ministry of Digital Economy <br> - Companies specializing in software development <br> - Everywhere

School Of Higher Technicians Of Benin
Computer Science programs at School Of Higher Technicians Of Benin have the advantage of a software engineering focus. That, along with thorough computer science theory, provide a basis for fundamental technology innovation and long–term career success. <p></p><mark>The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science focuses on the concepts and techniques used in designing and developing advanced software systems. Explore the conceptual underpinnings of computer science, including its fundamental algorithms, programming languages, operating systems, and software engineering techniques.</mark>

Univeristy of Lome
The Science and Technology (ST) field offers training in scientific disciplines both in their fundamental aspect (Mathematics, Biology, Geology, etc.) and in their technological and professional applications (Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical, Mechanics, etc.) <mark>These trainings play an important role in the development that cannot be done without expertise in these sectors.</mark> <p></p> The software engineering concentration of the BS program in computer science is appropriate for computer science students seeking careers as software engineers. Students learn advanced processes, methodologies and tools for developing and testing large and small software applications in emerging areas such as: <br> - databases <br> - enterprise systems <br> - interoperable systems <br> - mobile computing <br> - service-orientated computing <p></p> They also learn cybersecurity concepts and techniques and principles of human-computer interaction and methods for developing these applications. The curriculum <mark>prepares students to assume leadership roles in software development organizations and to practice professional standards and emerging software technology to the software engineering life-cycle activities.</mark>

Catholic University of West Africa
ISTIN contributes to better support for students towards more specialized and job-creating training. Digital technology is at the heart of technological innovations today and is helping to profoundly transform our lifestyles tomorrow. All business sectors have a growing need for digital skills. The considerable evolution of technologies contributes to significant progress in many areas with high stakes for the future such as health, the environment, transport, etc. <mark>ISTIN wants to contribute to placing student training at the crossroads of technologies, their fields of application and societal challenges.</mark> Such a choice now offers good job prospects and can represent a significant advantage. <p></p> Professional license day course <br>- Application development <br>- Computer networks and telecommunications <br>- Mathematics and computer science <br>- Engineering course <br>- Big Data <br>- Cybersecurity

University of Kara
The need for people with a computer science background is very high and continues to grow. Virtually every organization relies heavily on computers. Computer scientists write programs, develop algorithms and design software. The field of computational mathematics <mark>combines knowledge of computer science with that of mathematics and is in great demand throughout the world.</mark>

Maryam Abacha American University Of Niger
With growing market demand, software engineering is one of Nigers' newest engineering disciplines; however, there are few software engineering programs in Niger. At Maryam Abacha American University Of Niger, our Software Engineering program focuses on the design of computer software and is exposed to software design for embedded systems, enterprise and mobile systems, distributed systems, real-time control systems, multi-media, and man-machine interfaces. Courses including software design, user interface, advanced networks, and design and analysis of algorithms <mark>prepare graduates for successful careers in the software engineering field.</mark>

The Islamic University of Niger
We are committed to delivering high quality taught programmes that prepare students to compete in a global marketplace for computing expertise. We believe that the best way to prepare students for the rapidly changing world of computing is to give them the skills and knowledge that enables them to readily adapt to those changes. <p></p> The aims and objectives of this revised programme are to: <mark><br> - Expose candidates to cutting edge developments in computing technology and contemporary computing research. <br> - Meet industry research and development needs, as well as the needs of candidates seeking to pursue further academic research. <br> - Provide a programme that meets local and regional needs, while meeting or surpassing the standards of top international programmes. <br> - Offer a programme that will attract increased interest, by introducing specializations and courses that address current and future needs of the industry. <br> - Establish a framework and programme structure that will flexibly facilitate evolution of the programme without compromising any of the programme objectives. <br> - Strengthen the core of the programme by defining a core that can support a broad set of specializations in Computer Science. <br> - Introduce a framework that allows candidates who have completed their degrees at various times in the past, who may not have completed the current requirements of an undergraduate degree in <br> - Computer Science, to be brought to the same level of competence before pursuing advanced courses in Computer Science.</mark>

Polytechnic School Dakar
The objective of this master is to train specialists in software engineering and information systems whose role is to advise companies in the field of ICT, but also to create and manage engineering services companies. computer science. <p></p> <mark>At the end of the master's degree, graduates will be able to design and develop applications in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs), to practice engineering and the integration of solutions, of ICT products and services.</mark> <p></p> The objective of this master is to train specialists in software engineering and information systems whose role is to advise companies in the field of ICT, but also to create and manage engineering services companies. computer science.

Virtual University of Senegal
Applications developers use computer languages to create programs that perform specific tasks on computers and other devices. It is a useful specialty for high-demand jobs such as website developer, database designer, support specialist, and software tester. The program offers students a strong technical foundation and an understanding of science, communications, and quantitative reasoning. <mark>Students will learn to work in teams, manage IT projects, and prepare software documentation. They will cover subjects such as data analysis, application and software development, programming, and project management. </mark>

Universitè Amadou Hampate Ba de Dakar
Provides high quality educational programs by maintaining a balance between theoretical and experimental aspects of computer science, as well as a balance between software and hardware issues by providing curricula that serves our communities locally and globally. <p></p> <mark>Ares of study include: <br> - Software engineering <br> - IT method applied to management <br> - Business Intelligence</mark>

Université du Sine Saloum El Hâdj Ibrahima NIASS
The Computer Science License aims to provide a general scientific culture and a solid basic training in computer science (Introduction to algorithmic and databases). The lessons taught require application, curiosity, a taste for demonstration and abstraction. <p></p> Training aims <br> This license aims to train students capable of: <mark><br> - Acquire fundamental knowledge in the three disciplines of computer science as well as in their fields of application <br> - Have the basics necessary to move towards engineering, teaching or research professions <br> - Know how to model a simple situation in the scientific field <br> - Know how to work in a group, to make a synthesis and to present it <br> - Acquire autonomy and adaptability to scientific or technological knowledge</mark> <p></p> Targeted skills <br> - Familiarity with the scientific method, mathematical reasoning and physical modeling <br> - Foundations of analysis, algebra, probability and statistics, numerical analysis in order to be able to approach more specialized topics in pursuit of master's studies <br> - Data management and processing skills <br> - Ability to analyze a problem, extract the dominant elements and implement a scientific approach <br> - Mastery of fundamentals in computer science during the common core <br> - Autonomous work, time management, developing critical thinking, implementing and carrying out a project, conducting scientific reasoning <br> - Teamwork and communication skills

AFI Business School
The computer program of the AFI Technology department allows future engineers to have an in-depth mastery of computer tools and to be quickly operational in order to meet the increasingly complex needs of companies, in all sectors (finance, industry, SSII, software publishers, etc.). The objective is to train computer engineers with all the skills necessary for high-level careers: <br>– Mastery of the concepts and architectures of IT and information systems of SMEs and large companies, <br>– Analytical skills and complex problem solving, <mark><br>– Interpersonal skills and understanding of the company's “business” issues. In addition to technical skills, the training provides a framework that helps cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit in the young engineer.</mark>

Dakar Bourguiba University
SSE's software engineering students come from varied backgrounds — computer science, general science, mathematics, engineering, business and liberal arts — to develop the intellectual toolkit necessary to become architects and project leaders who can build the software-intensive systems of the future. <mark>The master's in software engineering program equips students with advanced knowledge in software architecture, project management, technical planning, risk management and software assurance — areas that are essential in implementing and overseeing software-intensive projects of high technical complexity.</mark> Upon completion of the M.S. degree, our graduates advance to professional positions of increasing responsibility across a broad range of industries such as aerospace & defense, finance, healthcare, information systems, manufacturing, software and technology.

Université Amadou Mahtar MBOW de Dakar
The Graduate School of Engineering Sciences and Techniques was born from the creation of the second university of Dakar by decree n ° 2012-1474 of December 24, 2012, subsequently called University Amadou Mahtar MBOW (UAM) by decree n ° 2015-532 of April 21, 2015. The Graduate School of Engineering Sciences and Techniques meets development needs, by setting up professional training courses adapted and built around technological and applied skills. It participates in the production and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Engineering Sciences and Techniques. <p></p> Training offer <br> <mark>ESTI bases its training offer on the expressed needs of the labor market and the country's development objectives. It is resolutely oriented towards the offer of fully professional training courses which guarantee its graduates to be immediately operational in their fields.</mark>

MIT University Dakar
MIT University offers this course Development of Information Systems and Software Engineering to meet the growing needs of organizations to quickly have relevant and reliable information. Nowadays, all data is digitized and processed automatically by software. This places the developer at the center of economic activity. <mark>The main skills are programming, databases and mastery of IT environments (Server, Terminals, networks).</mark> <p></p> MIT profiles provide access to a wide category of professions and jobs at all levels of expertise (from technician, engineer to Expert) in the different fields and technologies: Analyst & Software Designer; Application integrators; Database Administrator; Operations Manager; Director of Information Systems; Responsible for IS security; Advisor; Technical-commercial. From the BAC, the MIT course starts with the license (BAC+3). However, a BAC+2 diploma will be issued after 2 years of study (BTS/DTS). <p></p> Then, to be engineers, the candidates will be able to choose between 2 specialties <br> - Professional MASTER in Information Systems & Software Engineering <br> - Master in ICT Management (Technico – commercial and ICT manager). <p></p> Senior Technicians - Management Computing and Software Engineering<br> This program trains developers capable of exercising the profession of analyst-programmer in the field of computer programming and databases for the implementation of organizational information systems. It also provides skills to design and implement a data network and ensure its management and maintenance. <p></p> Professional License - Computer Management <br> This program trains students on IT with management skills. It provides knowledge on technologies and tools related to the management of data and processes, that is to say the collection, verification and organization of large amounts of information. <p></p> Certification - Development , Programming & Software<br> Web development is an umbrella term that refers to the process of writing a page or website. Web pages are written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These pages can be simple text and graphical elements that look like a document. Pages can also be interactive or display changing information. Interactive server pages are a bit more complex to write, but they make for richer websites. <mark>Today, most pages are interactive and offer modern online services, such as shopping carts, dynamic visualizations and even complex social networks</mark> <p></p> Professional MASTER - Information Systems & Software Engineering<br> The objective of the Master is to train in 2 years on the one hand, professionals of the information systems having a double competence in management and in data processing, making it possible to develop the lever which the new technologies of information and communication thanks to a transversal understanding of the functioning of the company. And on the other hand, this training is intended to teach the foundations of computer auditing. It allows auditors to learn about the main IT audit framework (COBIT) and to prepare, in a later stage, for international certification (CISA) organized by AFAI and ISACA.

École Supérieure de Commerce de Dakar (Supdeco)
Students in the BSSE will be provided with skills in software engineering processes, including requirements analysis, software design and architecture, software testing, multiple programming languages and libraries, cloud computing technologies, project management, and foundational areas such as data structures and algorithmic complexity. Elective selections will permit students to specialize in other application areas, including human-computer interaction, socio-technical computing, computer networks, high-performance computing, and cybersecurity. A capstone project will allow students to exercise the full breadth of their skillset by working with clients on real-world projects. <mark>Software engineering positions are seeing rapid and expected continued growth, at a rate of 21% growth projected through 2028. With the new found skills in software engineering processes, graduates from the program will be able to join, and be successful in, the software developer workforce.</mark>

Université Alioune DIOP de Bambey
The training courses at UFR SATIC are essentially designed according to a professional orientation. The UADB has, since its creation, adopted the LMD system which offers the student the opportunity to make his own course, which will allow him after his license to follow without great difficulty an advanced training in the different disciplines. <mark>The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector trains professional graduates in the Administration and Maintenance of Computer Networks, able to install, administer and ensure the maintenance of computer systems and computer networks. It also supervises professional graduates in Web Application Development and Administration capable of developing, installing and administering web applications.</mark> Finally, it provides training for professional graduates in Multimedia Creation with proven skills in image processing, designing advertising documents, capturing and broadcasting sounds and producing and editing videos. The Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry (MPC) stream offers training in Applied Chemistry that gives graduates the ability to plan, execute and control operations relating to manufacturing processes and laboratory activities related to the field of chemistry. The Statistics and Business Intelligence sector trains specialists capable of working in all sectors of activity. They are trained to analyze, design, manage and use data for decision-making purposes. Finally, the Physics-Chemistry and Mathematics courses allow access to engineering professions in industry, middle and higher education and research.

Université de Thiès
The UFR SET of the University of Thiès was created by rector's decree in October 2007. It is a higher education establishment under the name of Science and Technology Training and Research Unit. It was created in order to offer a diversity of training offers within the framework of the new university card initiated by the authorities in 2004. The UFR SET provides training for students in the fields of Science and Technology (<mark>Computer Science</mark>, Mathematics, Hydraulics, Physics, Chemistry, etc.). The orientation of the UFR SET towards teaching and training in the field of science and technology will greatly contribute to the popularization of STEM (Sciences, Techniques, Engineering Professions and Mathematics), which constitute one of the main orientations of the Government of Senegal. This is how, that a proportion of Senegalese and foreign students graduating from the UFR now work as middle managers in the public and private sectors and in certain organizations. With a pedagogical organization articulated on the LMD system, the UFR SET meets the objectives of professionalization of training. It also <mark>develops activities of technology transfer, promotion of knowledge resulting from research, support for innovation and business creation, dissemination of scientific and technical culture.</mark> UFR SET meets the objectives of professionalizing training. It also develops activities of technology transfer, promotion of knowledge resulting from research, support for innovation and business creation, dissemination of scientific and technical culture. UFR SET meets the objectives of professionalizing training. It also develops activities of technology transfer, promotion of knowledge resulting from research, support for innovation and business creation, dissemination of scientific and technical culture.

Université Assane SECK de Ziguinchor
The UFR of sciences and technologies opened its doors in February 2007 following the example of the Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor following the will of the state authorities to widen the university map of the country. <p></p> Central structure of the Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor, the UFR of sciences and technologies appropriates the objectives targeted by the 2002 reform which reflect the national policy of higher education to be implemented by all the institutions of this buoyant sector. economic development and social progress. However, it can only succeed in achieving its objectives by planning the means and actions to be taken, and that is the whole meaning that must be given to the development and implementation of a plan. which summarizes the vision of the institution and whose purpose is to boost all its initiatives or projects. <p></p> The vision of the UFR of science and technology is part of that of the Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor, that is to say a quality training and research structure open to local, national, socio-economic realities. sub-regional and international. It also aims to make its teaching more professional and to use its research to support the deconcentration and decentralization policy. <p></p> The UFR des Sciences et Technologies carries out its mission based on a certain number of fundamental pillars: <mark><br> - freedom of mind and thought in the conduct of teaching and research activities; <br> - a critical spirit characteristic of science which results in the production of scientific works published in many international journals and useful in solving the problems of the community <br> - and the recognition that the student is at the heart of the institution.</mark> <p></p>From these pillars flow a certain number of values, in other words behaviors or attitudes that the institution recognizes as ideal: <br> - Excellence : this is the motto of the Assane SECK University of Ziguinchor and the UFR has made it its hobbyhorse by instilling in its various members a culture of rigor in the performance of administrative, educational and research activities ; <br> - moral integrity : it is established as a supreme value that invites its members to adopt honest behavior in the exercise of their functions. Moral integrity guarantees administrative legality, transparency and the obligation to report which today constitutes a guarantee of good governance; <br> - collaboration : in order to effectively carry out the missions entrusted to it, the UFR advocates collaboration between its members. It also advocates openness to the professional world in order to make its graduates more operational and <br> - respect : in order to establish a stable social climate, guaranteeing effectiveness and efficiency, the UFR advocates respect for the freedom and dignity of the human person. <p></p> The mission of the UFR is identical to that assigned to the University of Ziguinchor when it was created in 2007. That is to say, to train senior executives from Senegal and other African countries but also to contribute to scientific research in national and international levels. In this sense, the Science and Technology Training and Research Unit develops teaching and research activities in the fields of mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, agroforestry and geography. It is also engaged in providing advice in the various fields of science and technology.

Université Gaston Berger
We are committed to advancing the state of the art in Computer Science, and to <mark>providing a challenging and exciting education for our students.</mark> Faculty members maintain active programs of research and broader scholarship in a variety of specialties, including data visualization, distributed algorithms and systems, natural language processing, data mining, programming languages, the theory of computation, and social and ethical issues in computing.

Université Cheikh Anta Diop
Computer science is the study and understanding of the design of computers systems and its processes and applications. It is useful for the purpose of information management and information transfer. It spans a variety of areas from mathematics and science to engineering and can be used in a variety of industries. <mark>Because of its central focus on processes and manipulation of data, the discipline requires a fundamental understanding of algorithms and information processes. Students need to have a clear understanding of theoretical studies, experimental methods, and engineering design. </mark> At Université Cheikh Anta Diop, students can study for an undergraduate degree, a bachelor of science in computer and information science. Students can choose from a variety of concentrations, including computational mathematics, computer science, information systems, and multimedia computing. Upon completion of a bachelor's degree, students are able to begin work in a variety of fields: software applications development, computer systems analysis or engineering, network systems administration, database management/administration, or Web development. Students can also continue on to higher degrees in computer science or computer engineering.

University of Santiago
The Computer Engineering Course at the University of Santiago aims to train Computer Engineers trained both for practice and for research in the area. With a strong practical component, the four years of training are supported by <mark>solid theoretical training that stimulates creativity, based on in the analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of computer systems.</mark> <p></p>Professional Outlets<br> Graduates in Computer Engineering will have the following areas of professional activity: Engineering; Computer maintenance; Computer network; Architecture and Design of Systems Information; Information security and IT systems; Systems Analysis; Schedule; Design and development of Systems and Applications; Database Implementation and Administration Data; Multimedia; Management of IT Centers; Consulting and Auditing; investigation and technological development

Universidade Pública de Cabo Verde
The degree course in Informatics and Computer Engineering has the general objective of training specialists able to manipulate and edit information at the conceptual and abstract level, also mastering the physical realities that support it or to which they relate. The course involves a set of elementary, basic and specialized training subjects, which allow the future professional to act with scientific rigor and technological updating, in domains that encompass the analysis, design, modelling, production, operation and maintenance of computer applications, architectures of computers, hardware, multimedia applications and networks. <mark>The course seeks to respond to the local and national need for training qualified professionals with basic and advanced skills in the use and manipulation of Communication and Information Technologies (ICT).</mark> <p></p> In terms of career opportunities, while having a degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering, it is possible to develop activities such as: application programmers, technical support professionals, IT system administrators in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises).

Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde
The Systems Engineering and Informatics Bachelors program provides students with extensive theoretical knowledge in mathematics, statistics, operation and system analysis, system theory and modelling of technical, economical and social systems, information technologies and information engineering. <p></p> The aim of the course is to provide graduates with a balance of knowledge in business and production theory. <p></p> The technical aspects of the Systems Engineering and Informatics Bachelors course includes: <mark> <br> - discrete mathematics <br> - algorithm theory <br> - formal logic <br> - <br> - functional programming data flow analysis <br> - systems analysis and modelling <br> - statistics</mark> <p></p> Graduates of the Systems Engineering and Informatics Bachelors course are well equipped for subsequent studies in a relevant MSc programme and/or for employment in the IT sector for economists, in information management, national and international trade etc.

University of Mindelo
At the end of the course, the trainee will have to be trained and qualified to professionally build adequate solutions to solve problems of organizations and society, with the use of new technologies and information systems, based on all the accumulated experience and knowledge acquired through solid training in the field of mathematical sciences, administration and computing. <mark>The interdisciplinary nature of the set of curricular units taught enables professionals with a degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Systems to perform a wide variety of functions in companies, ranging from the management of the general functioning of an organization to the problems of application development, planning and management of information systems.</mark> <p></p> The Degree in Computer Engineering and Computational Systems from the University of Mindelo is a natural candidate for positions in IT departments of the most varied types of national and European institutions and bodies. As an example, institutions in the services sector (where banking, insurance, energy, telecommunications, tourism, culture, multimedia, health and technical-professional education stand out), institutions in the sector industrial and commercial, the Public Administration and in general all companies that need systems to extract, store and make available large volumes of information, whether or not they use Internet services. More specifically, the Graduate in Computer Engineering and Computer Systems from the University of Mindelo is competent to act in the market as: <br> - Systems Analyst; <br> - Analyst/Programmer; <br> - Former; <br> - Network Manager; <br> - Technical Director of Information Systems; <br> - Consultancy in Technologies and Information Systems; <br> - Database Administrator; <br> - Programmer of applications distributed on the Internet; <br> - Computer technician; <br> - Computer Security Technician; <br> - Design of hardware and/or software systems; <br> - Design of IT systems infrastructures; <br> - Communication network infrastructure design;

Faculté des sciences et techniques
The Faculty of Science and Technology is a public education structure in Mali created in 1996 with the University of Mali. Today, it is a structure of the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako. Since its creation, it has trained many students in the field of science and technology, from DEUG level to Doctorate level. Science and technology are at the heart of understanding all processes, from the formation of the Universe to the dynamics of animal populations, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small. Today's scientists must meet the challenges of innovation and the implementation of a new development model. We are proud to<mark> train these specialists who show day after day their ability to develop, discover and create.</mark> <p></p> Our Faculty, with an area of nearly 9 ha, with a 550-seat amphitheater, 9 rooms with 150 to 200 places, 40 rooms with more than 50 places, 28 research laboratories, 14 rooms for practical work and other specialized rooms, welcomes more than 4,000 students each year. The missions entrusted to it are general practical and specialized higher education, research and the promotion of scientific and technological research, professional training, postgraduate training, preparation for the Grandes Ecoles, the development and dissemination of culture and knowledge, carrying out expertise in the field of science and technology. <p></p> Five departments are responsible for carrying out these specific missions. They are: the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics and Computer Science and Physics.

Tubman University
The Computer Science and Engineering Program are designed to provide the educational requisites in the training of men and women for the degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering. The courseware focuses on solving problems related to computers that produce each graduate a broad skill in both software and hardware specifically in computing systems. In addition, it is a self-motivated discipline across different fields in mathematics, science, and engineering that provides a foundation and dedicated knowledge that is needed to scrutinize, design, and gauge system software, and utility programs. <mark>This will also allow students to solve and develop a hardware and software solutions in different areas of application provided with different methodologies and techniques on how information is derived, stored, operated, and linked. Students will experience to gain access in different resources plus the real scenario approach on their hands-on exercises in the laboratory.</mark> BSc in Computer Science and Engineering is a five year program and considered as one of the exciting fields of study today due to rapid growth and changes in technology including a demand for a computing experts locally and internationally. At the same time, the students will be encouraged to take a variety of industry certification such as A+, Microsoft, Cisco, etc. to strengthen their credentials. In the near future, this program will also cater a post graduate degree.

Kofi Annan University of Guinea
At Kofi Annan University in Guinea, the training of state engineers (or design engineers) is organized over five years . The 1 st and 2nd years (4 semesters) constitute the preparatory cycle , devoted to lessons in common core and placed under the responsibility of a Director in charge of this cycle. At the end of the preparatory cycle , students begin the Engineering cycle , which goes from the 3 rd to the 5 th year; it brings together five streams, each managed by a program director (head of stream), streams in which students are oriented according to their interests and aptitudes (cf. below a). <p></p> Computer Engineering is one of them. Its vocation is to <mark>train computer engineers who, in addition to mastering (like the computer scientist) the methods of designing and developing computer systems (hardware and software), have basic technical training and in-depth knowledge. structure of computers, their interfaces and networks.</mark> <p></p> The 5th year is organized in two concentrations: <br> - Information Technology and Software Development Concentration <br> - Networking Concentration <br><br> Networking deals with the design, analysis, implementation, use and management of both computer networks and the applications that use them . <br><br> Conditions of access to the preparatory cycle <br><br> Justify a bachelor's degree in mathematical or experimental sciences, or a diploma deemed equivalent; have successfully passed the admissions procedure; pay tuition fees. <br><br> Admission requirements for the Computer Engineering course <br><br> This course is open to students who have: <br> <br> - successfully completed the preparatory cycle; <br> - obtained a bachelor's degree in computer engineering (or an equivalent diploma) and would like to continue their studies for the state engineer diploma. <br><br> Admissions on a case-by-case basis , on file, can also be pronounced for the benefit of students with: <br> - validated two years of scientific studies after the baccalaureate (Bac +2); br> - started (but not completed) an engineering course in another institution. <p></p> Opportunities <br> Because of the general nature of his training, the computer engineer is present in all sectors of activity where computers are needed; it has the possibility of intervening wherever the interfacing of computers with other non-computer elements is necessary, in particular in the sectors: <br> - ICT (telecommunications services, online services, advanced electronics, embedded systems, robotics, etc.), <br> - industry (automotive, aeronautics, agri-food, electromechanical, etc.), <br> - commerce, banking... <br> The professions offered by this sector cover a wide range: <br> <br> - Information System Architect, <br> - systems designer, <br> - software developer, <br> - IT Auditor, Quality Engineer, <br> - IT Project Manager, <br> - Systems and network architect, <br> - Administrator of systems, networks or databases… <p></p> Computer engineering engineers thus have the opportunity to work in almost all national and multinational companies operating in Guinea. <p></p> Organization and content of the training <br><br> The training takes place over three years (six semesters) and includes the completion of a graduation project during the sixth semester. During the training course, two internships are compulsory during the holidays; they allow students to apply their knowledge and develop their skills.

Jean Piaget University
The curricular structure of the 1st cycle of studies in Informatics Engineering has a flexible design, combining mobility and employability. The graduate acquires a solid basic training, being able to choose to enter the labor market or to continue studies at the level of the 2nd cycle of studies. <p></p> The degree, in the model of three years and 180 credits, is structured on a solid and structuring basis in Computer Engineering Sciences and related and complementary areas, <mark>preparing students for the current challenges of the job market, with skills to work from the from design to maintenance of IT systems and technological projects.</mark> <p></p> The curricular plan, as a result of the option of including UC of a more applied nature, favors an applied Computer Engineering profile, so that future graduates acquire multidisciplinary and teamwork skills, always bearing in mind the social, economic and legal implications. resulting from the use of computer science and technologies.

Universidade Lusófona da Guiné
The essential objective of this study cycle is to train graduates capable of assuming prominent positions in computer engineering projects or development and consultancy teams in the area of information systems, assuming relevant roles in the generation of innovation and wealth through their training and attitude. In this sense, <mark>students obtain the appropriate skills to design, implement and maintain computer systems, programming applications and systems, designing computing and communications architectures, managing information and knowledge systems, as well as understanding and solving problems. </mark> <p></p> Reasons to attend: <br> - Access a professional status with high market potential, through a recognized profile with strong technological and human skills, ensuring a high degree of employability and the possibility of continuing 2nd cycle studies with excellent prospects for success. <br> - Enjoy excellent teaching based on a quality teaching staff, integrating specialists and PhDs with high pedagogical potential and proven activity in research. <br> <mark>- Have access to various internships and business training throughout the course, within the scope of the different partnerships developed by DEISI, enhancing employability as well as a high level of qualification before completion of the course.</mark> <br> - Being able to carry out the Final Course Work inserted in innovative projects, due to the fact that a majority of its teaching staff is associated with ECATI Research Centers or DEISI's partner companies. <br> - Take advantage of the PLAY Business Incubation Center, which guarantees support for the ideas of the most enterprising young students, boosting their transformation into successful companies. <br> - Course recognized by the Order of Technical Engineers.

Njala University
Computer science is one of the most core elements of information and communication technology. It is among the most challenging exciting areas of research and development. Computer and communication technologies are the most rapidly changing technologies in their advancement over times as a result of which these areas as fields of study needs continuous revisions and modifications in the method and content. <p></p> Computers play a major role in shaping the information or the knowledge age. They are also becoming essential in almost all activities of human life. Furthermore, with the decline in the price of computer hardware, nations, organizations and individuals that couldn't afford to have computers some years back can now afford to acquire them. However, the acquisition of the hardware is just one step towards computerization. The most important step is to be able to use them properly. <p></p> <mark>This necessitates for a high number of skilled computer scientists who will develop the necessary applications for the computers, who will administer the computer systems and who will decide on computer system acquisitions of the organizations and all automation processes in general.</mark> <p></p> Institutions, enterprises, organizations and companies in all sectors, public and private, are directly or indirectly being affected by the overwhelming information flow around the world. The effect goes down to small businesses and even to individuals. Every such unit should be equipped with tools that enable it to survive in such a dynamic world. Ethiopia is no exception and we must get ready to cope up with the influence of the knowledge age in our day-to-day life.

University of Management and Technology
UNIMTECH is known for its technology and this school serves as a pillar for the university. Our goal is to integrate computing, telecommunication, information, and data science in every aspect of UNIMTECH’s undergraduate education, research, programs, and activities. As a school, we always thrive to be at the forefront of 21st-century science and technology and how best we can use these tools in the advancement of our society. Our environment encourages critical thinking and practical education to better enhance and prepare our graduates for roles in diverse areas in society. <p></p> With excellence and marketable undergraduate programs, the School of Technology is a well comprehensive and collaborative program. <p></p> Overview and Learning Outcomes <br> The Computer Science Department strives to provide a high-quality degree, through our curriculum and environment. The department creates a community that is welcoming and encouraging to all UNIMTECH students. The department offer curriculum and promoting learning experiences (with the aid of excellent computing resources) that will prepare future graduates to either enter graduate school or the workforce directly after graduation. The field of technology is always changing and competitive moreover in this case, our graduates will be prepared to be life-long learners so that they preserve current skills and knowledge in a rapidly changing world. <p></p> Students will: <br> - <mark>Improve in the art of problem solving, an essential skill for life. Students study the design, development, and analysis of software and hardware used to solve problems in a variety of business, scientific, and social contexts. Because computers solve problems to serve us, so there is a significant human side to computer science as well.</mark> <br> - Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions. <br> - Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline. <br> - Recognise professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.

University of Makeni
The Bachelor of Information Technology course equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyse, design and develop computer-based solutions to business problems. IS professionals work with IT and must have sound technical knowledge of computers, communications, and software, but must also understand organisational systems and their functions within organisations. This course therefore teaches concepts and processes for achieving organisational goals with information technology. <mark>In addition to sound technical knowledge and organisational understanding, it also seeks to equip students with systems thinking skills, the ability to analyse business problems, communication skills, and teamwork skills in both face-to-face and virtual settings.</mark>

University of Sierra Leone
The Bachelor of Information Technology course equips students with the knowledge and skills related to the selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies, and prepares them to meet the computer technology needs of business, government and other organisations. As a discipline, IT emphasizes designing and developing user centered technologies that meet human needs and enhance the user experience. This encompasses information assurance and security, as well as the management of complexity through abstraction and modelling, best practices, patterns, standards, and the use of appropriate tools. <mark>This degree course therefore produces graduates skilled in problem solving and programming, networks and communications systems, databases, Internet and Web technologies, security and project management, and gives them a strong grasp of business concepts, communication skills and ethical and societal issues in IT.</mark>

Legacy University
The goal of the department is to produce quality graduates in the field of Engineering who are professional in both theoretical and practical knowledge that meet international manpower requirement. Develop a department of repute for training of graduate and postgraduate students that are employable, enterprising and self-reliant. <mark>Ensure that staff and students are ICT compliant and programme to be ICT driven. To produce graduates who are innovative and versatile in issues concerning technology and built environment. To equip such graduates to handle the management, procurement, monitoring and control of all resources related to the built environment. To develop in the graduates with relevant information technology skills, in order to enable them proffer intelligent solutions, advice and suggest alternative economic options, including the legal, political and social costs of such alternatives. </mark>To positively contribute to high quality research in all aspects of the technology of the built environment.

International Open University
The B.Sc. in Information Technology program prepares students to meet the information and communication technology needs of government, business, healthcare, universities, and other kinds of organizations. Information Technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunication systems to produce, manipulate, store, organize, retrieve, and transmit data. It involves development, installation, implementation, management, and maintenance of computer hardware and software within companies, universities, and other organizations. <p></p> <mark>IT graduates assume the responsibility of the development and selection of the appropriate computer hardware and software products and systems for an organization; and the installation, customization, implementation, management, and maintenance of such products and systems for the organization’s computer users. </mark> <p></p> The International Open University joins worldly IT knowledge and Islamic knowledge in this exciting program. Hence, we’ve created a unique opportunity for students to fulfill their religious duty of seeking and sharing knowledge while securing worldly benefits. In today’s society, computers and information technology touches almost every aspect of modern life. Thus, learning IT is a magnificent way, that a person can contribute to his/her society. <p></p> The B.Sc. in Information Technology program features carefully designed courses that are based on web systems and technologies, multimedia systems and designs, computer communication and networks, systems and network administration, network security, software engineering, databases, data warehousing, system integration and architecture, information systems, and human computer interaction.

American International University West Africa
The College of Management & Information Technology (CMIT) is established to meet the challenging demands of employers in Africa by offering American style undergraduate programs in Business & Computer Engineering. The program and curriculum is developed based on content & quality to those offered at institutions in USA. <p></p> MISSION: CMIT's mission is to provide affordable world-class education through teaching, learning, scholarships and community service to students from all over Africa. <p></p> VISION: CMIT's vision is to be a premier accredited institution of higher education which is recognized, valued and respected on the continent for its excellence in education, accessibility & affordability. <p></p> <mark>GOALS: To contribute to the further development on the continent by developing well qualified professionals through quality education in Business & Information Technology degrees & diploma program.</mark> <p></p> OBJECTIVES : <br> Objective of this degree program is: <br>a) To prepare competent computer professionals specializing as Web Designer, Database User, Assistant Programmer, Coder, Designer of a System and LAN implementer. <br> b) To enable and facilitate pursuing advanced degree programs. <br> The successful completion of the program enables students to be a competent computer professional resulting in <br> 1. Strong knowledge and skill base of the followings from the core field : <br> - Programming methodology & techniques <br> - Web designing <br> - LAN and Internet <br> - Databases <br> - Application packages and their uses. <br> 2. Communication skills <br> 3. Ability to work in a team <br> 4. Logical and numerical ability

University Of The Gambia
The School of Communication and Information Technology (ICT) educates students to apply state of the art information technology to solve real world communication problems in a socially responsible way. In addition to the technical knowledge and skills they master, graduates of the School of Information and Communications Technology excel in communication and innovative problem solving. <p></p> The school of ICT is well resourced with highly trained academic staff motivated to deliver with excellence. The school has a modern computer lab, with high quality internet connectivity and is open to all students for their practical. Students can spend considerable amount of time doing research at the lab and have lecturers for guidance at their disposal. <p></p> <mark>The course provides an overview of current changes in information technology and their impact on organizations. This is a capstone course for information systems minors and will integrate material from all required courses and the respective changes that have taken place. This class uses many learning styles to achieve its purpose. The class is based on assigned readings, presentations by business leaders, classroom discussions, hands-on user of technology, research and presentation.</mark>

Adama Science and Technology University
The mission of the Computer Science and Engineering CSE program is to provide students with a broad and flexible education in computer science and engineering, to prepare its graduates for rapidly changing technological fields, and give them a sound basis for professional practice, advanced education, active citizenship, and lifelong learning. <mark>The students are prepared to expand this knowledge through research into new technologies, design methods, and analysis techniques that link the knowledge with multi- disciplinary fields and advance the state of the art. With a knowledge of contemporary technological issues and their impact globally, economically, and environmentally, computer scientists and engineers are at the forefront of advances that continually transform society.</mark>

Federal University of Technology, Minna
Federal University of Technology, Minna is also known as FUTMINNA. This engineering school has trained some of the best engineers who are the pride of Nigeria today <p></p>Vision: <br> To be a leading academic center of excellence in Computer Science <mark>providing both software and hardware expertise and solutions that will shape the Information and Communication Technology landscape both nationally and internationally.</mark> <p></p> Mission: <br> The Department of Computer Science will build and develop human capacity to high level through comprehensive educational programs, research in collaboration with industry and the government, dissemination through scholarly publications, and services to professional societies, the community, the state, the nation and the world at large.

Mountain Top University
The department offers a unique educational opportunity for students of Computer Science, Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence to achieve excellence through vigorous classes, practical classes, and participation in cutting-edge ICT research. Also, the Mathematics students are being trained with up-to-date knowledge and skills in Mathematics for research and application purposes. <p></p> <mark>Our research activities are focused on developing knowledge and research that can make a direct contribution to society. The results of our research are implementable for societal usages and global impacts. Our students are given opportunities to attend conferences, seminars and workshops and become co-authors of articles that are published in top-rated journals.</mark> Many of our undergraduates are empowered in such a way that they can compete with other students from any part of the world, and they also take on postgraduate studies in any area of Mathematics and Computer Science. <p></p> A good feature of our department is the good community life and a good relationship that exists between staff and students. Our students’ rendezvous and study in our amazing environment and get to know our staff personally.

Rivers State University
The Department of Mathematics at the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu – Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt was established in August 1980. In order to lay down a firm and stable foundation of our science and technology, the actual work of the Department is to train students in both Pure and Applied Mathematics. Over the years, it has metamorphosed to include Computer Science and Statistics and now bears the name Department of Mathematics/Computer Science. <p></p> The objectives of the programme are: <br>i. to instill in students a sense of enthusiasm for Mathematics/Computer Science and its applications in different areas of human endeavour <br><mark>ii. to develop in students special mathematical/Computational skills for solving variety of theoretical and practical problems in that exists in nature</mark> <br>iii. to develop students with knowledge and skills base from which they can proceed to specialized areas in Mathematics or Computer Science or multi-disciplinary areas involving mathematics and computation

Babcock University
The department provides the education and variety of skills necessary to succeed within high technology environments in industry, society and the church, and for software and hardware design, manufacture and maintenance in this decade. <mark>Through projects involving real life applications, students are given broad background knowledge of the technological enterprise system within a framework of moral and ethical guiding principles. </mark>

African University of Science and Technology
After successful completion of the M.Sc program, students are expected to be fully equipped to play leading roles on the technical side of the IT industry or to pursue a PhD. The Computer Science MSc/Ph.D programs at AUST <mark>provide the students with a strong background in the fundamentals of theory of computation, algorithms and data structures, programming methodology and mainstream computer languages, computer elements and architecture, numerical and symbolic computations and applications.</mark> In addition to the basic courses, students are introduced to important and current research areas in Artificial Intelligence, Visualization and High Performance Computing (HPC), Database and Information Systems, Architecture, Parallel Computing and Systems, as well as Scientific Computing.

Usmanu Danfodiyo University
The programme is designed to provide training in the theory, principles and application of computer science in order to produce graduates with efficient practical knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of the global Information Technology drive. <mark>The programme covers various aspects of the field including: programming languages, artificial intelligence, systems analysis and design, communications and networking, computer graphics and information technology.</mark> Graduates of the programme will serve in public institutions and private enterprises including financial institutions, software industries, oil companies, research centers, manufacturing industries, health and educational institutions and self-reliance in software development and applications in information technologies. <p></p> The objectives of the programme are to: <br> - create in students the enthusiasm for computer science and its capabilities; <br> - equip the students with intellectual stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying; <br> - provide a broad based knowledge and skills in computer science; <br> - prepare students to acquire industrial work experience; <br> - <mark>equip students with transferable skills in information technology;</mark> <br> - instill in students an appreciation of the application of computer in an industrial, economic, technological and social context; and <br> - prepare students for higher studies and professional advancement in computer science and related disciplines.

Benue State University
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers students opportunity to be well grounded in the areas of Mathematics and Computer Science. <mark>On successful completion of any of the programmes, the graduate of the Department is expected to work effectively in any area of Mathematics and / or Computer Science as may be applicable to his discipline.</mark> Other main objectives of the Department are: <br> • To provide the much needed manpower in the area of Mathematics & Computer Science <br>• To render services to the entire University especially to related disciplines such as Mathematics Education, Physical Sciences, Management Sciences and Social Sciences. <br>• To promote and encourage active research in the area of Mathematics, Computing and allied disciplines. <br>• To provide courses and supervise research leading to higher degrees of the University. <br>• To achieve and maintain a good level of academic excellence.

Ebonyi State University
The Department of Computer Science desires to train mission-oriented computer science experts who will upon graduation, become competent professionals able to relate their studies to practical real-life situations. This has to be so since the computer has become a potent force in our society and therefore requires responsible people with clear understanding of what constitute correct and gainful computer applications. <p></p> The major objective here may be summarised as follows: <br> - <mark>To develop competent people who will take part in the continuing development of the computer technology.</mark> <br> - To contribute in meeting the increasing demands for acquisition of Information and Computer Technology (ICT) know how. <br> - To train people who can readily be self-employed as well be employers of labour. <br> - To produce responsible graduates who satisfies both the NUC requirements and the society expectations of a computer professional

University of Ilorin
The vision of the department of computer science is to be committed to the University's mission in the four areas of teaching, learning, research and community services. <mark>To educate students in both theory and practice so as to be able to analyze, design, implement, test and evaluate software solution to real world problems including appreciating the value of efficient design created to meet clearly developed requirements.</mark> <p></p> At the end of their programme, students will be able to:<br> 1. Acquire strong theoretical and practical skills in Computer Science in order to work in any IT-driven environment. <br>2. Understand and apply the underlying principles of Computer Science to a variety of problem domains. <br>3. <maek>Work in groups and appreciate the dynamic and collaborative nature of problem solving.</mark> <br>4. Blend their Computer Science abilities with skills specific to another domain for solving problems in that domain. <br>5. Embark on lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.

University of Calabar
To Produce high quality graduates and scholars in focal areas of learning with <mark>theoretical, practical and entepreneurial skills for the world of work in conducive environment through quality research and teaching.</mark> <p></p> To be a centre of excellence producing globally competitive graduates and contributing significantly to development through research</h6></p>

American University of Nigeria
The B.Sc. Program in Computer Science is designed with core courses that provide breadth and depth in the field, along with a strong theoretical component as a foundation for good software engineering and information systems. <p></p> The program includes courses in the sciences and mathematics; general education requirements in the humanities and an in-depth sequence of specialized computer courses. <p></p> <mark>The program provides a balance of both theory and practice in core courses covering both software and hardware through integrated lectures, laboratory sequences and individual and group projects often with direct application in the community or region.</mark>

University of Uyo
The department contributes to the mission and vision of the University in training of undergraduate and graduate students with requisite skills needed to solve complex technological problems of modern society and the attainment the millennium development goals. Current research focus includes Software engineering, Soft computing, Computational Intelligence, Communications Networks and Theoretical Computing. <p></p> The philosophy of the Department is centered on producing adequate and efficient manpower in the field of Computer Science and Information and communication technology through effective teaching methods and collaborative/ interdisciplinary research. <mark>The programme is designed to solve the immediate needs of the society as well as train personnel that will graduate to fit perfectly well into the knowledge based economy either as a player or a contributor as well as being readily employable.</mark>

Adekunle Ajasin University
The Department of Computer Science evolved to become a unique academic unit in the production of highly trained graduates in Computer Science and Information Technology since the year 2003. The Department is growing with well resourceful and dedicated academic and non academic staff on ground, who are committed to high standard of teaching, mentoring and research. At present, there are about 400 students at various levels in the Department and the department has turned out graduates who have excelled in different spheres of life: both in private/public parastatals in and outside the country. Our Graduate and Postgraduate programmes are <mark>designed to expose students to both basic and applied courses in computing and information technology as well as industrial training to enable them stand, side by side with shoulders high, with their colleagues from elsewhere and satisfy the manpower needs in the public and industrial sectors of the economy.</mark> The department has continued to play its role in the task of training competent Computer Scientists and other related experts for national manpower needs and technological development. In fact, I feel proud to say that many of our products are occupying important positions in IT, Communication, Oil, Banking, and Manufacturing Industries both at home and abroad today.

Bayero University
The focus of the department is to lead in the advancement of computer science by equipping faculty and students with competency resources necessary to study and use in industry, academia, and government and to <mark>prepare the students for a globalised technological society by equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to solve the complex technological problems of modern society</mark>

Landmark University
The Department offers the following undergraduate inter-disciplinary programs: Computer Systems Engineering, Symbolic Systems, and Mathematical and Computational Sciences. The Department of Computer Science is a center for research and education at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Strong research groups exist in areas of artificial intelligence, robotics, foundations of computer science, scientific computing, and systems. Basic work in computer science is the main research goal of these groups, but there is also a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research and on applications that stimulate basic research. <p></p> Although knowing how to program is essential to the study of computer science, it is only one element of the field. <mark>Computer scientists design and analyze algorithms to solve programs and study the performance of computer hardware and software. The problems that computer scientists encounter range from the abstract– determining what problems can be solved with computers and the complexity of the algorithms that solve them – to the tangible – designing applications that perform well on handheld devices, that are easy to use, and that uphold security measures.</mark>

Federal University of Technology Akure
The School of Computing is committed to being the recognised leader for competitive, innovative, and market-responsive computing education. Through this commitment coupled with aligning strategically with the university mission to promote technological advancement by providing conducive environment for research, teaching and learning which engenders development of products that are technologically–oriented, self-reliant and relevant to society, <mark>the School develops focused, trend-setting multidisciplinary research excellence with national, regional and international recognition through diverse research areas in which all its staff are currently part of for partnerships and collaborations.</mark> The School is renowned for innovative research and academic standard and strive to solve national, regional and global problems using information technology as an enabler to societal digital transformation.

Iya Abubakar Institute of ICT Ahmadu Bello University Zaria
Our mission is to be an ICT centre of excellence with modern computing facilities and manpower to support teaching, research and learning in the university and country at large. Our vision is <mark>to deploy state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure and groom ICT-savvy personnel in various specialty areas to support teaching & learning, research and other services.</mark>

University of Port Harcourt
The B.Sc programme is designed to instill in graduates, sound and critical understanding of the concepts and methodologies in Computer Science that meet current and anticipated needs of the society in these subject areas. <mark>Training is geared towards subject specific knowledge complemented with the acquisition of skills and field experiences that adequately prepare the graduate for self-employment, work in relevant government organizations and/or in the private sector as well.</mark> The training covered by the programme includes but is not restricted to the basics of ICT communication and people skills; emphasis on problem solving modules leading to acquisition of entrepreneurial skills relevant to the 21st century graduate, industry and society. At the end, the graduate is fully equipped for graduate work as well as being competent to apply basic scientific logic in the management of human and other natural resources in a sustainable manner.

Covenant University
The vision of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences is to be rated among the top-ranked academic departments in the world within a very short time through commitment to excellence in teaching, research and innovative community engagements. Our aim is to produce top graduates in the disciplines of Computer Science and Management Information System, <mark>who will be globally competitive and well equipped to make valuable contributions both locally and internationally.</mark> <p></p> Our students will be equipped with the necessary tools that will strategically position them in the cutting edge of computing knowledge and applications, making them capable of making significant contributions to the society. We specifically aim at the following: <br> - <mark>to produce top quality and competitive graduates of Computer Science and Management Information System that are in high demand in the industry</mark> <br> - to develop the entrepreneurial aptitudes and potentials of our students through product-oriented research endeavors that are beneficial to the society, thereby entrenching in them the ethos of contribution. <br> - to train highly competent graduates who are imbued with the drive for excellence, innovation and creativity, and having capacity for intellectual distinction both in the academia and in the industry. <br> - to raise students with strong intellectual and moral orientation who will be valuable citizens, and new generation of leaders in the society.